
videoIO on Mac OS X

  • lvdmaaten

    lvdmaaten - 2009-08-04

    I'm trying to get videoIO to run on Mac OS 10.5.7 (Intel) using GCC 4.0.1 and Matlab 7.6.

    I removed all old versions of ffmpeg and installed the last version from SVN as described in the installation instructions. Then, I had to make some minor code edits in order to get everything to compile: e.g., globally replaced sighandler_t into sig_t and added some missing casts from int to PointFormat. Then I added the following in

    } elsif ($arch eq "-maci") { # Mac Intel
        print "-m32";

    I think I should use m32 here right, and not m64? The only problem I could not get fixed is a problem with the script not finding my ffmpeg libraries:

    ./ --libs
    Could not find ffmpeg's avformat library

    I thought I could circumvent this problem by manually editing the Makefile to get the right settings:

    FFMPEG_LINK        := -L /usr/local/lib/libavcodec.dylib -L /usr/local/lib/libavformat.dylib -L /usr/local/lib/libswscale.dylib -L /usr/local/lib/libavutil.dylib

    Everything then actually compiles and links, but videoIO crashes while running the tests, presumably because it cannot resolve the links to the ffmpeg libraries:

    ??? Error using ==> feval
    Unexpected Standard exception from MEX file.
    What() is:basic_string::_S_construct NULL not valid

    Error in ==> videoReader.videoReader at 151
      vr.handle = feval(vr.plugin, 'open',vr.handle, ...

    I tried to resolve this problem by static linking in ffmpeg by changing the Makefile to:

    FFMPEG_LINK        := -L /usr/local/lib/libavcodec.a -L /usr/local/lib/libavformat.a -L /usr/local/lib/libswscale.a -L /usr/local/lib/libavutil.a

    But then I get a strange error while linking:

    ld: absolute addressing (perhaps -mdynamic-no-pic) used in _put_signed_pixels_clamped_mmx from /usr/local/lib/libavcodec.a(dsputil_mmx.o) not allowed in slidable image. Use '-read_only_relocs suppress' to enable text relocs
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

        mex: link of ' "videoReader_ffmpegDirect.mexmaci"' failed.

    I guess the best way to go is to try and get the ./ to actually recognize my ffmpeg installation. Any thoughts on how to get this done? Or any other thoughts on how to proceed?

    • Gerald Dalley

      Gerald Dalley - 2009-08-04

      I'm glad to see a Mac user daring enough to try to get this to work.  I've never used a Mac for more than a few minutes, so I'll have to make some guesses.  For the -m32 versus -m64, you'll need to know whether you have 32-bit or 64-bit Matlab (and you'll want to have the corresponding bitness for ffmpeg if you want to keep life easy).  Try running the videoIoSysInfo script and look at the "arch" variable.  Note that the current build system tries to be smart enough to even let you use 32-bit ffmpeg with 64-bit Matlab, under limited circumstances.

      It looks like .dylib is Mac's equivalent to .so, based on what you have listed above.  In that case, edit and look for ("so","a") in findUsrLib.  Add a "dylib" option to the beginning of the list (so it's preferred over static libs).

      If you're going to modify FFMPEG_LINK directly, use -L for directories and -l for actual libraries.  For example, to use the dylibs, use "-L/usr/local/lib -lavcodec -lavformat -lswscale". 

      The reason it's crashing with the dylibs is because the C++ standard library isn't getting linked (based on the error message you included...basic_string is a core part of C++'s standard lib).  On some platforms, it's linked by default, but apparently it's not linked for you by default for some reason. actually does try hard to hunt down all the required dependencies.  On linux, this is handled via the 'findUsrLib($option,0, "", "z","dl","m");' line and the "`nm ..." calls.  We may need to expand the set of libraries being searched.  We'll discuss that option once we get to recognize the ffmpeg libs. 

      As for the static linking problem, you should be able to statically link, but you've just bumped into an annoying problem with static libs on 64-bit machines.  The whole binary being built must make a decision on whether to be "relocatable" or not.  Being relocatable adds a lot of flexibility, but it reserves one CPU register for the relocation address (thus possible reducing performance).  We need to be relocatable for some technical reasons.  If you want to statically link, you'll need to rebuild ffmpeg's static libs with relocation turned on.  With gcc on linux, this is done by adding -fPIC to CXX_FLAGS and C_FLAGS. 

      My preference would be to get to work, as you suggest.  That way others can benefit too. 

      Well, actually my absolute preference would be to redo the build system to use autotools, but that's a long-term and low-priority job...

    • lvdmaaten

      lvdmaaten - 2009-08-04

      Ok, I edited the to hunt for dylibs, and it works now. It was checking whether the architecture was correct in findUsrLib, and the check was only implemented for Linux. Also, it assumed folders like /usr/lib32 and /usr/lib64, which are simply called /usr/lib on OS X. Here's the results of running

      Macintosh-10:videoIO laurens$ ./ --libs
      -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/lib -lavformat -lavcodec -lavutil -lswscale -lz -ldl -lm
      Macintosh-10:videoIO laurens$ ./ --staticlibs
      /usr/local/lib/libavformat.a /usr/local/lib/libavcodec.a /usr/local/lib/libavutil.a /usr/local/lib/libswscale.a /usr/local/lib/libz.a
      Macintosh-10:videoIO laurens$ ./ --arch
      Macintosh-10:videoIO laurens$ ./ --cflags
      -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include -m32
      Macintosh-10:videoIO laurens$ ./ --rpath

      That looks all fine to me!
      Then, I edited to Makefile to not explicitly specify the architecture to, as the maci architecture is not implemented there (so it calls as I do in the example above).

      But now, when I clean and rebuild, the linker quits without proper error message:

      Macintosh-10:videoIO laurens$ make
      /Applications/Matlab/bin/mex -c CC=g++ CXX=g++ LD=g++ ARCH=maci CXXFLAGS\#'-O2 -g -I. -fPIC -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -m32 -o echo.mexmaci.o' echo.cpp
      /Applications/Matlab/bin/mex -c CC=g++ CXX=g++ LD=g++ ARCH=maci CXXFLAGS\#'-O2 -g -I. -fPIC -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -m32 -o mexClientDirect.mexmaci.o'  mexClientDirect.cpp
      /Applications/Matlab/bin/mex -c CC=g++ CXX=g++ LD=g++ ARCH=maci CXXFLAGS\#'-O2 -g -I. -fPIC -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -m32 -o debug.mexmaci.o' debug.cpp
      /Applications/Matlab/bin/mex -cxx CC=g++ CXX=g++ LD=g++ ARCH=maci CXXFLAGS\#'-O2 -g -fPIC -m32 -Wl,-rpath=/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib' echo.mexmaci.o mexClientDirect.mexmaci.o debug.mexmaci.o -output echoDirect.mexmaci
      collect2: ld terminated with signal 11 [Segmentation fault]

          mex: link of ' "echoDirect.mexmaci"' failed.

      I manually tried to compile with -m64 and -arch i386 instead of -m32 inside CXXFLAGS, but that did not help much. Any thoughts on what's next?

      • Gerald Dalley

        Gerald Dalley - 2009-08-05

        It looks like we're making some good progress.  After we're all done, it would be nice to have a final copy of your modified

        I did some poking around on the web for the collect2 error message.  The consensus for such error messages is that one of 3 things is happening: (1) there's a hardware bug (unlikely, IMHO), (2) there's a bug in the version of ld you're using (seems extremely likely), or (3) the files supplied to ld are bad and a bug in ld's error checking is causing the segfault (seems to be the most likely).  Is there a way you can upgrade your binutils package?  It seems that 2.18 is much more stable than 2.16.

        A few other things to do: (1) run videoIoSysInfo and send me the videoIoSysInfo.txt file that it creates.  Often this helps me find tricky problems.  (2)  Take the failed call to mex and run it directly in your shell, but add a "-v" option.  Post the results.  This will give us some extra details about what exactly is being done.

        I was about to suggest that you try buildVideoIO inside Matlab, but it looks like you already have done so.  Sometimes this makes things better, sometimes it makes them worse.  Matlab ships with its own version of gcc, etc.  I wouldn't be surprised if it has its own copy of ld.  It would still be interesting to investigate some of the issues I mentioned above so we can come up with a robust solution.  I'll answer the buildVideoIO post next.

    • lvdmaaten

      lvdmaaten - 2009-08-04

      Curiously, using buildVideoIO in Matlab instead of make in the Terminal resolved that problem! Everything now compiled successfully.

      However, when running testAll I get the same error as before:

      ??? Error using ==> feval
      Unexpected Standard exception from MEX file.
      What() is:basic_string::_S_construct NULL not valid

      Error in ==> videoReader.videoReader at 151
        vr.handle = feval(vr.plugin, 'open',vr.handle, ...

      Any thoughts on how to get the standard library to be linked in?

    • Gerald Dalley

      Gerald Dalley - 2009-08-05

      Answer to the buildVideoIO post...

      It looks like Matlab's version of gcc and/or binutils (ld) is working better than Apple's, but the std c++ library is not being linked. 

      Quick thing to try... run each of these:
      Do both result in the problem you're seeing?

      The current problem is most likely due to one of two things.  (1) the standard c++ library may not be linked for some odd reason or (2) it is linked, but LD_LIBRARY_PATH may not be working correctly.  Problem #2 is the more likely.  Matlab tends to do some crazy stuff with the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. 

