

Guilhem BONNEFILLE Rob Norris


  • Bing Aerial/Bird's Eye maps: Done {{gitcommit|9f58c4b4841869d578c2047cd4774179a8919fa7}}
  • Improved Track Properties DONE {{gitcommit|7b624086bf47aa56b1e9d1395afb9e67ccd540e9}} (Last of a series of 23 commits)
  • KML Support: DONE {{gitcommit|ba9d0a00bb9c614423562381e6edca2a33d28b54}}
  • Improved Single Item Selection: DONE {{gitcommit|aa7ed888d46aee6812e45655ec04bdde7224f929}} (Last of a series of 21 commits)
    • Highlighted layer, track or waypoint is coloured in a configurable colour in the viewport
    • Can select via the treeview
    • or via a NEW TOOL - 'Select' that enables selection by left clicking on the viewport
    • Selects waypoints in preference to trackpoints (since there can be many trackpoints, but likely to be fewer however 'more important' waypoints)
    • Layer irrelevant selection of track or waypoints
    • Right click menu of track available in viewport (previously only waypoint menu was)
    • Edit Trackpoint / Show Picture functions available in the right click menu
    • Ability to select waypoint by clicking within the thumbnail image boundary (if thumbnail present).
    • To move track or waypoint, one needs click on the highlighted item again and then drag around - this is to prevent accidental movement of the item when selecting it for the first time
    • As with previous edit tools, holding a modifier key whilst dragging automatically moves to another existing point (to aid lining items up)
    • Control key will snap to nearby trackpoints
    • Shift key will snap to nearby waypoints
    • [new] Can snap back to the items original position
      • [DELAYED] add escape key press to cancel current move operation - potential improvement
    • [DELAYED] _ I'm considering completely removing the 'Edit Waypoint', 'Edit Trackpoint' and maybe 'Show Picture' toolbar facilities as the select tool supersedes them all, as the old ones are limited to the TRW layer selected._- potential improvement
  • [DELAYED] Improved Track Creation git code in progress [User:robbieonsea]
  • [DELAYED] Proper Route Support git code in progress [User:robbieonsea]
    • Move to a later release e.g. 1.3, since this would be much better with the control of upload/download of the GPX subtypes - track,route,waypoints. This is also in work but no one seems that worried about it other than myself, so it can wait.
  • [DELAYED] Rename Magic Scissors to Route Finder git code in progress [User:robbieonsea]
  • Confirmation Required on all Delete operations (especially as there is no Undo feature ATM). Thus enable quick delete via keyboard keypad delete, some delete all methods and also a way to delete multiple items in one go (as a workaround as there is no multi-selection ATM) DONE {{gitcommit|a6a4825cea0542b900aaaf9b0857485a7d7691ad}} (Last of a series of 8 commits)
    • Deleting multiple items is very useful as KML import produces one waypoint per trackpoint - which IHMO is not very useful and generally you'll want to get rid of them - as tracklog from a days outing is often over 1000 points.
  • Various smaller SourceForge feature requests DONE as much as intended for 1.2