
Problem with xvid codec in ffmpeg 0.5 r725

  • Stepfen

    Stepfen - 2009-05-07

    Hello there,

    I finally managed to get videoIO in Jaunty (thanks to Peitschie for his excellent wiki and help).

    Things work fine for some codecs (e.g. mpeg4), but not for some others (eg xvid).

    For example:

    vw=videoWriter('test.avi', 'codec', 'xvid');
    for ii=1:50

    creates without reporting any errors an unreadable file with size 5.5KB. The file size doesn't change when I add more frames or change the frame size, and when I try to read it I get:

    ??? Error using ==> videoReader_ffmpegPopen2
    Could not find the stream info for "test.avi".
        Failed assertion : (ffmpegRc = (av_find_stream_info(pFormatCtx))) >= 0
          ffmpeg error -1: Unrecognized ffmpeg error code.

          Function       : void VideoIO::FfmpegIVideo::open(const std::string&)
          File           : FfmpegIVideo.cpp
          Line           : 291

    Error in ==> videoReader.videoReader at 151
      vr.handle = feval(vr.plugin, 'open',vr.handle, ...

    Error in ==> videoIO_test at 17
    vr = videoReader('test.avi');

    The videoReader works fine with other xvid files which I created with previous versions of ffmpeg/videoIO

    The same script works fine with 'mpeg4'. For example:

    vw=videoWriter('test.avi', 'codec', 'mpeg4');
    for ii=1:50

    creates nice sequences that can be seen and read with no problems.

    The problem has been confirmed by Peitschie, so there should be something going on with videoWriter.

    FYI my latest configuration is videoIO r725, matlab R2008a, and

    FFmpeg version 0.5-svn17737+3:0.svn20090303-1ubuntu6, Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Fabrice Bellard, et al.
      configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-postproc --enable-swscale --enable-x11grab --extra-version=svn17737+3:0.svn20090303-1ubuntu6 --prefix=/usr --enable-avfilter --enable-avfilter-lavf --enable-libgsm --enable-libschroedinger --enable-libspeex --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-pthreads --disable-stripping --disable-vhook --enable-libdc1394 --disable-armv5te --disable-armv6 --disable-armv6t2 --disable-armvfp --disable-neon --disable-altivec --disable-vis --enable-shared --disable-static
      libavutil     49.15. 0 / 49.15. 0
      libavcodec    52.20. 0 / 52.20. 0
      libavformat   52.31. 0 / 52.31. 0
      libavdevice   52. 1. 0 / 52. 1. 0
      libavfilter    0. 4. 0 /  0. 4. 0
      libswscale     0. 7. 1 /  0. 7. 1
      libpostproc   51. 2. 0 / 51. 2. 0
      built on Apr 10 2009 23:18:41, gcc: 4.3.3

    Please have a look when you have some time.

    Thanks and good luck with your defense dalleyg...

    • Gerald Dalley

      Gerald Dalley - 2009-05-15


      Is xvid the only codec that has problems?  A Windows user is also having troubles with xvid, so I'm trying to figure out if this problem is specific to xvid.

      On my box, I don't have xvid installed, and I only have decoding troubles with some of the more esoteric codecs like old RealVideo ones, Microsoft MPEG4 v1, and some of the mjpeg-like variants (pam, pgm, etc.).

      clear all;
      codecs = videoWriter([],'codecs');
      for ci = 1:length(codecs)
        codec = codecs{ci};
        fprintf('%s: ', codec);
          vw = videoWriter('t.avi', 'codec',codec, 'width',720, 'height',480);
          for i=1:50
            addframe(vw, rand);
          encoded = 1;
          encoded = 0;
          fprintf('encoding fails\n');

        if encoded
            vr = videoReader('t.avi');
            for i=1:50-8
            fprintf('DECODING fails\n');

    • Stepfen

      Stepfen - 2009-05-15

      Hello there,

      I'm using the unstripped codec libraries provided by the ubuntu repos (and maybe few more libraries that I can't recal) and that's what I get:

      asv1: encoding fails
      asv2: encoding fails
      bmp: encoding fails
      dnxhd: encoding fails
      dvvideo: success
      ffv1: success
      ffvhuff: success
      flashsv: encoding fails
      flv: encoding fails
      gif: encoding fails
      h261: encoding fails
      h263: encoding fails
      h263p: success
      huffyuv: success
      jpegls: encoding fails
      libschroedinger: encoding fails
      libtheora: encoding fails
      libx264: encoding fails
      libxvid: encoding fails
      ljpeg: encoding fails
      mjpeg: success
      mpeg1video: success
      mpeg2video: success
      mpeg4: success
      msmpeg4: encoding fails
      msmpeg4v1: DECODING fails
      msmpeg4v2: success
      pam: DECODING fails
      pbm: DECODING fails
      pgm: DECODING fails
      pgmyuv: DECODING fails
      png: success
      ppm: DECODING fails
      qtrle: DECODING fails
      rawvideo: encoding fails
      roqvideo: encoding fails
      rv10: DECODING fails
      rv20: DECODING fails
      sgi: encoding fails
      snow: encoding fails
      svq1: encoding fails
      targa: encoding fails
      tiff: encoding fails
      wmv1: success
      wmv2: success
      zlib: encoding fails
      zmbv: encoding fails

