
#262 ACIA RS232 emulation does not handle carrier detect

Jeff Brown

I would still love to see RS232/ACIA emulation work properly via Telnet so we can run BBS's in vice.
Says if you map it to a physical com port everything including carrier detect works. But it does not. Depending on how the carrier is checked it will either show it is on full time or if it is off full time.

If I can be of any assistance I would be glad to help. If someone has it working I would love to know about it. If I thought the Linux version worked properly I would just set up a Linux system to run it.


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  • Al DeRosa

    Al DeRosa - 2021-11-12

    Ok... Windows to windows latest nightly works perfect, transferred 86 blocks from 1 instance to the other, then did the same file back to the first one both times had 1 bad block. Multi Punter transfers were hit and miss.. I expected that. Basically what I tried to simulate was how my BBS program handles Network transfers, and that is how I did the transfers, sending system sends, then the receiving system sends files back. Something is up between Linux and Windows, on my test systems I am using the same TCPSER except as you know in Linux you build your own, the windows is pre-assembled. Both instances of Vice are the same again, Windows is pre-assembled, Linux is built from SVN..

    I hope this is all helpful, as I have said in the past responses, I am just trying to help make Vice act and be more and more like a real machine..

  • Al DeRosa

    Al DeRosa - 2021-11-12

    Felt like taking things one extra step.. I took the RS232 directory and the aciacore.c and acia.c files from r48035 and assembled them into the latest nightly assembled a Windows version with them but left the Linux version alone as 41117 . Tried a transfer between Linux machine and Windows machine exact same setup as before, 86 blocks to linux had 5 bad blocks, same 86 blocks back to Windows had 3 bad blocks, but it worked.. I hope all this helps... I am out.. If you need more testing let me know.. I finally have setups where I can build Windows and Linux with no issues..

    • Durandal

      Durandal - 2021-12-01

      While I couldn't reproduce your problem, I just fixed some issues on the ACIA core, including reverting one of the changes I had done previously, please check again with a recent version (>= r41280)

      • Al DeRosa

        Al DeRosa - 2021-12-31

        finally got around to testing it out.. I did things 2 different ways. I tested first with my BBS setup, and sending files from 1 BBS to the other worked fine, but receiving during the same call failed. Then I took my basic c64 setup with striketerm in 2 instances and uploaded from 1st instance to 2nd instance upload worked I immediately tried to upload from 2nd instance back to first instance a different file and it failed with all bad blocks. I then cut the connection re-connected and uploaded with no issue from 2nd instance to first and did the same thing from the 1st immediately try to upload to the 2nd instance and it failed. Something is going on with the transfers after the first transfers are done, this is being done with PUNTER protocol in both Multi Mode and Single mode. Something after R40835 changed to break this, as I have been using 40835 with NO issues since it was released, only difference in my 40835 is I added the DCD patch to correct DCD. I am sure none of this will help but I figured I would at least report my findings.

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