
Viewmol / News: Recent posts

Viewmol 2.4.1 has been released

Viewmol 2.4.1 is a bug fix release for Viewmol 2.4. It adds support for Gaussian 03 outputs and fixes a number of smaller problems.

Posted by Jörg-Rüdiger Hill 2004-11-14

Mac OS X version for Viewmol

A Mac OS X version for Viewmol 2.4 has been made available as a pre-compiled package.

Posted by Jörg-Rüdiger Hill 2004-02-14

Viewmol 2.4 has been released

The following new features have been added in this release:
- support for open shells in Gamess and Turbomole outputs
- support for periodic wave functions
- the ability to read grid data and visualize them
- the ability to read PQS outputs
- the ability to read the Bravais matrix for defining unit cells
- the ability to generate input files for Gaussian
- the ability to save drawings as PNG files and Postscript bitmaps
- extended configuration for the display of spectra
- script to set atom colors through the user interface
- UFF geometry optimization using Turbomole's UFF module
- the ability to make Python scripts install themselves in a menu
- automated test scripts
- user interface in Hungarian and Polish
- support for Mac OS X

Posted by Jörg-Rüdiger Hill 2003-11-12