      Try adding /usr/local/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH before launching Matlab.  If you use bash, this can be done via:
          export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
      Try running the tests again.

      If that fails, we'll try a quick hack: add "-lstdc++" to the linker options, at the end (order is important).  At least on Linux, that's the

      If that fails, then it's time to try to hunt down the actual library where basic_string is defined.  At least on Linux, this can be done by hunting through likely directories using the "nm" and "objdump" commands.  I can go into more detail if we have to resort to this method.

    • lvdmaaten

      lvdmaaten - 2009-08-05

      It turns out my LD_LIBRARY_PATH was empty indeed. I simply set it in Matlab: setenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '/usr/local/lib');

      Both standardTestBatteries now terminate with a different error. The standardTestBattery('ffmpegDirect') is actually running for quite some time, claiming it runs doFullRead and doMultiFullReadTest on all movies, but when it gets to doMultiFullReadTestOnAllLoadables it exits. The standardTestBattery('ffmpegOpen2') exit pretty much right away, also at doMultiFullReadTestOnAllLoadables. Here's the error message I get:

                                    "intersection147.25fps.xvid.avi" (or more likely its codec) is not fully compatible with videoReader...     not tested (Error using ==> videoReader_ffmpegPopen2\nEOF found while trying to read the communication tag.  The server process probably died.  String so far: ""    Function: int VideoIO::readMessageHeader(FILE*)\n    File    : pipecomm.h\n    Line    : 306)
                                    "intersection256.25fps.xvid.avi" (or more likely its codec) is not fully compatible with videoReader...     not tested (Error using ==> videoReader_ffmpegPopen2\nEOF found while trying to read the communication tag.  The server process probably died.  String so far: ""    Function: int VideoIO::readMessageHeader(FILE*)\n    File    : pipecomm.h\n    Line    : 306)
                                    "intersection300.10fps.ffdshowXvid.avi" (or more likely its codec) is not fully compatible with videoReader...     not tested (Error using ==> videoReader_ffmpegPopen2\nEOF found while trying to read the communication tag.  The server process probably died.  String so far: ""    Function: int VideoIO::readMessageHeader(FILE*)\n    File    : pipecomm.h\n    Line    : 306)
                                    "intersection300.10fps.wmv3.avi" (or more likely its codec) is not fully compatible with videoReader...     not tested (Error using ==> videoReader_ffmpegPopen2\nEOF found while trying to read the communication tag.  The server process probably died.  String so far: ""    Function: int VideoIO::readMessageHeader(FILE*)\n    File    : pipecomm.h\n    Line    : 306)
                                    "intersection300.10fps.xvid.avi" (or more likely its codec) is not fully compatible with videoReader...     not tested (Error using ==> videoReader_ffmpegPopen2\nEOF found while trying to read the communication tag.  The server process probably died.  String so far: ""    Function: int VideoIO::readMessageHeader(FILE*)\n    File    : pipecomm.h\n    Line    : 306)
                                    "intersection300.25fps.xvid.avi" (or more likely its codec) is not fully compatible with videoReader...     not tested (Error using ==> videoReader_ffmpegPopen2\nEOF found while trying to read the communication tag.  The server process probably died.  String so far: ""    Function: int VideoIO::readMessageHeader(FILE*)\n    File    : pipecomm.h\n    Line    : 306)
                                    "intersection300.orig.revel.avi" (or more likely its codec) is not fully compatible with videoReader...     not tested (Error using ==> videoReader_ffmpegPopen2\nEOF found while trying to read the communication tag.  The server process probably died.  String so far: ""    Function: int VideoIO::readMessageHeader(FILE*)\n    File    : pipecomm.h\n    Line    : 306)
                                    "numbers.3ivx.avi" (or more likely its codec) is not fully compatible with videoReader...     not tested (Error using ==> videoReader_ffmpegPopen2\nEOF found while trying to read the communication tag.  The server process probably died.  String so far: ""    Function: int VideoIO::readMessageHeader(FILE*)\n    File    : pipecomm.h\n    Line    : 306)
                                    "numbers.divx611.avi" (or more likely its codec) is not fully compatible with videoReader...     not tested (Error using ==> videoReader_ffmpegPopen2\nEOF found while trying to read the communication tag.  The server process probably died.  String so far: ""    Function: int VideoIO::readMessageHeader(FILE*)\n    File    : pipecomm.h\n    Line    : 306)
                                    "numbers.uncompressed.avi" (or more likely its codec) is not fully compatible with videoReader...     not tested (Error using ==> videoReader_ffmpegPopen2\nEOF found while trying to read the communication tag.  The server process probably died.  String so far: ""    Function: int VideoIO::readMessageHeader(FILE*)\n    File    : pipecomm.h\n    Line    : 306)
                                    "numbers.uncompressed.rgba.avi" (or more likely its codec) is not fully compatible with videoReader...     not tested (Error using ==> videoReader_ffmpegPopen2\nEOF found while trying to read the communication tag.  The server process probably died.  String so far: ""    Function: int VideoIO::readMessageHeader(FILE*)\n    File    : pipecomm.h\n    Line    : 306)
                                    "numbers.wmv3.avi" (or more likely its codec) is not fully compatible with videoReader...     not tested (Error using ==> videoReader_ffmpegPopen2\nEOF found while trying to read the communication tag.  The server process probably died.  String so far: ""    Function: int VideoIO::readMessageHeader(FILE*)\n    File    : pipecomm.h\n    Line    : 306)
                                    "numbers.x264.10fps.avi" (or more likely its codec) is not fully compatible with videoReader...     not tested (Error using ==> videoReader_ffmpegPopen2\nEOF found while trying to read the communication tag.  The server process probably died.  String so far: ""    Function: int VideoIO::readMessageHeader(FILE*)\n    File    : pipecomm.h\n    Line    : 306)
                                    "numbers.x264.29_97fps.avi" (or more likely its codec) is not fully compatible with videoReader...     not tested (Error using ==> videoReader_ffmpegPopen2\nEOF found while trying to read the communication tag.  The server process probably died.  String so far: ""    Function: int VideoIO::readMessageHeader(FILE*)\n    File    : pipecomm.h\n    Line    : 306)
                                    "numbers.x264.30fps.avi" (or more likely its codec) is not fully compatible with videoReader...     not tested (Error using ==> videoReader_ffmpegPopen2\nEOF found while trying to read the communication tag.  The server process probably died.  String so far: ""    Function: int VideoIO::readMessageHeader(FILE*)\n    File    : pipecomm.h\n    Line    : 306)
                                    "numbers.x264.avi" (or more likely its codec) is not fully compatible with videoReader...     not tested (Error using ==> videoReader_ffmpegPopen2\nEOF found while trying to read the communication tag.  The server process probably died.  String so far: ""    Function: int VideoIO::readMessageHeader(FILE*)\n    File    : pipecomm.h\n    Line    : 306)
      ??? Error using ==> videoReader_ffmpegPopen2
      EOF found while trying to read the communication tag.  The server process probably died.  String so far:
      ""    Function: int VideoIO::readMessageHeader(FILE*)
          File    : pipecomm.h
          Line    : 306

      Error in ==> videoReader.videoReader at 151
        vr.handle = feval(vr.plugin, 'open',vr.handle, ...

      And here's the results from running videoSysInfo:






        -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include -m32

        -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/lib -lavformat -lavcodec -lavutil -lswscale -lz -ldl -lm


        Java 1.5.0_19 with Apple Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM mixed mode, sharing







        ProductName:    Mac OS X
      ProductVersion:    10.5.7
      BuildVersion:    9J61

      ??? Undefined function or variable "field".

      Error in ==> videoIoSysInfo>printStruct at 139
        if isempty(field)

      Error in ==> videoIoSysInfo at 113
        printStruct(info, 1);

      So it seems like one of the two plugins is pretty much working; at least it reads in frames. What's the difference with the ffmpegPopen2-plugin? Any speed differences / different features / etc.? Is the EOF error somehow fixable?

      • Gerald Dalley

        Gerald Dalley - 2009-08-05

        Did you run videoIoSysInfo after the setenv call, or before it?

        Don't worry about the "is not fully compatible" messages right now.  It's important information to know as a user, but it's presented poorly in the current version.  I'm slowly working on presenting it better.  The basic point is that the underlying codecs are not required to be correct...they can do things like guess the right file location when you ask it to seek to a specific frame.  They can also decode the exact same same frame differently depending on things like past seeks and its guess as to how much of a hurry you are in.

        Did you get any error message from the ffmpegDirect plugin?  It would be very helpful.  If it's crashing and killing Matlab, you might be able to run Matlab without a GUI so you can still see the messages.  On linux, you can launch Matlab via "matlab --nodesktop"

        I'll have to try to figure out why videoIoSysInfo is dying.  Do you know what version of Matlab you have? 

        The two plugins have exactly the same backend, but they are built differently and have a different communication protocol with Matlab.  ffmpegDirect is built the way one would normally build a MEX function.  Matlab calls a specially-named C++ function called "mexFunction", which eventually calls the ffmpeg libraries.  Everything is bound up together in a shared library, the MEX function (i.e. the *.mex* files on a Mac are really *.dylib files with renamed extensions).  ffmpegDirect is technically the most efficient way to run videoIO.

