
Preconditioner and solver setup to solve a case using boost::numeric::ublas/CPU/openMP?

  • tario

    tario - 2017-08-25


    there's something incorrect with the setup of the preconditioner and solver I think. I keep getting compile errors. I tried to follow this example ( but I can't get it right

    Note: This is my base implementation to get the interface right, it's supposed to compute the case on the CPU using OpenMP. GPU computing will be the next step.

    // Solve case using ViennaCL 
        uint n = psi.size();
        boost::numeric::ublas::compressed_matrix<scalar> ublas_matrix(n,n); // create matrix
        ldu2vcl(matrix, ublas_matrix); // load external matrix into ublas_matrix
        boost::numeric::ublas::vector<scalar> vcl_psi(n); // x
        boost::numeric::ublas::vector<scalar> vcl_source(n); // rhs
        // Set solver tolerance and maximum iterations
        viennacl::linalg::cg_tag cg(tolerance_, maxIter_); 
        // Set preconditioner
        typedef viennacl::linalg::ilut_precond< 
                            boost::numeric::ublas::compressed_matrix<scalar> > ublas_ilut_t;
        ublas_ilut_t ublas_ilut(ublas_matrix, viennacl::linalg::ilut_tag());  
        // Solve the linear system
        vcl_psi  = solve(ublas_matrix,   //using ublas objects on CPU
                         ublas_ilut_t); // error?

    What's wrong here?


  • Karl Rupp

    Karl Rupp - 2017-08-25

    It's hard to tell without the error message. Can you please provide the first couple of compiler error lines? Did you include the relevant headers (cf. example)?

    Also note that when using ublas, there is no benefit from OpenMP, as ublas doesn't use OpenMP for its operations.

  • tario

    tario - 2017-08-26

    Then I'm mislead.

    Which configuration offers OpenMP support on the CPU? Is there an example?

  • tario

    tario - 2017-08-26

    Here are the relevant compiler error lines, others are warnings about old-style-type-cast:

    vclPCG.C: In member function ‘virtual Foam::solverPerformance Foam::vclPCG::solve(Foam::scalarField&, const scalarField&, Foam::direction) const’:
    vclPCG.C:167:31: error: invalid use of non-static member function
    ldu2vcl(matrix, vcl_matrix); // load external matrix into vcl_matrix
    vclPCG.C:177:64: error: no matching function for call to ‘viennacl::linalg::ilut_precond<viennacl::compressed_matrix<double> >::ilut_precond()’
    viennacl::compressed_matrix<ScalarType> > vcl_ilut_t;
    In file included from vclPCG.C:32:0:
    viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/ilut.hpp:415:3: note: candidate: viennacl::linalg::ilut_precond<viennacl::compressed_matrix<T, AlignmentV=""> >::ilut_precond(const MatrixType&, const viennacl::linalg::ilut_tag&) [with NumericT = double; unsigned int AlignmentV = 1u; viennacl::linalg::ilut_precond<viennacl::compressed_matrix<T, AlignmentV=""> >::MatrixType = viennacl::compressed_matrix<double>]
    ilut_precond(MatrixType const & mat, ilut_tag const & tag)
    viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/ilut.hpp:415:3: note: candidate expects 2 arguments, 0 provided
    viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/ilut.hpp:410:7: note: candidate: viennacl::linalg::ilut_precond<viennacl::compressed_matrix<double> >::ilut_precond(const viennacl::linalg::ilut_precond<viennacl::compressed_matrix<double> >&)
    class ilut_precond< viennacl::compressed_matrix<NumericT, AlignmentV=""> >
    viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/ilut.hpp:410:7: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 0 provided
    viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/ilut.hpp:410:7: note: candidate: viennacl::linalg::ilut_precond<viennacl::compressed_matrix<double> >::ilut_precond(viennacl::linalg::ilut_precond<viennacl::compressed_matrix<double> >&&)
    viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/ilut.hpp:410:7: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 0 provided
    vclPCG.C:179:16: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘vcl_ilut’
    vcl_ilut_t vcl_ilut(vcl_matrix, ilut_conf);
    vclPCG.C:179:47: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
    vcl_ilut_t vcl_ilut(vcl_matrix, ilut_conf);
    vclPCG.C:185:23: error: ‘vcl_ilut’ was not declared in this scope
    vclPCG.C:187:55: warning: use of old-style cast [-Wold-style-cast]
    solverPerf.finalResidual() = (ScalarType)cg.error();
    vclPCG.C:188:53: warning: use of old-style cast [-Wold-style-cast]
    solverPerf.nIterations() = (ScalarType)cg.iters();
    /opt/openfoam5/wmake/rules/General/transform:25: die Regel für Ziel „Make/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/vclPCG.o“ scheiterte
    make: *** [Make/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/vclPCG.o] Fehler 1

    The main program code is:

