
_Let_ the data begin!

The let command isn't too complex but the data table behind it and how that table is associated with the symbol table... seems confusing right now.

Let's see - how should the program:

Dim AString as String
Let AString = "Test"

be parsed?

Well, Dim already works by entering the symbol AString into the symbol table with the type StringSymbol.

The next step is to create a data gathering symbol association class. What should that look like?

Class Assignment : Inherits Instruction
    Dim AsgnSymbol As DictionaryEntry
    Dim AsgnData As Object

    Sub New(Symbol as DictionaryEntry, Data As Object)
        AsgnSymbol = Symbol
        AsgnData = Data
    End Sub

End Class

... and that's it for now!

Posted by Dominick 2011-12-26

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