        I created the ffmpegPopen2 plugins a while ago because I kept running into a few issues.  First, from time to time, ffmpeg has been buggy and could crash an application, especially when one uses the subversion version instead of the official releases.  The other problem is that ffmpeg and libraries it relies on are built with the system's gcc, but Matlab was built with its own version of gcc.  Sometimes this causes nasty conflicts when you try to load a shared library built with one version of gcc into an application built with a different version of gcc that's incompatible (gcc makes breaking changes every few years).  In both cases, a solution is to have a very thin shared library act as the MEX function and then build a separate full-fledged executable to do the real work.  The MEX function launches the backend application and communicates with it through a pair of pipes.  Pipes are basically fake file handles...the MEX function writes to a fake file handle and the backend reads commands from that handle whenever they show up.  popen2 is the system call to start an executable and grab the pair of pipes (one for reading, one for writing).  If a bug in the backend (either my fault or ffmpeg's) causes a crash, then the server app dies, but Matlab keeps on ticking.  Also, the two versions of gcc basically only need to be compatible enough to successfully call popen2 and handle read and write operations properly.  The downsides of the popen2 architecture are that it's slightly slower (but not enough to notice) and when the backend crashes, it's hard to get error messages out of it...the backend sends them, but sometimes it dies and shuts down the pipes before the MEX function has a chance to read them.

    • lvdmaaten

      lvdmaaten - 2009-08-05

      I see. Debugging the ffmpegPopen2 sounds horrible indeed; I remember using pipes once to communicate between C++ and JavaScript: big mess!

      Well, I can at least use the direct implementation for now (I need speed anyway)...

      I did the videoIoSysInfo after the setenv. I use Matlab 7.6 (R2008a). The ffmpegDirect run outputs the following:

      >> standardTestBattery('ffmpegDirect')
                                          >>> doPreciseSeekTests('numbers.uncompressed.avi',...)
                                            >>> doFullRead('numbers.uncompressed.avi',...)
                                            <<< doFullRead('numbers.uncompressed.avi',...)
                                          <<< doPreciseSeekTests('numbers.uncompressed.avi',...)
                                            >>> doMultiFullReadTest('intersection147.25fps.xvid.avi',...)
                                              >>> doFullRead('intersection147.25fps.xvid.avi',...)
                                              <<< doFullRead('intersection147.25fps.xvid.avi',...)
                                            <<< doMultiFullReadTest('intersection147.25fps.xvid.avi',...)
                                            >>> doMultiFullReadTest('intersection256.25fps.xvid.avi',...)
                                              >>> doFullRead('intersection256.25fps.xvid.avi',...)
                                              <<< doFullRead('intersection256.25fps.xvid.avi',...)
                                            <<< doMultiFullReadTest('intersection256.25fps.xvid.avi',...)
                                            >>> doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.10fps.ffdshowXvid.avi',...)
                                              >>> doFullRead('intersection300.10fps.ffdshowXvid.avi',...)
                                              <<< doFullRead('intersection300.10fps.ffdshowXvid.avi',...)
                                            <<< doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.10fps.ffdshowXvid.avi',...)
                                            >>> doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.10fps.wmv3.avi',...)
                                              >>> doFullRead('intersection300.10fps.wmv3.avi',...)
                                              <<< doFullRead('intersection300.10fps.wmv3.avi',...)
                                            <<< doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.10fps.wmv3.avi',...)
                                            >>> doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.10fps.xvid.avi',...)
                                              >>> doFullRead('intersection300.10fps.xvid.avi',...)
                                              <<< doFullRead('intersection300.10fps.xvid.avi',...)
                                            <<< doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.10fps.xvid.avi',...)
                                            >>> doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.25fps.xvid.avi',...)
                                              >>> doFullRead('intersection300.25fps.xvid.avi',...)
                                              <<< doFullRead('intersection300.25fps.xvid.avi',...)
                                            <<< doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.25fps.xvid.avi',...)
                                            >>> doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.orig.revel.avi',...)
                                              >>> doFullRead('intersection300.orig.revel.avi',...)
                                              <<< doFullRead('intersection300.orig.revel.avi',...)
                                            <<< doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.orig.revel.avi',...)
                                            >>> doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.3ivx.avi',...)
                                              >>> doFullRead('numbers.3ivx.avi',...)
                                              <<< doFullRead('numbers.3ivx.avi',...)
                                            <<< doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.3ivx.avi',...)
                                            >>> doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.divx611.avi',...)
                                              >>> doFullRead('numbers.divx611.avi',...)
                                              <<< doFullRead('numbers.divx611.avi',...)
                                            <<< doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.divx611.avi',...)
                                            >>> doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.uncompressed.avi',...)
                                              >>> doFullRead('numbers.uncompressed.avi',...)
                                              <<< doFullRead('numbers.uncompressed.avi',...)
                                            <<< doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.uncompressed.avi',...)
                                            >>> doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.uncompressed.rgba.avi',...)
                                              >>> doFullRead('numbers.uncompressed.rgba.avi',...)
                                              <<< doFullRead('numbers.uncompressed.rgba.avi',...)
                                            <<< doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.uncompressed.rgba.avi',...)
                                            >>> doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.wmv3.avi',...)
                                              >>> doFullRead('numbers.wmv3.avi',...)
                                              <<< doFullRead('numbers.wmv3.avi',...)
                                            <<< doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.wmv3.avi',...)
                                            >>> doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.x264.10fps.avi',...)
                                              >>> doFullRead('numbers.x264.10fps.avi',...)
                                              <<< doFullRead('numbers.x264.10fps.avi',...)
                                            <<< doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.x264.10fps.avi',...)
                                            >>> doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.x264.29_97fps.avi',...)
                                              >>> doFullRead('numbers.x264.29_97fps.avi',...)
                                              <<< doFullRead('numbers.x264.29_97fps.avi',...)
                                            <<< doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.x264.29_97fps.avi',...)
                                            >>> doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.x264.30fps.avi',...)
                                              >>> doFullRead('numbers.x264.30fps.avi',...)
                                              <<< doFullRead('numbers.x264.30fps.avi',...)
                                            <<< doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.x264.30fps.avi',...)
                                            >>> doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.x264.avi',...)
                                              >>> doFullRead('numbers.x264.avi',...)
                                              <<< doFullRead('numbers.x264.avi',...)
                                            <<< doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.x264.avi',...)
                                          Successfully caught backend error: Error using ==> videoReader_ffmpegDirect
                                          Data type mismatch:  expected mxDOUBLE_CLASS, but a string "abcdef" was found instead.    Function: T VideoIO::mat2scalar(const VideoIO::MatArray*) [with T = double]
                                              File    : matarray.h
                                              Line    : 232
      ??? Error using ==> videoReader_ffmpegPopen2
      EOF found while trying to read the communication tag.  The server process probably died.  String so far:
      ""    Function: int VideoIO::readMessageHeader(FILE*)
          File    : pipecomm.h
          Line    : 306

      Error in ==> videoReader.videoReader at 151
        vr.handle = feval(vr.plugin, 'open',vr.handle, ...

      Error in ==> videoReader_concat at 163
            clips{i} = videoReader(clips{i}, defaultPlugin, defaultArgs{:});

      Error in ==> videoReader.videoReader at 158
        vr.handle = feval(vr.plugin, 'open',vr.handle, ...

      Error in ==> concatReadTests at 31
      vrConcat = videoReader({...

      Error in ==> standardTestBattery at 17
      concatReadTests; % without a plugin specified

      Apparently the ffmpegDirect test-battery does use ffmpegPopen2 at some point?!

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2009-10-29

    Hello lvdmaaten,

    It seems that you have worked out how to get VideoIO running on a MAC OSx. Would it be possible to get your changed files in order to install VideoIO?

    You also refer to &quot;FFMPEG SVN as described in the installation instructions&quot; Which installation instructions do you refer to?
    Do you really need SVN version or is ffmpegx also good?

    I used videoIO on a PC and that was very usefull. But I switched to MAC and hope to get it running there as well!


  • lvdmaaten

    lvdmaaten - 2009-12-23

    It's a long time ago since I did this, so I don't really remember the details. Anyway… there's a copy of my full videoIO folder with MACI binaries on (46 MB).

    I guess you need a working installation of ffmpegx in order for it to work, and you need to make sure that Matlab can find it. I installed ffmpegx in /usr/local/lib and I do this in order to use videoIO:

    setenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '/usr/local/lib');
    vr = videoReader(base_folder, 'ffmpegDirect');
    info = get(vr);
    no_frames = info.numFrames;
    for i=1:no_frames

    Hope that helps!

  • SnowJeb

    SnowJeb - 2010-02-16

    Thank for the code.
    It works to some extend, but not quite.
    It might be that I have Snow Leopard installed?

    So I try a again:

    Trying to colpile VideoIO I run into several problems. 1 I dealed with in the makelfile.
    But still I run into trouble. See the error message below. Does this ring a bell?

    Undefined symbols:

    Thank in advance,

    I altered the makefile a bit:
    For some reason I had to explicitly include a libriray. I suppose there is a better way to do this.

