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There are no controls! How do I use this browser?

You might want to read about the default keybindings.

Why not just use Vimperator?

Mozilla Firefox (and also its variants like Iceweasel) gets worse with every version. It behaves like a molasse by now.

Where are my back, forward and reload buttons?

Vimprobable aims at being efficient to use with the keyboard (because that is where the user's hands are anyway). Please refer to the list of keybindings below or use the right-click menu.

No password saving, sessions,... what the fuck?

Minimum features. This is exactly the kind of things which made Firefox unusable.

No tabs?

Managing windows is a window manager's job. Vimprobable is not one. Any fullscreen or tiled WM will provide the features you are looking for natively. Alternatively, you can fall back to a third-party solution like tabbed since Vimprobable supports the XEmbed protocol.

How do I use Vimprobable within tabbed?

In config.h (or config.def.h if config.h doesn't exist yet), replace "surf" with "vimprobable" (or "vimprobable2"). Some people have reported problems with spawning the browser within tabbed (Ctrl+Shift+Return). That is an issue of tabbed, not Vimprobable. As a workaround, you can launch tabbed using a wrapper script like this:

tabbed=$(tabbed -d); vimprobable2 -e $tabbed "$@"

As of tabbed 0.3, you can pass the application to launch directly from the command line:

tabbed vimprobable2 -e

How will I know if a website is genuine without a phishing filter?

To paraphrase Infocom: Use the world's most powerful processor available - the brain.

How can anyone live without Adblock?

Just set up Privoxy or a similar proxy. Alternatively, adsuck will provide a solution on DNS basis.

Does Vimprobable have NoScript?

Yes. It is called

:set scripts=false

I can't enter data into forms on some websites. Instead, the regular keybindings are triggered.

This usually happens when a website uses non-standard form elements. Set the browser to PASS THROUGH mode (Ctrl+Z) manually.

The right-click context menu does not copy things / I cannot paste into Vimprobable from the clipboard

Most likely, you are running into an issue of non-synchronised clipboards. To cut a long story short, both X and GTK have their own clipboards. You can use certain tools to automatically keep then synchronised and therefore solve these issues.


A small GTK application which extends the clipboard to multiple entries and offers a synchronisation option; configurable using an intuitive point & click dialogue.


autocutsel -fork
autocutsel -fork -selection PRIMARY

Google is right there on top of the list of the most evil IT companies of the whole world. If you can't live without Google search results, nobody is preventing you from adding it to the search engines or even setting it as default (apart from concern for your soul's well-being).

Google/OtherPseudoTrendyWebsite doesn't work!

Most likely, they are using the browser's [UserAgent] string to determine its capabilities using a whitelist. Set yours to something they might know and recognise.

Differences between Vimprobable 1 and 2

Both versions are actively maintained. The first version can only be customised by editing config.h before compiling. It is pretty stable and very usable. Version 2 has grown fairly stable already as well, but it's still seeing bigger changes, of course. It aims at allowing more customisation, for example through :set and :map commands.

Vimprobable 2 Features

The following features are only found in Vimprobable2:

  • :set command to change settings at runtime
  • :map command to change and create keybindings
  • Config file containing browser commands (set & map)
  • Webinspector support


Wiki: Home
Wiki: Keybindings
Wiki: UserAgent