
Hangs when converting more than 3 files

  • MoonDogg

    MoonDogg - 2010-01-22

    Mac Mini 2.53 (late 09) Snow Leo 10.6.2  VM 0.5

    I have been converting TV shows and when I try to convert more than 3 at a time it hangs some where on the 4th one.  Anyone else have this issue?

    Also side question what is the best title format for TV episodes for tbdb to reconize the season and episode number on the first shot.

    And how to get it to lookup the meta information on load or search all like it did in 0.4?  I tried in the preferences and it does not work… and when I click on search all.. that does not work either. 


  • Andrew Basti

    Andrew Basti - 2010-01-24

    I haven't been able to nail down exactly when it hands, but I've had a tv show series that I've been trying to convert for the past 3 days… 12 episodes and overnight it always hangs either 2 or 3 in most of the time.

  • Chris Marrin

    Chris Marrin - 2010-01-24

    I've been going through looking for memory leaks and other issues. I've fixed a few things and now I have successfully encoded 12 videos in one run. So I think I've got it. I will be sending out an update in the next few days. After I get a couple more things taken care of.

  • MoonDogg

    MoonDogg - 2010-01-24

    Awesome… Thanks.

  • MoonDogg

    MoonDogg - 2010-01-24

    OH btw…  regonizes episodes in the format SXEXX  as in "Show Name 312.avi" was how mine was… changing it to "Show Name" S3E12.avi made it find all the meta data in one try.    I used renamer4mac to do this. Just an FYI for anyone else needing this..

  • MoonDogg

    MoonDogg - 2010-01-24

    ooops.. apparently I have 0.6 and I was looking for the features of 0.5  from my original post… 

  • grfxninja

    grfxninja - 2010-01-31

    Same problem here - When converting TV shows (or smaller files) it generally gets through 3 then hangs half way through the 4th.
    I can only ever convert 2 full length movies at a time too

  • Andrew Basti

    Andrew Basti - 2010-02-12

    Any update on this? Not rushing you obviously, just eagerly awaiting the update to fix this problem.

  • MoonDogg

    MoonDogg - 2010-02-12

    I reverted back to 0.5 and compiled my own version of ffmpeg and it works beautifully.   I was able to convert 96 episodes in one shot.. and faster than before with my new compiled version of ffmpeg got it 64bit and multiprocessing with mmx, sse, & etc optimizations.  

  • grfxninja

    grfxninja - 2010-02-24

    err… can I get that in english moondog :P
    step by step instructions would be really handy ;)

  • Chris Marrin

    Chris Marrin - 2010-02-24

    I would love to know how you created a better version of ffmpeg as well. I would add it to the release as soon as possible.

  • MoonDogg

    MoonDogg - 2010-02-25

    Well I compiled it with a SVN copy not the 0.5 release version.  Also I added a few things like pthreads for multi threading and compiled it for 64bit.  That will not work with everyone's computers as not all are 64bit.  I did put a step by step in another thread… I will copy it over here…

  • MoonDogg

    MoonDogg - 2010-02-25

    Sure… First I figured out everything I wanted to compile with it. So I decided I wanted to use these additional components
    libx264, FAAC, FAAD & lamemp3. I think all you need for video monkey is libx264. You will also need the yasm assembler for one of these components.

    So you will have to download and compile each of these additional components separately before you compile ffmpeg.

    Download tarball from here:
    Open terminal, and change directory that tarball makes, then input this into terminal.
    make && sudo make install

    lame MP3:
    Get the latest tarball from
    open terminal
    go to the directory that the tarball make after opening it. And perform the follwoing terminal commands
    make && sudo make install

    FAAC & FAAD:
    download the bootstrapped tarballs from here
    open terminal and change the directory the tarballs make and put in the following commands.
    make && sudo make install

    You will need the git installer for OS X get it here:
    The you will need to "git" libx264
    git clone git://
    In terminal will make a directory x264 and download the source code for it. Then do this:
    cd x264
    make && sudo make install

    Now you can get and combile ffmpeg:

    Get the latest svn release by putting the folowing into terminal:
    svn checkout svn:// ffmpeg

    This is also going to make a sub directory in whatever directory you are in when you put that command in terminal.
    Next to this:
    cd ffmpeg
    ./configure -arch=x86_64 -enable-nonfree -enable-pthreads -enable-runtime-cpudetect -enable-libfaac -enable-libfaad -enable-libmp3lame -enable-libx264
    make && sudo make install

    Then hemsatmj mentioned :

    One side note, the included build of ffmpeg does have a few other flags you might want to include assuming video scaling and filters get turned on in future versions:
    -disable-ffplay -disable-ffserver -enable-gpl -enable-postproc -enable-avfilter -enable-avfilter-lavf -enable-libvorbis -enable-libtheora -enable-libxvid

    Just a heads up. Obviously you'll need to download/compile these as well!

    So my final config looked like this..  :

    ./configure --arch=x86_64 --enable-nonfree --enable-pthreads --enable-runtime-cpudetect --enable-libfaac --enable-libfaad --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libx264 --enable-libvorbis --enable-libtheora --enable-gpl --disable-ffplay --disable-ffserver --enable-postproc --enable-avfilter --enable-avfilter-lavf  --enable-libxvid

    AND… you have to ffpresets from the Video Monkey source before compiling if you want them to work…

  • MoonDogg

    MoonDogg - 2010-02-25

    oops…. have to copy the ffpresets from the video monkey source to the ffmpeg source folder before compiling..

  • MoonDogg

    MoonDogg - 2010-02-25

    BTW I am also using the SVN 330 for Video Monkey with my ffmpeg.. and it works great…  

  • grfxninja

    grfxninja - 2010-02-25

    Thanks moondog.

    I can use terminal for simple stuff, but I reckon this might be a bit over my head :P

    I'll wait to see what happens with the normal release
    Thanks again

  • Chris Marrin

    Chris Marrin - 2010-02-26

    Yeah, All this should be able to be done in the existing script. I'll get to it soon, but Moondog, please feel free to update the script if you have the chance.

  • MoonDogg

    MoonDogg - 2010-02-26

    Chris.. I don't know what I am doing wrong..but I updated the script.. made a new tarball for the latest svn of ffmpeg… and no matter what I do if I try to compile it with the script it does not work.. but if I do it without the script it works.  You have any idea's?


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