    ###### ECHO PROTOCOL TESTER ##################################################

    JEB := -L/Developer/usr/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1
    JEB2 := -lstdc++ -lc

    ###-- popen2 version --------------------------------
    echoPopen2.$(MEXT): mexClientPopen2.$(MEXT).o debug.$(MEXT).o popen2.$(MEXT).o
        $(MEX) -cxx $(MEXOPTS) CXXFLAGS\#'$(LDOPTS_MATLAB)' $(JEB) $^ $(JEB2) -output $@

    >> buildvideoIO
    make MEXEXT=mexmaci
    readlink: illegal option - f
    usage: readlink 
    /bin/mex -c CC=g++ CXX=g++ LD=g++ ARCH=maci CXXFLAGS\#'-O2 -g -I. -fPIC -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -m32 -o echo.mexmaci.o' echo.cpp
    /bin/mex -c CC=g++ CXX=g++ LD=g++ ARCH=maci CXXFLAGS\#'-O2 -g -I. -fPIC -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -m32 -o mexClientDirect.mexmaci.o'  mexClientDirect.cpp
    /bin/mex -c CC=g++ CXX=g++ LD=g++ ARCH=maci CXXFLAGS\#'-O2 -g -I. -fPIC -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -m32 -o debug.mexmaci.o' debug.cpp
    /bin/mex -cxx CC=g++ CXX=g++ LD=g++ ARCH=maci CXXFLAGS\#'-O2 -g -fPIC -m32' -L/Developer/usr/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1 echo.mexmaci.o mexClientDirect.mexmaci.o debug.mexmaci.o -lstdc++ -lc  -output echoDirect.mexmaci
    /bin/mex -c CC=g++ CXX=g++ LD=g++ ARCH=maci CXXFLAGS\#'-O2 -g -I. -fPIC -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -m32 -o mexClientPopen2.mexmaci.o' mexClientPopen2.cpp
    /bin/mex -c CC=g++ CXX=g++ LD=g++ ARCH=maci CXXFLAGS\#'-O2 -g -I. -fPIC -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -m32 -o popen2.mexmaci.o' popen2.cpp
    /bin/mex -cxx CC=g++ CXX=g++ LD=g++ ARCH=maci CXXFLAGS\#'-O2 -g -fPIC -m32' -L/Developer/usr/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1 mexClientPopen2.mexmaci.o debug.mexmaci.o popen2.mexmaci.o -lstdc++ -lc  -output echoPopen2.mexmaci
    Undefined symbols:
      "_fdopen$UNIX2003", referenced from:
          initialize()     in mexClientPopen2.mexmaci.o
          initialize()     in mexClientPopen2.mexmaci.o
    ld: symbol(s) not found
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

        mex: link of ' "echoPopen2.mexmaci"' failed.

    make: ***  Error 1

  • georg ogris

    georg ogris - 2011-03-03

    I also ran into similar problems when compiling VideoIO for IntelMac.
    Finally, I managed to get it all compiled.

    I collected any changes I made in a diff file (see next post).
    testAll.m run into some errors, which is probably due to the modifications I made in some cpp files.
    (pretty dump changes, just to get it compiled.)

    Anyway, reading videos into matlab works fine. Approximately 7 times faster than with the
    internal Matlab VideoReader class.

    great work! thanks!

    MATLAB Version (R2010b)

    FFmpeg version 0.6.1, Copyright (C) 2000-2010 the FFmpeg developers
      built on Mar  2 2011 14:16:16 with gcc 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5664)
      configuration: -enable-gpl -enable-pthreads -enable-shared -enable-swscale -enable-zlib -enable-ffplay -enable-ffserver -enable-avcodec -enable-avformat -enable-avfilter
      libavutil     50.15. 1 / 50.15. 1
      libavcodec    52.72. 2 / 52.72. 2
      libavformat   52.64. 2 / 52.64. 2
      libavdevice   52. 2. 0 / 52. 2. 0
      libavfilter    1.19. 0 /  1.19. 0
      libswscale     0.11. 0 /  0.11. 0


    Darwin Kernel Version 10.6.0
    root:xnu-1504.9.26~3/RELEASE_I386 i386
    i686-apple-darwin10-gcc-4.2.1 (GCC) 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5664)
    GNU Make 3.81

