I believe visualhub was able to read the file for it's dimensions and insert the appropriate -padtop and -padbottom to convert the input files to tivo's accepted formats.
It would also be great if it output the *.properties file where it would usually be setting the tags for iTunes:
Where abc.properties contents are like:
#Mon Jun 01 12:00:00 EDT 2009
description=TV/Movie/Episode Desc/Actors/Air Date/Format etc. here
title=Title as appears in tivo's Now Playing list here
Either read the desc & title info from the input file (if it's tagged), from web DB's ( if TV/Movie) or the ability to hand enter the desc & title for each file in the queue if it's your own source.
I also still use VH with an saved advanced setting for converting to 720p for the Apple TV.
So an HD option for Apple TV would be great.
And yes, I have both TiVo and Apple TV, so checkboxes instead of radio buttons/dropdowns would be excellent... sometimes I'd like to convert the same video to both formats.
I use the TiVo mainly, but the Apple TV is much easier to unplug and take with you.
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
I've always used VisualHub for TiVo conversions.
With a new HD TiVo, I want 720p conversions or better when I have the source (Nikon D90, etc).
I'm stuck doing it manually now:
if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
echo " Usage: $0 input_file output_file"
ffmpeg -y -i "$1" -b 16000k -s 1280x720 -r ntsc -threads 8 -vcodec mpeg2video -g 15 -bf 2 -maxrate 16M -bufsize 1024k -async 50 -acodec mp2 -ar 48000 -ac 2 -ab 128k -f vob "$2"
I believe visualhub was able to read the file for it's dimensions and insert the appropriate -padtop and -padbottom to convert the input files to tivo's accepted formats.
It would also be great if it output the *.properties file where it would usually be setting the tags for iTunes:
Where abc.properties contents are like:
#Mon Jun 01 12:00:00 EDT 2009
description=TV/Movie/Episode Desc/Actors/Air Date/Format etc. here
title=Title as appears in tivo's Now Playing list here
Either read the desc & title info from the input file (if it's tagged), from web DB's ( if TV/Movie) or the ability to hand enter the desc & title for each file in the queue if it's your own source.
I also still use VH with an saved advanced setting for converting to 720p for the Apple TV.
So an HD option for Apple TV would be great.
And yes, I have both TiVo and Apple TV, so checkboxes instead of radio buttons/dropdowns would be excellent... sometimes I'd like to convert the same video to both formats.
I use the TiVo mainly, but the Apple TV is much easier to unplug and take with you.