      By the way, isn't it strange that some other codecs, for example Schroedinger/dirac give the following error:

      >> videoWriter('test.avi','codec','libschroedinger')
      ??? Error using ==> videoWriter_ffmpegPopen2
      The "libschroedinger" codec is not recognized by your version of ffmpeg.

          Failed assertion : newCodecId != CODEC_ID_NONE
            Function       : virtual void VideoIO::FfmpegOVideo::setup(VideoIO::KeyValueMap&)
            File           : FfmpegOVideo.cpp
            Line           : 195

      Error in ==> videoWriter.videoWriter at 124
        [vw.handle,vw.w,vw.h] = feval(vw.plugin, 'open', vw.handle, ...

      I can assure you that in the same system, I can use ffmpeg from command line to compress videos with Schroedinger. Something like:

      ffmpeg  -i test_%03d.png  -vcodec libschroedinger test.avi

      works fine. I don't know if that's related to the xvid problems at all.

      Thanks a lot...

      • Gerald Dalley

        Gerald Dalley - 2009-05-15

        Thanks for the info.

        On the libschroedinger issue, I did a little poking around.  FfmpegOVideo::buildCodecMaps uses some older code with a manually-built mapping of all codec types.  Later, I wrote what's found in the enumerateFormats function in FfmpegCommon.cpp that dynamically gets the list of codecs.  It looks like I can now modify FfmpegOVideo so that it uses the dynamic method and adds extra code for extracting the codec ID from ffmpeg's data structures.  I'll add this to the to-do list.

    • Stepfen

      Stepfen - 2009-05-16

      Hi there,

      I didn't know much of these details.

      Just in case it is of any help to you, I did a further check to see which codecs give the: 'The "XXXX" codec is not recognized by your version of ffmpeg.' error.

      Here they are:

      'bmp'    'dnxhd'    'flashsv'    'flv'    'gif'    'jpegls'    'libschroedinger'    'libtheora'    'libx264'    'libxvid'  'msmpeg4'    'roqvideo'    'sgi'    'targa'    'tiff'    'zmbv'

      For xvid and theora I've fount out that to be ok, one needs to use "xvid" and "theora" (instead of "lib...."), but for the rest I couldn't find an alternative that works.

      Let me know if you need any more info on this or the xvid case.


      • Gerald Dalley

        Gerald Dalley - 2009-05-16

        Okay, thanks.  That's helpful.

        The "XXXX" problem is independent of whatever other xvid issues there are.

  • Gerald Dalley

    Gerald Dalley - 2009-09-12

    I finally had a chance to hunt down the problem.  FFMPEG has a field, sample_aspect_ratio.  Nearly all codecs are okay with the aspect ratio being left unspecified (defaulting to an aspect ratio of 1:1 for square pixels).  Unfortunately, libxvid doesn't want to make any guesses and thus it requires an explicit setting.  I'm putting a fix in that hard codes the aspect ratio to 1:1.  If you're impatient, add the following line:
    `st->sample_aspect_ratio = c->sample_aspect_ratio = av_d2q(1, 1);`
    just before the return statement in FfmpegOVideo::addVideoStream().

  • Stepfen

    Stepfen - 2009-09-20

    Hi delleyg,

    I'm moving house these days and didn't have time to post earlier.

    Indeed long time ago I figured out too that libxvid wouldn't work without the aspect ratio option.

    Are you sure that it is the pixel aspect ratio and not the aspect ratio of the frame?? Ffmpeg documentation describes it as:

    `-aspect aspect'
    Set aspect ratio (4:3, 16:9 or 1.3333, 1.7777).   

    which to me it sounds more like the aspect ratio of the frame.


  • Gerald Dalley

    Gerald Dalley - 2009-09-22

    At a library level, explicitly setting just the sample_aspect_ratio (think "pixel" when you see "sample") fixes the problem.  As I recall from hunting around ffmpeg.c, the ffmpeg application uses the frame aspect ratio to calculate the pixel aspect ratio (though I could be remembering incorrectly; once I found a solution, I stopped hunting).


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