    the output of testAll.m

    >> testAll
          >>> doPreciseSeekTests('frames/numbers.%04d.mat',…)
            >>> doFullRead('frames/numbers.%04d.mat',…)
            <<< doFullRead('frames/numbers.%04d.mat',…)
          <<< doPreciseSeekTests('frames/numbers.%04d.mat',…)
          >>> doPreciseSeekTests('frames/numbers.*.mat',…)
            >>> doFullRead('frames/numbers.*.mat',…)
            <<< doFullRead('frames/numbers.*.mat',…)
          <<< doPreciseSeekTests('frames/numbers.*.mat',…)
          >>> doPreciseSeekTests('frames/numbers.%04d.mat',…)
            >>> doFullRead('frames/numbers.%04d.mat',…)
            <<< doFullRead('frames/numbers.%04d.mat',…)
          <<< doPreciseSeekTests('frames/numbers.%04d.mat',…)
          >>> doPreciseSeekTests('frames/numbers.*.mat',…)
            >>> doFullRead('frames/numbers.*.mat',…)
            <<< doFullRead('frames/numbers.*.mat',…)
          <<< doPreciseSeekTests('frames/numbers.*.mat',…)
          >>> doPreciseSeekTests('frames/numbers.%04d.png',…)
            >>> doFullRead('frames/numbers.%04d.png',…)
            <<< doFullRead('frames/numbers.%04d.png',…)
          <<< doPreciseSeekTests('frames/numbers.%04d.png',…)
          >>> doPreciseSeekTests('frames/numbers.*.png',…)
            >>> doFullRead('frames/numbers.*.png',…)
            <<< doFullRead('frames/numbers.*.png',…)
          <<< doPreciseSeekTests('frames/numbers.*.png',…)
    Warning: Don't know wheter this works under MAC -> DisabledUse the make build environment!
    > In buildVideoIO at 49
      In testFfmpeg at 20
      In testAll at 35
            >>> doPreciseSeekTests('numbers.uncompressed.avi',…)
              >>> doFullRead('numbers.uncompressed.avi',…)
              <<< doFullRead('numbers.uncompressed.avi',…)
            <<< doPreciseSeekTests('numbers.uncompressed.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('addFrameDemo_fancyFig.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('addFrameDemo_fancyFig.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('addFrameDemo_fancyFig.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('addFrameDemo_fancyFig.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('addFrameDemo_figure.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('addFrameDemo_figure.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('addFrameDemo_figure.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('addFrameDemo_figure.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('addFrameDemo_getframe.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('addFrameDemo_getframe.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('addFrameDemo_getframe.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('addFrameDemo_getframe.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('addFrameDemo_gray.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('addFrameDemo_gray.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('addFrameDemo_gray.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('addFrameDemo_gray.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('addFrameDemo_multiframe.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('addFrameDemo_multiframe.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('addFrameDemo_multiframe.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('addFrameDemo_multiframe.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('addFrameDemo_resize.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('addFrameDemo_resize.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('addFrameDemo_resize.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('addFrameDemo_resize.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('addFrameDemo_rgb.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('addFrameDemo_rgb.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('addFrameDemo_rgb.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('addFrameDemo_rgb.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('intersection147.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('intersection147.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('intersection147.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('intersection147.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('intersection256.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('intersection256.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('intersection256.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('intersection256.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.10fps.ffdshowXvid.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('intersection300.10fps.ffdshowXvid.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('intersection300.10fps.ffdshowXvid.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.10fps.ffdshowXvid.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.10fps.wmv3.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('intersection300.10fps.wmv3.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('intersection300.10fps.wmv3.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.10fps.wmv3.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.10fps.xvid.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('intersection300.10fps.xvid.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('intersection300.10fps.xvid.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.10fps.xvid.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('intersection300.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('intersection300.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.orig.revel.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('intersection300.orig.revel.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('intersection300.orig.revel.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.orig.revel.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.3ivx.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('numbers.3ivx.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('numbers.3ivx.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.3ivx.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.divx611.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('numbers.divx611.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('numbers.divx611.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.divx611.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.uncompressed.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('numbers.uncompressed.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('numbers.uncompressed.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.uncompressed.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.uncompressed.rgba.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('numbers.uncompressed.rgba.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('numbers.uncompressed.rgba.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.uncompressed.rgba.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.wmv3.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('numbers.wmv3.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('numbers.wmv3.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.wmv3.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.x264.10fps.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('numbers.x264.10fps.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('numbers.x264.10fps.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.x264.10fps.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.x264.29_97fps.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('numbers.x264.29_97fps.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('numbers.x264.29_97fps.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.x264.29_97fps.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.x264.30fps.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('numbers.x264.30fps.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('numbers.x264.30fps.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.x264.30fps.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.x264.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('numbers.x264.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('numbers.x264.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.x264.avi',…)
            Successfully caught backend error: Error using ==> videoReader_ffmpegPopen2
            Data type mismatch:  expected mxDOUBLE_CLASS, but a string "abcdef" was found instead.    Function: T VideoIO::mat2scalar(const VideoIO::MatArray*)
                File    : matarray.h
                Line    : 232
            >>> doFullRead('intersection147.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
            <<< doFullRead('intersection147.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
            >>> doFullRead('intersection300.orig.revel.avi',…)
            <<< doFullRead('intersection300.orig.revel.avi',…)
            >>> doFullRead('numbers.uncompressed.avi',…)
            <<< doFullRead('numbers.uncompressed.avi',…)
            >>> doFullRead('frames/numbers.*.mat',…)
            <<< doFullRead('frames/numbers.*.mat',…)
            >>> doFullRead('intersection147.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
            <<< doFullRead('intersection147.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
            >>> doFullRead('intersection300.orig.revel.avi',…)
            <<< doFullRead('intersection300.orig.revel.avi',…)
            >>> doFullRead('numbers.uncompressed.avi',…)
            <<< doFullRead('numbers.uncompressed.avi',…)
            >>> doFullRead('frames/numbers.*.mat',…)
            <<< doFullRead('frames/numbers.*.mat',…)
                 codec encoding time bitRate supported   sizes
            ------- --------- -----------   ---
                  asv1          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  asv2          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                   bmp          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                 dnxhd          1s    unable to encode   0  0
               dvvideo          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  ffv1          1s     bitRate ignored   2699640  2699640
               ffvhuff          1s     bitRate ignored   3333324  3333324
               flashsv          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                   flv          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                   gif          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  h261          1s   bitRate supported   422806  771856
                  h263          1s   bitRate supported   505270  665320
                 h263p          1s   bitRate supported   505324  665392
               huffyuv          1s     bitRate ignored   3808524  3808524
                jpegls          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                 ljpeg          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                 mjpeg          1s   bitRate supported   813640  966126
            mpeg1video          1s   bitRate supported   488306  815110
            mpeg2video          1s   bitRate supported   414946  761260
                 mpeg4          1s   bitRate supported   627022  611114
               msmpeg4          1s    unable to encode   0  0
             msmpeg4v1          1s   bitRate supported   6358  6352
             msmpeg4v2          1s   bitRate supported   520488  654634
                   pam          1s     bitRate ignored   7611080  7611080
                   pbm          1s     bitRate ignored   323380  323380
                   pcx          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                   pgm          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                pgmyuv          1s     bitRate ignored   3808280  3808280
                   png          2s     bitRate ignored   3665964  3665964
                   ppm          1s     bitRate ignored   7609880  7609880
                 qtrle          2s     bitRate ignored   7606658  7606658
              rawvideo          1s    unable to encode   0  0
              roqvideo          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  rv10          1s   bitRate supported   505226  665272
                  rv20          1s   bitRate supported   627562  807794
                   sgi          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  snow          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  svq1          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                 targa          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  tiff          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  v210          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  wmv1          1s   bitRate supported   547806  649572
                  wmv2          1s   bitRate supported   562726  694608
                  zlib          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  zmbv          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                 codec encoding time gopSize supported   sizes
            ------- --------- -----------   ---
                  asv1          1s    unable to encode   0  0  0
                  asv2          1s    unable to encode   0  0  0
                   bmp          1s    unable to encode   0  0  0
                 dnxhd          1s    unable to encode   0  0  0
               dvvideo          1s    unable to encode   0  0  0
                  ffv1          1s   gopSize supported   2717122  2700456  2698550
               ffvhuff          1s     gopSize ignored   3333476  3333476  3333476
               flashsv          1s    unable to encode   0  0  0
                   flv          1s    unable to encode   0  0  0
                   gif          1s    unable to encode   0  0  0
                  h261          1s   gopSize supported   1341972   726842   645968
                  h263          1s   gopSize supported   1385314   763964   654520
                 h263p          1s   gopSize supported   1385384   764010   654534
               huffyuv          1s     gopSize ignored   3808676  3808676  3808676
                jpegls          1s    unable to encode   0  0  0
                 ljpeg          1s    unable to encode   0  0  0
                 mjpeg          1s     gopSize ignored   998902  998902  998902
            mpeg1video          1s   gopSize supported   983516  672770  624942
            mpeg2video          1s   gopSize supported   985426  831032  784854
                 mpeg4          1s   gopSize supported   1172490  1037614   968898
               msmpeg4          1s    unable to encode   0  0  0
             msmpeg4v1          1s   gopSize supported   6380  6354  6340
             msmpeg4v2          1s   gopSize supported   1159900  1038788   932864
                   pam          1s     gopSize ignored   7611080  7611080  7611080
                   pbm          1s     gopSize ignored   323380  323380  323380
                   pcx          1s    unable to encode   0  0  0
                   pgm          1s    unable to encode   0  0  0
                pgmyuv          1s     gopSize ignored   3808280  3808280  3808280
                   png          3s     gopSize ignored   3665922  3665922  3665922
                   ppm          1s     gopSize ignored   7609880  7609880  7609880
                 qtrle          2s   gopSize supported   7611526  7606726  7606228
              rawvideo          1s    unable to encode   0  0  0
              roqvideo          1s    unable to encode   0  0  0
                  rv10          1s   gopSize supported   1385268   763916   654474
                  rv20          1s   gopSize supported   1172928   855004   752346
                   sgi          1s    unable to encode   0  0  0
                  snow          1s    unable to encode   0  0  0
                  svq1          1s    unable to encode   0  0  0
                 targa          1s    unable to encode   0  0  0
                  tiff          1s    unable to encode   0  0  0
                  v210          1s    unable to encode   0  0  0
                  wmv1          1s   gopSize supported   1157938  1062540   958808
                  wmv2          1s   gopSize supported   1188704   999190   717924
                  zlib          1s    unable to encode   0  0  0
                  zmbv          1s    unable to encode   0  0  0
                 codec encoding time quality supported   sizes
            ------- --------- -----------   ---
