T. - 2009-06-02

I've always used VisualHub for TiVo conversions.

With a new HD TiVo, I want 720p conversions or better when I have the source (Nikon D90, etc).

I'm stuck doing it manually now:


if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
  echo "  Usage: $0 input_file output_file"
  ffmpeg -y -i "$1" -b 16000k -s 1280x720 -r ntsc -threads 8 -vcodec mpeg2video -g 15 -bf 2 -maxrate 16M -bufsize 1024k -async 50 -acodec mp2 -ar 48000 -ac 2 -ab 128k -f vob "$2"

I believe visualhub was able to read the file for it's dimensions and insert the appropriate -padtop and -padbottom to convert the input files to tivo's accepted formats.

It would also be great if it output the *.properties file where it would usually be setting the tags for iTunes:


Where abc.properties contents are like:
#Mon Jun 01 12:00:00 EDT 2009
description=TV/Movie/Episode Desc/Actors/Air Date/Format etc. here
title=Title as appears in tivo's Now Playing list here

Either read the desc & title info from the input file (if it's tagged), from web DB's ( if TV/Movie) or the ability to hand enter the desc & title for each file in the queue if it's your own source.


I also still use VH with an saved advanced setting for converting to 720p for the Apple TV.

So an HD option for Apple TV would be great.


And yes, I have both TiVo and Apple TV, so checkboxes instead of radio buttons/dropdowns would be excellent... sometimes I'd like to convert the same video to both formats.

I use the TiVo mainly, but the Apple TV is much easier to unplug and take with you.