    #define VIENNACL_WITH_OPENMP // enables execution on multiple CPU cores via OpenMP backend
    #include "vclPCG.H"
    // ViennaCL
    #include "viennacl/vector.hpp"
    #include "viennacl/linalg/detail/ilu/ilut.hpp"
    #include "viennacl/linalg/cg.hpp"
    #include "viennacl/compressed_matrix.hpp"
    typedef double    ScalarType;
    // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
    namespace Foam
        defineTypeNameAndDebug(vclPCG, 0);
    // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
        const word& fieldName,
        const lduMatrix& matrix,
        const FieldField<Field, scalar>& interfaceBouCoeffs,
        const FieldField<Field, scalar>& interfaceIntCoeffs,
        const lduInterfaceFieldPtrsList& interfaces,
        const dictionary& solverControls
    // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
    // Convert matrix from LDU format to original format, storing only nonzero values
    void ldu2org
        const Foam::lduMatrix & matrix, 
        uint* rows, // row and column indexes must be unsigned int for OpenMP and CUDA and cl_uint for OpenCL
        uint* cols, // column                                        
        ScalarType* vals // values                                   
        int k = 0; // Index to fill lower triagonal part, diagonal part and upper triagonal part successively into one array
        // Fill original format matrix arrays with nonzero values
        // Fill original format matrix with lower triangle
        for (int i=0; i < matrix.lower().size() ; i++) 
            rows[k] = matrix.lduAddr().upperAddr()[i];
            cols[k] = matrix.lduAddr().lowerAddr()[i];
            vals[k] = matrix.lower()[i];
        // Fill original format matrix with diagonal
        for (int i=0; i < matrix.diag().size(); i++) 
            rows[k] = matrix.lduAddr().upperAddr()[i];
            cols[k] = matrix.lduAddr().lowerAddr()[i];
            vals[k] = matrix.diag()[i];
        // Fill original format matrix with upper triangle
        for (int i=0; i < matrix.upper().size() ; i++) 
            rows[k] = matrix.lduAddr().lowerAddr()[i];
            cols[k] = matrix.lduAddr().upperAddr()[i];
            vals[k] = matrix.upper()[i];
    void ldu2vcl
        const Foam::lduMatrix & matrix, 
        viennacl::compressed_matrix<ScalarType> & vcl_matrix
        uint nnz = matrix.lower().size() + matrix.upper().size() + matrix.diag().size(); // number of nonzero values (nnz)
        // Allocate memory for original sparse matrix 
        uint * rows = (uint *)calloc(nnz, sizeof(uint)); // rows
        uint * cols = (uint *)calloc(nnz, sizeof(uint)); // columns
        ScalarType * vals = (ScalarType *)calloc(nnz, sizeof(ScalarType)); // values
        ldu2org(matrix,rows,cols,vals); // row, column, value is the default order when adding values to an vcl_matrix
        // Fill the compressed vcl_matrix
        for (uint i=0; i < nnz; i++)
        vcl_matrix(rows[i],cols[i]) = vals[i];
        // Free and release memory of for original sparse matrix
        free(rows); free(cols); free(vals); //colloc()  
    Foam::solverPerformance Foam::vclPCG::solve
        scalarField& psi,
        const scalarField& source,
        const direction cmpt
    ) const
        // --- Setup class containing solver performance data
        solverPerformance solverPerf
            lduMatrix::preconditioner::getName(controlDict_) + typeName,
    // Solve case using ViennaCL 
        uint n = psi.size();
        viennacl::compressed_matrix<ScalarType> vcl_matrix; // create matrix
        ldu2vcl(matrix, vcl_matrix); // load external matrix into vcl_matrix
        viennacl::vector<ScalarType> vcl_psi(n); // x
        viennacl::vector<ScalarType> vcl_source(n); // rhs
        // Set solver tolerance and maximum iterations
        viennacl::linalg::cg_tag cg(tolerance_, maxIter_); 
        // Set preconditioner
                        viennacl::compressed_matrix<ScalarType> >  vcl_ilut_t;
        vcl_ilut_t vcl_ilut(vcl_matrix, ilut_conf);
        // Solve the linear system
        vcl_psi  = solve(vcl_matrix,     //using viennacl objects on GPU
        solverPerf.finalResidual() = (ScalarType)cg.error();
        solverPerf.nIterations() = (ScalarType)cg.iters();
        return solverPerf;
  • Karl Rupp

    Karl Rupp - 2017-08-26

    Thanks! So in line 177 you are missing a typedef:

    typedef viennacl::...    vcl_ilut_t;

    The first error in line 167 might be a problem with function visibility, but I'm not entirely sure.

  • tario

    tario - 2017-08-28
    Thank you, that helped and at the moment there's one error left:
    clPCG_solve.C:47:37: error: ‘ilut_conf’ was not declared in this scope
     vcl_ilut_t vcl_ilut(vcl_matrix, ilut_conf);
     What's the correct syntax for that?.
  • Karl Rupp

    Karl Rupp - 2017-08-28

    You need to declare the configuration tag. That is, either replace ilut_conf with viennacl::linalg::ilut_tag() or declare

    viennacl::linalg::ilut_tag ilut_conf;

    before line 47.


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