                  asv1          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  asv2          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                   bmp          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                 dnxhd          1s    unable to encode   0  0
               dvvideo          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  ffv1          1s    unable to encode   0  0
               ffvhuff          1s    unable to encode   0  0
               flashsv          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                   flv          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                   gif          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  h261          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  h263          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                 h263p          1s    unable to encode   0  0
               huffyuv          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                jpegls          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                 ljpeg          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                 mjpeg          1s    unable to encode   0  0
            mpeg1video          1s    unable to encode   0  0
            mpeg2video          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                 mpeg4          1s    unable to encode   0  0
               msmpeg4          1s    unable to encode   0  0
             msmpeg4v1          1s    unable to encode   0  0
             msmpeg4v2          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                   pam          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                   pbm          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                   pcx          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                   pgm          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                pgmyuv          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                   png          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                   ppm          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                 qtrle          1s    unable to encode   0  0
              rawvideo          1s    unable to encode   0  0
              roqvideo          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  rv10          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  rv20          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                   sgi          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  snow          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  svq1          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                 targa          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  tiff          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  v210          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  wmv1          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  wmv2          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  zlib          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  zmbv          1s    unable to encode   0  0
            Testing writing then reading 32 frames…
              …encoding time: 5.734242s, decoding time: 6.026640s
            Testing writing then reading 64 frames…
              …encoding time: 10.880501s, decoding time: 12.851402s
            Testing writing then reading 128 frames…
              …encoding time: 22.178238s, decoding time: 26.544548s
            Testing writing then reading 256 frames…
              …encoding time: 44.072165s, decoding time: 54.006433s
            Testing writing then reading 512 frames…
              …encoding time: 87.616495s, decoding time: 109.956204s
            Testing writing then reading 1024 frames…
              …encoding time: 177.661247s, decoding time: 222.951917s
            >>> doPreciseSeekTests('numbers.uncompressed.avi',…)
              >>> doFullRead('numbers.uncompressed.avi',…)
              <<< doFullRead('numbers.uncompressed.avi',…)
            <<< doPreciseSeekTests('numbers.uncompressed.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('addFrameDemo_fancyFig.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('addFrameDemo_fancyFig.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('addFrameDemo_fancyFig.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('addFrameDemo_fancyFig.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('addFrameDemo_figure.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('addFrameDemo_figure.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('addFrameDemo_figure.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('addFrameDemo_figure.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('addFrameDemo_getframe.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('addFrameDemo_getframe.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('addFrameDemo_getframe.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('addFrameDemo_getframe.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('addFrameDemo_gray.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('addFrameDemo_gray.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('addFrameDemo_gray.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('addFrameDemo_gray.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('addFrameDemo_multiframe.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('addFrameDemo_multiframe.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('addFrameDemo_multiframe.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('addFrameDemo_multiframe.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('addFrameDemo_resize.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('addFrameDemo_resize.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('addFrameDemo_resize.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('addFrameDemo_resize.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('addFrameDemo_rgb.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('addFrameDemo_rgb.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('addFrameDemo_rgb.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('addFrameDemo_rgb.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('intersection147.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('intersection147.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('intersection147.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('intersection147.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('intersection256.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('intersection256.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('intersection256.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('intersection256.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.10fps.ffdshowXvid.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('intersection300.10fps.ffdshowXvid.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('intersection300.10fps.ffdshowXvid.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.10fps.ffdshowXvid.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.10fps.wmv3.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('intersection300.10fps.wmv3.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('intersection300.10fps.wmv3.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.10fps.wmv3.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.10fps.xvid.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('intersection300.10fps.xvid.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('intersection300.10fps.xvid.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.10fps.xvid.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('intersection300.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('intersection300.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.orig.revel.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('intersection300.orig.revel.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('intersection300.orig.revel.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('intersection300.orig.revel.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.3ivx.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('numbers.3ivx.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('numbers.3ivx.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.3ivx.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.divx611.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('numbers.divx611.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('numbers.divx611.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.divx611.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.uncompressed.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('numbers.uncompressed.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('numbers.uncompressed.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.uncompressed.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.uncompressed.rgba.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('numbers.uncompressed.rgba.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('numbers.uncompressed.rgba.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.uncompressed.rgba.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.wmv3.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('numbers.wmv3.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('numbers.wmv3.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.wmv3.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.x264.10fps.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('numbers.x264.10fps.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('numbers.x264.10fps.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.x264.10fps.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.x264.29_97fps.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('numbers.x264.29_97fps.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('numbers.x264.29_97fps.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.x264.29_97fps.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.x264.30fps.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('numbers.x264.30fps.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('numbers.x264.30fps.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.x264.30fps.avi',…)
              >>> doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.x264.avi',…)
                >>> doFullRead('numbers.x264.avi',…)
                <<< doFullRead('numbers.x264.avi',…)
              <<< doMultiFullReadTest('numbers.x264.avi',…)
            Successfully caught backend error: Error using ==> videoReader_ffmpegDirect
            Data type mismatch:  expected mxDOUBLE_CLASS, but a string "abcdef" was found instead.    Function: T VideoIO::mat2scalar(const VideoIO::MatArray*)
                File    : matarray.h
                Line    : 232
            >>> doFullRead('intersection147.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
            <<< doFullRead('intersection147.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
            >>> doFullRead('intersection300.orig.revel.avi',…)
            <<< doFullRead('intersection300.orig.revel.avi',…)
            >>> doFullRead('numbers.uncompressed.avi',…)
            <<< doFullRead('numbers.uncompressed.avi',…)
            >>> doFullRead('frames/numbers.*.mat',…)
            <<< doFullRead('frames/numbers.*.mat',…)
            >>> doFullRead('intersection147.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
            <<< doFullRead('intersection147.25fps.xvid.avi',…)
            >>> doFullRead('intersection300.orig.revel.avi',…)
            <<< doFullRead('intersection300.orig.revel.avi',…)
            >>> doFullRead('numbers.uncompressed.avi',…)
            <<< doFullRead('numbers.uncompressed.avi',…)
            >>> doFullRead('frames/numbers.*.mat',…)
            <<< doFullRead('frames/numbers.*.mat',…)
    Warning: Frame 85 from the concatenated source looks different from frame 85 from "intersection147.25fps.xvid.avi"
    (randomly selected frame #943).  This is either because the decoder jumped to the wrong frame (imprecise seeking)
    and/or it used a low-quality decode to make the random seek faster.
    > In concatReadTests at 129
      In standardTestBattery at 18
      In testFfmpeg at 23
      In testAll at 35
                 codec encoding time bitRate supported   sizes
            ------- --------- -----------   ---
                  asv1          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  asv2          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                   bmp          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                 dnxhd          1s    unable to encode   0  0
               dvvideo          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  ffv1          1s     bitRate ignored   2700432  2700432
               ffvhuff          1s     bitRate ignored   3333976  3333976
               flashsv          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                   flv          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                   gif          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  h261          1s   bitRate supported   382026  686984
                  h263          1s   bitRate supported   366174  702326
                 h263p          1s   bitRate supported   366244  702380
               huffyuv          1s     bitRate ignored   3809176  3809176
                jpegls          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                 ljpeg          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                 mjpeg          1s   bitRate supported   814202  966500
            mpeg1video          1s   bitRate supported   439870  674486
            mpeg2video          1s   bitRate supported   435974  674498
                 mpeg4          1s   bitRate supported   656076  1097616
               msmpeg4          1s    unable to encode   0  0
             msmpeg4v1          1s   bitRate supported   6344  6358
             msmpeg4v2          1s   bitRate supported   743772  874896
                   pam          1s     bitRate ignored   7611080  7611080
                   pbm          1s     bitRate ignored   323380  323380
                   pcx          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                   pgm          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                pgmyuv          1s     bitRate ignored   3808280  3808280
                   png          2s     bitRate ignored   3665784  3665784
                   ppm          1s     bitRate ignored   7609880  7609880
                 qtrle          2s     bitRate ignored   7607002  7607002
              rawvideo          1s    unable to encode   0  0
              roqvideo          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  rv10          1s   bitRate supported   366128  702278
                  rv20          1s   bitRate supported   663516  900488
                   sgi          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  snow          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  svq1          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                 targa          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  tiff          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  v210          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  wmv1          1s   bitRate supported   634424  945028
                  wmv2          1s   bitRate supported   643778  1012974
                  zlib          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                  zmbv          1s    unable to encode   0  0
                 codec encoding time gopSize supported   sizes
            ------- --------- -----------   ---
                  asv1          1s    unable to encode   0  0  0
                  asv2          1s    unable to encode   0  0  0
                   bmp          1s    unable to encode   0  0  0
                 dnxhd          1s    unable to encode   0  0  0
               dvvideo          1s    unable to encode   0  0  0
                  ffv1          1s   gopSize supported   2715988  2699952  2698214
               ffvhuff          1s     gopSize ignored   3332080  3332080  3332080
               flashsv          1s    unable to encode   0  0  0

