Matthew - 2010-02-01

A few requests for auto-fill on the show info panel.

- The way iTunes handles TV shows, it will put the show name as "Artist" and "Album Artist", and "<show name>, Season <season #>" as the "Album".
- When actually passing data to Atomic Parsley, if only one description field is being offered in the info panel, then it should be passed as both "Description" and "Long Description" to properly display in iTunes.
- The release date field is actually a time and date field, if you just send the date, it assumes 00:00:00Z, which translates to one day earlier for most of the Western Hemisphere.  General convention seems to be to pass date as YYYY-MM-DDT12:00:00Z
- Side request, and I don't know who else does this, but I like to set the disk number to season number.  That way when iTunes renames them, you get Season-Episode  Episode Name.
