
Metadata completely broken in 0.7?

  • Sean

    Sean - 2010-03-31

    I know there were some issues around the metadata in 0.6, but there were some workarounds in place to get it going again. None of these workarounds would "stick" for me, they would work until I closed VideoMonkey, and then stop working the next time I opened the app.  I upgraded to 0.7 today hoping this would be fixed, but it's worse than before.  Now I can't get any metadata to load.  I'm stuck keeping 2 copies of the program around, with a 2-step process: Run the current version to convert my files, and then run the resulting files through a copy of 0.5 which had the last stable metadata tagging.

    Anyone else having metadata problems or have any suggestions as to a workaround/fix?

  • Chris Marrin

    Chris Marrin - 2010-03-31

    The first step is to submit a bug. How is it worse? In the bug, please show the steps that cause problems and tell me how that problem doesn't happen in 0.5. Background metadata search is new in 0.7, so I really want to work the issues out of it…

  • nekogami13

    nekogami13 - 2010-03-31

    How is it worse?
    It doesn't work at all now.
    Steps to cause problem-open the program and drag a file into it-immediately throws up error message. Error message says to check the logs for more info, but there is nothing in the logs.

    I deleted the whole thing and redownloaded the .6 version.

  • Sean

    Sean - 2010-03-31

    I didn't open a bug report right off the bat because I wanted to see if anyone else had the issue or it was just me.  Apparently other people see it too.  As I mentioned I can't get any metadata to load now.  Not when I drag something into the window, and not when I go into the Info panel, or when I try changing the search location drop down on the Info panel.  I have only once seen an error message pop up that said check the Console, but since then I have always checked the console, and it always has the message "Unable to read metadata for <TV Show>".  And the TV show I've being trying as my test file works perfectly in 0.5.

    I can start a bug report if you want, and if there is anything more you want me to do for extra logging/debug info just let me know and I'll give it a shot.


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