    - --------- -----------



  • georg ogris

    georg ogris - 2011-03-03

    Here are the modifications (see previous post)

    Common subdirectories: ./@videoReader and ../videoIO-r720-source_Orig/@videoReader
    Common subdirectories: ./@videoWriter and ../videoIO-r720-source_Orig/@videoWriter
    diff ./FfmpegCommon.cpp ../videoIO-r720-source_Orig/FfmpegCommon.cpp
    <     //av_vlog = ffLog;
    >     av_vlog = ffLog;
    Only in .: FfmpegCommon.mexmaci64.o
    Only in .: FfmpegIVideo.mexmaci64.o
    diff ./FfmpegOVideo.cpp ../videoIO-r720-source_Orig/FfmpegOVideo.cpp
    <   static AVFrame *allocPicture(PixelFormat pixFmt, int width, int height)
    >   static AVFrame *allocPicture(int pixFmt, int width, int height)
    Only in .: FfmpegOVideo.mexmaci64.o
    diff ./ ../videoIO-r720-source_Orig/
    < } elsif ($arch eq "-mexmaci") { # 32-bit Mac
    <     print "-m32";
    < } elsif ($arch eq "-mexmaci64") { # 64-bit Mac
    <     print "-m64";
    < } elsif ($arch eq "-maci") { # 32-bit Mac
    <     print "-m32";
    < } elsif ($arch eq "-maci64") { # 64-bit Mac
    <     print "-m64";
    diff ./buildVideoIO.m ../videoIO-r720-source_Orig/buildVideoIO.m
    < warning(['Don''t know wheter this works under MAC -> Disabled', …
    <     'Use the make build environment!'])
    < return
    <   cmd = ['sudo make ', sprintf('%s ',varargin{:},)];
    >   cmd = ['make ', sprintf('%s ',varargin{:},)];
    diff ./buildVideoIoPackages.m ../videoIO-r720-source_Orig/buildVideoIoPackages.m
    < function buildVideoIoPackages
    > %buildVideoIoPackages
    < warning(['Don''t know wheter this works under MAC -> Disabled', …
    <     'Use the make build environment!'])
    < return
    Common subdirectories: ./contrib and ../videoIO-r720-source_Orig/contrib
    diff ./debug.cpp ../videoIO-r720-source_Orig/debug.cpp
    < /*#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN64) || defined(_WIN64)
    > #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN64) || defined(_WIN64)
    < */
    < /*#endif
    < */
    > #endif
    <   pthread_t getThreadId()
    >   int getThreadId()
    < /*#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN64) || defined(_WIN64)
    > #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN64) || defined(_WIN64)
    < */
    < return pthread_self();
    < /*#endif
    < */
    >     return (int)pthread_self();
    > #endif
    diff ./debug.h ../videoIO-r720-source_Orig/debug.h
    <   extern pthread_t getThreadId();
    >   extern int getThreadId();
    Only in .: debug.mexmaci64.o
    Common subdirectories: ./doc and ../videoIO-r720-source_Orig/doc
    Only in .: echo.mexmaci64.o
    Only in .: echoDirect.mexmaci64
    Only in .: echoPopen2.mexmaci64
    Only in .: echoPopen2Server
    diff ./ ../videoIO-r720-source_Orig/
    <     elsif ($arg eq "-mexmaci")     { $bits64     = 0; }
    <     elsif ($arg eq "-mexmaci64")   { $bits64     = 1; }
    <     else { print "arg $arg\n"; usage(); }
    >     else { usage(); }
    < #our $arch = ($bits64 ? "-glnxa64" : "-glnx86");
    < #our $arch = ($bits64 ? "-mexmaci64" : "-mexmaci");
    < our $arch = "-mexmaci64" ;
    > our $arch = ($bits64 ? "-glnxa64" : "-glnx86");
    < foreach my $bitness (''){ #(reverse('', ($bits64?'64':'32'))) {
    > foreach my $bitness (reverse('', ($bits64?'64':'32'))) {
    < #print "@linkPath\n\n";
    < push @includePath, "/usr/include", "/usr/local/include","/Applications/" ;
    > push @includePath, "/usr/include", "/usr/local/include";
    <         my $ext = "dylib";
    >         my $ext = "so";
    <                 if ($l =~ /NEEDED\s+lib(+).$ext/) {
    >                 if ($l =~ /NEEDED\s+lib(+).so/) {
    < #print "lib $lib\n";
    <         foreach my $ext ("so","a","dylib") {
    >         foreach my $ext ("so","a") {
    < #print "arch $arch\n";
    < #print "myarch $myarch\n";
    <     return "-mexmaci64";
    >     return;
    Only in .:
    diff ./makefile ../videoIO-r720-source_Orig/makefile
    <   #MATLAB_PATH := $(shell readlink -f `which matlab` | sed -e 's/\/bin\/matlab//')
    >   MATLAB_PATH := $(shell readlink -f `which matlab` | sed -e 's/\/bin\/matlab//')
    <   #MEXEXT := $(shell $(MATLAB_PATH)/bin/mexext)
    <   MEXEXT := /Applications/
    >   MEXEXT := $(shell $(MATLAB_PATH)/bin/mexext)
    < #MEX             := $(MATLAB_PATH)/bin/mex
    < MEX             := /Applications/
    > MEX             := $(MATLAB_PATH)/bin/mex
    < MATLAB_ARCH     := maci64 #$(shell ./ $(MEXT))
    > MATLAB_ARCH     := $(shell ./ $(MEXT))
    < FFMPEG_BACKEND_RPATH := -Wl #,-rpath=$(shell ./ -rpath -$(FARCH))
    > FFMPEG_BACKEND_RPATH := -Wl,-rpath=$(shell ./ -rpath -$(FARCH))
    < # Try to do it anyways
    < BUILD_DIRECT        := 'true'
    < #JEB := -L/Developer/usr/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1
    < #JEB2 := -lstdc++ -lc
    < ###-- popen2 version --------------------------------
    < #echoPopen2.$(MEXT): mexClientPopen2.$(MEXT).o debug.$(MEXT).o popen2.$(MEXT).o
    < # $(MEX) -cxx $(MEXOPTS) CXXFLAGS\#'$(LDOPTS_MATLAB)' $(JEB) $^ $(JEB2) -output $@
    > ###-- popen2 version --------------------------------
    < echoPopen2Server: echo.$(FARCH).o mexServerStdio.$(FARCH).o debug.$(FARCH).o /Applications/
    > echoPopen2Server: echo.$(FARCH).o mexServerStdio.$(FARCH).o debug.$(FARCH).o
    < videoReader_ffmpegPopen2Server: mexServerStdio.$(FARCH).o videoReaderWrapper.$(FARCH).o FfmpegIVideo.$(FARCH).o FfmpegCommon.$(FARCH).o registry.$(FARCH).o debug.$(FARCH).o /Applications/
    > videoReader_ffmpegPopen2Server: mexServerStdio.$(FARCH).o videoReaderWrapper.$(FARCH).o FfmpegIVideo.$(FARCH).o FfmpegCommon.$(FARCH).o registry.$(FARCH).o debug.$(FARCH).o
    < videoReader_ffmpegDirect.$(MEXT): videoReaderWrapper.$(MEXT).o FfmpegIVideo.$(MEXT).o FfmpegCommon.$(MEXT).o registry.$(MEXT).o debug.$(MEXT).o mexClientDirect.$(MEXT).o /Applications/
    > videoReader_ffmpegDirect.$(MEXT): videoReaderWrapper.$(MEXT).o FfmpegIVideo.$(MEXT).o FfmpegCommon.$(MEXT).o registry.$(MEXT).o debug.$(MEXT).o mexClientDirect.$(MEXT).o
    < videoWriter_ffmpegPopen2Server: mexServerStdio.$(FARCH).o videoWriterWrapper.$(FARCH).o FfmpegOVideo.$(FARCH).o FfmpegCommon.$(FARCH).o registry.$(FARCH).o debug.$(FARCH).o /Applications/
    > videoWriter_ffmpegPopen2Server: mexServerStdio.$(FARCH).o videoWriterWrapper.$(FARCH).o FfmpegOVideo.$(FARCH).o FfmpegCommon.$(FARCH).o registry.$(FARCH).o debug.$(FARCH).o
    < videoWriter_ffmpegDirect.$(MEXT): videoWriterWrapper.$(MEXT).o FfmpegOVideo.$(MEXT).o FfmpegCommon.$(MEXT).o registry.$(MEXT).o debug.$(MEXT).o mexClientDirect.$(MEXT).o /Applications/
    > videoWriter_ffmpegDirect.$(MEXT): videoWriterWrapper.$(MEXT).o FfmpegOVideo.$(MEXT).o FfmpegCommon.$(MEXT).o registry.$(MEXT).o debug.$(MEXT).o mexClientDirect.$(MEXT).o
    < $(CC) -c $(CXXOPTS) -I/Applications/ $< -o $@
    > $(CC) -c $(CXXOPTS) $< -o $@
    Only in .: masdfasdf.m
    diff ./matarray.h ../videoIO-r720-source_Orig/matarray.h
    < //#ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE
    > #ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE
    < //#endif
    > #endif
    diff ./mexClientDirect.cpp ../videoIO-r720-source_Orig/mexClientDirect.cpp
    < //#ifdef __linux__
    < //#  include <sys/types.h>
    < //#  include <sys/wait.h>
    < //#else
    > #ifdef __linux__
    > #  include <sys/types.h>
    > #  include <sys/wait.h>
    > #else
    < //#endif
    > #endif
    Only in .: mexClientDirect.mexmaci64.o
    diff ./mexClientPopen2.cpp ../videoIO-r720-source_Orig/mexClientPopen2.cpp
    < //#include <sys/types.h>
    < //#include <sys/wait.h>
    < typedef void (*sighandler_t)(int sig);
    > #include <sys/types.h>
    > #include <sys/wait.h>
    Only in .: mexClientPopen2.mexmaci64.o
    Only in .: mexServerStdio.mexmaci64.o
    diff ./ ../videoIO-r720-source_Orig/
    < } elsif ($ARGV eq "mexmaci64") { # 64-bit Macintosh (Intel)
    <     print "maci64";
    Only in .: popen2.mexmaci64.o
    Common subdirectories: ./private and ../videoIO-r720-source_Orig/private
    Only in .: protocoll.txt
    diff ./pvtVideoIO_normalizeFilename.m ../videoIO-r720-source_Orig/pvtVideoIO_normalizeFilename.m
    <  = fileparts(raw);
    >  = fileparts(raw);
    <   canonical = fullfile(strrep(pathstr,'/','\'), );
    >   canonical = fullfile(strrep(pathstr,'/','\'), );
    <   canonical = fullfile(strrep(pathstr,'\','/'), );
    >   canonical = fullfile(strrep(pathstr,'\','/'), );
    Only in .: q
    Only in .: registry.mexmaci64.o
    Common subdirectories: ./tests and ../videoIO-r720-source_Orig/tests
    Only in ../videoIO-r720-source_Orig/: videoIO.Mac.diff.patch
    diff ./videoIoSysInfo.m ../videoIO-r720-source_Orig/videoIoSysInfo.m
    < %  'videoIoSysInfo.txt' in the current directory.
    > %  'videoIoSysInfo.txt' in the current directory. 
    < %when using this library on GNU/Linux).
    > %when using this library on GNU/Linux).
    <     info.arch = computer('arch');
    >   info.arch = computer('arch');
    <     info.arch = 'unknown';
    >   info.arch = 'unknown';
    <     info.os      = system_dependent('getos');
    <     info.osver   = system_dependent('getwinsys');
    <     info.osarch  = getenv('PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE');
    >   info.os      = system_dependent('getos');
    >   info.osver   = system_dependent('getwinsys');
    >   info.osarch  = getenv('PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE');
    <      = unix('sw_vers');
    <     if fail, info.os = 'Unknown Macintosh'; end
    >    = unix('sw_vers');
    >   if fail, info.os = 'Unknown Macintosh'; end
    <     info.os = system_dependent('getos');
    >   info.os = system_dependent('getos');
    <     info.include = getenv('INCLUDE');
    <     info.lib32   = getenv('LIB32');
