

Hello Fellow Developer,

For years I have been hoping a decent Version Incrementer would be included with
Visual Studio.

So I put some of my knowledge and experience to the test and produced my own.

Believing in the principle of KISS, I decided to make VersionIncrement an
independent program that can be run from the command line or integrated into
the Visual Studio build process.

Example increment:

c:>VersionIncrement.exe "c:\Development\MyProjectFolder" revisionrollover=5 versionname=assemblyversion
Running VersionIncrement.exe Args=3
assemblyversion from to

Here the command line consists of:
VersionIncrement.exe The executable
"c:\Development\MyProjectFolder" Path to the folder where the
project containing the Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs file
revisionrollover=5 Indicating that the the Revision part of the Version
rolls over at 5, incrementing the Build part by one
versionname=assemblyversion Only touch the AssemblyVersion, Default is for both
AssemblyVersion and AssemblyFileVersion
The outout indicates the result of the increment on the AssemblyVersion.

There are other command line options.

A good way to use the VersionIncrement is in the Visual Studio project properties 'Build Events':
c:\VersionIncrement.exe "$(ProjectDir)"

Being a cautious soul, I will not yet put either the run-time nor the source
on a public web site.

However, if you are at all interested in receiving a copy, please write to me.

My reward is your feedback.

Anthony J Rose


Version Increment, VersionIncrement, Auto Increment, Auto Version Increment, Version Incrementer, AutoVersionIncrementer, Auto Incrementer, C#, C Sharp, Visual Studio