
Maven coordinates

  • Dmitry Obada

    Dmitry Obada - 2014-08-26


    I'm working for some projects which use maven. We intensively use VI Java API in order to perform different kind of operations on vSphere. Is it possible to upload the latest artifact of VI Java into maven central repository ? I checked this link : and it contains only a very old (from 2012) artifact :

    Would be great to keep it always up to date.

    Thank you

  • shavi71

    shavi71 - 2014-09-22

    We have been waiting on the same too.

    For the time being, we have included the VI Java 5.5 jar within our project and referred the same in maven's pom.xml as relative path. Something like below:


    The other option is to setup your local maven repo and place your jar files. Then let pom.xml refer to the local repo instead of the public copy.



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