    <     info.lib64   = getenv('LIB64');
    <     if strcmpi(info.mexext, 'mex') || …
    <             ~isempty(strfind(info.mexext, '32')) || …
    <             strcmpi(info.mexext, 'dll') % handle older versions
    <         info.allLibDirs = splitSemiColonPaths(info.lib32);
    <     else
    <         info.allLibDirs = splitSemiColonPaths(info.lib64);
    <     end
    >   info.include = getenv('INCLUDE');
    >   info.lib32   = getenv('LIB32');
    >   info.lib64   = getenv('LIB64');
    >   if strcmpi(info.mexext, 'mex') || …
    >       ~isempty(strfind(info.mexext, '32')) || …
    >       strcmpi(info.mexext, 'dll') % handle older versions
    >     info.allLibDirs = splitSemiColonPaths(info.lib32);
    >   else
    >     info.allLibDirs = splitSemiColonPaths(info.lib64);
    >   end
    <     % We may want to move this block into the makefile at some point
    <     info.cxxflags              = getenv('CXXFLAGS');
    <      = system(sprintf(…
    <         'cd %s; ./ -cflags', videoIODir));
    <        = system(sprintf(…
    <         'cd %s; ./ -libs',   videoIODir));
    <        = system(…
    <         'gcc -print-search-dirs | grep libraries');
    <     if status == 0
    <         info.gccLibDirs = split(':',…
    <             info.gccLibDirs(length('libraries: =')+1:end))';
    <     end
    <     d1 = getLinkPathsFromGccArgs(info.cxxflags);
    <     d2 = getLinkPathsFromGccArgs(info.ffmpegLibs);
    <     d3 = info.gccLibDirs;
    <     info.allLibDirs = {d1{:},d2{:},d3{:}};
    <     mask = true(1,length(info.allLibDirs));
    <     for i=1:length(mask)
    <         if isempty(info.allLibDirs{i})
    <             mask(i)=0;
    <         end
    >   % We may want to move this block into the makefile at some point
    >   info.cxxflags              = getenv('CXXFLAGS');
    >    = system(sprintf(…
    >       'cd %s; ./ -cflags', videoIODir));
    >      = system(sprintf(…
    >       'cd %s; ./ -libs',   videoIODir));
    >      = system(…
    >       'gcc -print-search-dirs | grep libraries');
    >   if status == 0
    >     info.gccLibDirs = split(':',…
    >                             info.gccLibDirs(length('libraries: =')+1:end))';
    >   end
    >   d1 = getLinkPathsFromGccArgs(info.cxxflags);
    >   d2 = getLinkPathsFromGccArgs(info.ffmpegLibs);
    >   d3 = info.gccLibDirs;
    >   info.allLibDirs = {d1{:},d2{:},d3{:}};
    >   mask = true(1,length(info.allLibDirs));
    >   for i=1:length(mask)
    >     if isempty(info.allLibDirs{i})
    >       mask(i)=0;
    <     info.allLibDirs = { info.allLibDirs{mask} }';
    <     info.libsArch = getLibArchs(info.ffmpegLibs, info.allLibDirs);
    >   end
    >   info.allLibDirs = { info.allLibDirs{mask} }';
    >   info.libsArch = getLibArchs(info.ffmpegLibs, info.allLibDirs);
    <     parts = split('\/', videoIODir);
    <     v = ver(parts{end});
    <     fns = fieldnames(v);
    <     for i=1:length(fns)
    <         info.() = v.(fns{i});
    <     end
    >   parts = split('\/', videoIODir);
    >   v = ver(parts{end});
    >   fns = fieldnames(v);
    >   for i=1:length(fns)   
    >     info.() = v.(fns{i});
    >   end
    <     info.version = 'could not retrieve';
    >   info.version = 'could not retrieve';
    <     printStruct(info, 1);
    <     fname = 'videoIoSysInfo.txt';
    <     F = fopen(fname, 'w');
    <     printStruct(info, F);
    <     fclose(F);
    <     fprintf('System information saved to %s.\n', fname);
    >   printStruct(info, 1);
    >   fname = 'videoIoSysInfo.txt';
    >   F = fopen(fname, 'w');
    >   printStruct(info, F);
    >   fclose(F);
    >   fprintf('System information saved to %s.\n', fname);
    <     out = info;
    < end
    >   out = info;
    > end 
    <     fprintf(F, '%s:\n', fn{1});
    <     if isempty(info.(fn{1}))
    <         % do nothing
    >   fprintf(F, '%s:\n', fn{1});
    >   field = info.(fn{1});
    >   if isempty(field)
    >     % do nothing
    >   elseif ischar(field)
    >     fprintf(F, '  %s\n', field);
    >   elseif isnumeric(field)
    >     fprintf(F, '  %s\n', mat2str(field));
    >   elseif iscell(field)
    >     if isempty(field)
    >       % do nothing
    <         field = info.(fn{1});
    <         if ischar(field)
    <             fprintf(F, '  %s\n', field);
    <         elseif isnumeric(field)
    <             fprintf(F, '  %s\n', mat2str(field));
    <         elseif iscell(field)
    <             if isempty(field)
    <                 % do nothing
    <             else
    <                 padwidths = max(cellfun(@length, field), , 1);
    <                 for r=1:size(field,1)
    <                     for c=1:size(field,2)
    <                         field{r,c} = pad(sprintf('%s',field{r,c}), padwidths(C)+1);
    <                     end
    <                 end
    <                 field = cell2mat(field);
    <                 field = […
    <                     char(zeros(size(field,1),2))+' ', …
    <                     field, …
    <                     char(zeros(size(field,1),1))+sprintf('\n')]'; %#ok<AGROW>
    <                 field = field(:)';
    <                 field = field(1:end-1);
    <                 fprintf(F, '%s\n', field);
    <             end
    <         else
    <             error('unsupported data type');
    >       padwidths = max(cellfun(@length, field), , 1);
    >       for r=1:size(field,1)
    >         for c=1:size(field,2)
    >           field{r,c} = pad(sprintf('%s',field{r,c}), padwidths(C)+1);
    >       end
    >       field = cell2mat(field);
    >       field = […
    >         char(zeros(size(field,1),2))+' ', …
    >         field, …
    >         char(zeros(size(field,1),1))+sprintf('\n')]'; %#ok<AGROW>
    >       field = field(:)';
    >       field = field(1:end-1);
    >       fprintf(F, '%s\n', field);
    <     fprintf(F, '\n');
    >   else
    >     error('unsupported data type');
    >   end
    >   fprintf(F, '\n');
    <     p = allpaths{i};
    <     myplugins = dir(fullfile(p,));
    <     for j=1:length(myplugins)
    <         plugin = myplugins(j).name;
    <         % skip obvious backup files
    <         if ~ismember(plugin(end), '#~') && ~strcmpi(plugin(end-3:end), '.bak')
    <             pathname = fullfile(p, plugin);
    <             arch = getBinaryArch(pathname);
    <             plugins{end+1,1} = pathname; %#ok<AGROW>
    <             plugins{end,2}   = arch;
    <         end
    >   p = allpaths{i};
    >   myplugins = dir(fullfile(p,));
    >   for j=1:length(myplugins)
    >     plugin = myplugins(j).name;
    >     % skip obvious backup files
    >     if ~ismember(plugin(end), '#~') && ~strcmpi(plugin(end-3:end), '.bak')
    >       pathname = fullfile(p, plugin);
    >       arch = getBinaryArch(pathname);
    >       plugins{end+1,1} = pathname; %#ok<AGROW>
    >       plugins{end,2}   = arch;
    >   end
    <     if strmatch('-L', args{i})
    <         newpaths = split(':', args{i}(3:end));
    <         paths = {paths{:} newpaths{:}};
    <     end
    >   if strmatch('-L', args{i})
    >     newpaths = split(':', args{i}(3:end));
    >     paths = {paths{:} newpaths{:}};
    >   end
    <     if strmatch('-l', args{i})
    <         newlibs = split(':', args{i}(3:end));
    <         libs = {libs{:} newlibs{:}};
    <     end
    >   if strmatch('-l', args{i})
    >     newlibs = split(':', args{i}(3:end));
    >     libs = {libs{:} newlibs{:}};
    >   end
    <     l = libs{i};
    <     for j=1:length(allLibDirs)
    <         d = allLibDirs{j};
    <         for ext = {'so', 'a'};
    <             libname = ;
    <             p = fullfile(d,libname);
    <             if exist(p,'file')
    <                 arch = getBinaryArch(p);
    <                 if ~isempty(arch)
    <                     libsArch{row,1} = libname;%#ok<AGROW>
    <                     libsArch{row,2} = arch;
    <                 else
    <                     libsArch{row,1} = libname; %#ok<AGROW>
    <                 end
    <                 row = row+1;
    <             end
    >   l = libs{i};
    >   for j=1:length(allLibDirs)
    >     d = allLibDirs{j};
    >     for ext = {'so', 'a'};
    >       libname = ;
    >       p = fullfile(d,libname);
    >       if exist(p,'file')
    >         arch = getBinaryArch(p);
    >         if ~isempty(arch)
    >           libsArch{row,1} = libname;%#ok<AGROW>
    >           libsArch{row,2} = arch;
    >         else
    >           libsArch{row,1} = libname; %#ok<AGROW>
    >         row = row+1;
    >       end
    >   end
    <     if strcmpi(path(end-1:end), '.m')
    <         if isMFileWithCode(path)
    <             arch = 'mfile';
    <         else
    <             arch = 'mdoc';
    <         end
    >   if strcmpi(path(end-1:end), '.m')
    >     if isMFileWithCode(path)
    >       arch = 'mfile';
    <          = system(sprintf(…
    <             'objdump -x ''%s'' | grep "file format" | head -n 1', path));
    <         if status==0
    <             arch = objdump(strfind(objdump, 'file format ')+12:end-1);
    <         end
    >       arch = 'mdoc';
    >     end
    >   else
    >      = system(sprintf(…
    >         'objdump -x ''%s'' | grep "file format" | head -n 1', path));
    >     if status==0
    >       arch = objdump(strfind(objdump, 'file format ')+12:end-1);
    >   end
    Only in .: videoReaderWrapper.mexmaci64.o
    Only in .: videoReader_ffmpegDirect.mexmaci64
    Only in .: videoReader_ffmpegPopen2.mexmaci64
    Only in .: videoReader_ffmpegPopen2Server
    Only in .: videoWriterWrapper.mexmaci64.o
    Only in .: videoWriter_ffmpegDirect.mexmaci64
    Only in .: videoWriter_ffmpegPopen2.mexmaci64
    Only in .: videoWriter_ffmpegPopen2Server


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