
Versuch voice proxy / News: Recent posts


The project's home web-page has transformed to brief manual. There are two languages. It covers every aspect of building and tuning of versuch.

Posted by Roman Streltsov 2006-11-17

It is release time.

There are many changes and I have sure in Versuch for releasing.
In TODO list are gwcapasity bugs and documentation. But the code is ready in general.
In the nearest days I am planning to make tar archive. Now the code available in CVS.

Posted by Roman Streltsov 2006-09-04

Change vector

I've decided to reject a development of SIP functionality in the project. I guess to spent time to increase usability, improve installation procedures and resolve issues in latest extra functionality. SIP features require a lot of time for realization, I hope to return in future.

Posted by Roman Streltsov 2006-07-21

Project webpage

Stub of the webpage was chaged to Russian version. That will be prorotype for English Readme and web page.

Posted by Roman Streltsov 2006-03-13

Code is final prerelease

There is not any documents, but in CVS good code.

Posted by Roman Streltsov 2006-03-10

First appearence

The code is in CVS repository. Completly undocumented and without any hints in cfg files.
In the nearest days situation will change.

Posted by Roman Streltsov 2006-03-07