
The vformat library / News: Recent posts

vformat Alpha 6 release for linux

the core library of vformat has been ported to linux

Posted by Mathias Palm 2002-11-04

vformat Alpha-6 Release

More bugfixes! Tidier API! UNICODE Win32 Apps!

Bloated .ZIP file due to files I forgot to delete!

Posted by Nick Marley 2002-11-03

Alpha 5

Alpha-5 is here!

This is mostly a bugfix release over Alpha-4, new functionality will go into Alpha-6, which may be the last Alpha.

Please note that from Alpha-5 onwards you will need DevIL from SourceForge.



Posted by Nick Marley 2001-12-16


Well; Alpha-2 is here - this is about as exciting as it gets isn't it...

Posted by Nick Marley 2001-10-24