
Viet-OCR windows GUI-frontend for Tesseract-OCR 3.02 engine

Richard C
  • Richard C

    Richard C - 2012-12-02

    Hi Quan,

    I have a new Windows 7 (64 bit computer) and installed the
    latest version of Tesseract 3.02 in c:/tesseract-ocr folder
    and installed latest version of viet-ocr and copied
    "deu-frak.traineddata" into viet-ocr tessdata folder.

    When I try to ocr a page I get error message
    OCR operation
    "Attempted to read or write protected memory.
    This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt."

    Any help is appreciated



    Last edit: Richard C 2012-12-02
  • Quan Nguyen

    Quan Nguyen - 2012-12-02

    Hi Richard,

    I guess that you're using the .NET version, which still has the old Tesseract 3.01 engine (it will be updated as soon as the third-party library becomes available). Language data for 3.02 version is not backward compatible with 3.01. You should download using the built-in menu item to get the compatible language data.

    FYI, the Java version has the new Tesseract 3.02 engine.

    Let me know if that will solve the problem. Thanks.



    Last edit: Quan Nguyen 2012-12-02
  • Richard C

    Richard C - 2012-12-02

    Hi Quan,

    I used this
    Run ocr.bat

    seems to be bug in open files of type ? there is no type suffix but that did not seem to stop it from working though.

    It works after copying trained data file to c:/tesseract-ocr/tessdata

    kind regards



    Last edit: Richard C 2012-12-02

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