
How to make "track cuts" visible

  • boardmaker

    boardmaker - 2023-09-07

    Pending track cuts are highlighted by changes in color of track with a white space between the colors. Fair enough. Now I looking for a way to mark the cut as being done ... and a dead end to the autorouter. DIPs always need track cuts which I do with a 5/32 drill bit. I don't cut between the holes.

    BTW, there is much to like in VeroRouter. Two thumbs up!

  • Alex Lawrow

    Alex Lawrow - 2023-09-08

    The routing algorithm will not overwrite any thing that you manually paint.
    So if you want to stop any sort of routing to those drilled out squares, just manually paint them with an unused netlist value. i.e. First double-click on blank area so that no tracks are highlighted in grey. Then hold down SPACE bar and paint those drilled out squares. They will be given a unique netlist ID (different to all the pins).


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