
Viator MMORPG / News: Recent posts

Latest Screenshots

we have uploaded some new screen shots

take a look - maybe decide to jump on board

were hope a new demo will be released soon....

Posted by Triadian 2003-04-01

Make A Wish & Have Your Say

Have you ever wished a certain feature was available in a MMORPG ??
Well now's your chance to add that feature - tell us what it is and how it would work and why we should have it. We will evaluate your Wish, if it seems possible or seems like a good feature to have WE WILL ADD IT.

Remember The Features & Your Fate Is In Your Hands.....

Posted by Triadian 2003-03-24

New Forum Designed

I know i've been quiet for the past weeks

but it was becuase i was designing the NEW FORUM for Viator

based on a suggestion to convert the sourceforge forum to IBForums i downloaded the latest version 1.1 but found that the light blue default forum looked a bit different from how i wanted the website to look.

so with that in mind i set about creating a new skin especially for Viator.

being a phpbb2 skinner converting my skills over to IBF wasn't too hard ... read more

Posted by Triadian 2003-02-07

Tech Demo Released

Just a quick Demo showing off The Rev 3D Engine that we will probably be using.

Posted by Triadian 2003-01-20

UI styling

a rough UI has been drawn up

not happy with some bits of it but getting there.

check Dev forum for info and snapshots

Posted by Triadian 2003-01-13

The Birth

Sourceforge have granted access for this baby to live - together we can make her it grow strong and become one of the best MMORPG's there is.

i'll be posting loads of jobs, so feel free to email me and grab a spot on the dev team, with the emphasis on Co-Operation. Teamwork is the key to success remember

T - Together
E - Everyone
A - Achieves
M - More

Regards Tri.

Posted by Triadian 2003-01-07