
Some suggestions for comic OCR

Hac Le
  • Hac Le

    Hac Le - 2022-12-07

    Hi, thanks for the software, it works pretty well.
    I have some suggestions, hope that it will get into the upcoming update. I mostly use the app to extract text from comic. After i draw the box, I would like it to automatically OCR that region without the need to press the button, and it will also auto select all the text, so that I can use other feature like Delete line break, and also auto copy everything to clipboard. I don't know if that's too much to ask but the app Capture2Text I previously use have all of those features. I just draw the box and all text automatically go into clipboard, no need to press any more buttons, but its OCR sucks though.
    So again, thanks for your hard work.

  • Quan Nguyen

    Quan Nguyen - 2023-01-30

    Thanks for the input. It's certainly doable but does not seem like typical usage. I'm not familiar with Capture2Text, which probably is designed for that niche, specific workflow.

    Best regards.

  • Hac Le

    Hac Le - 2023-01-31

    Hi, thanks for your feedback.
    I think you can add some options in the setting, so that people can opt in or opt out some features, like "always delete line break", "always convert to lower case" or "always copy text to clipboard". That would make the workflow faster.
    Currently, I have to use another software to record mouse clicks and key strokes, so that it can play back the actions and I don't have to do those repetitive tasks.
    And again, thanks for your software, it really saves me a lot of time ^..^

  • Quan Nguyen

    Quan Nguyen - 2023-02-01

    It appears that Capture2Text uses Tesseract engine as well (not sure which version); thus I would think it would produce the same output.

    PS: Someone has put in a request for them to upgrade the OCR engine to the latest Tesseract version. You may want to up vote the ticket so they put more attention to it.


    Last edit: Quan Nguyen 2023-02-01

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