Alex Lawrow - 2023-05-18

New feature: Added support for some SOICs (8,14,16,20,24,28 pin). See Tutorial 26.

Improvement: Allow non-custom library parts (e.g. T092) to be overwritten if the Import string has not changed but the Prefix string has.

Improvement: Allow editing of a library part without placing it, by selecting it in the Parts Library then switching to Component Editor mode.

Bug fix: Label offsets were not persisted by the Component Editor.

Bug fix: If not forcing X-thermals, the code for producing additional thermal relief tags was missing extra checks for tags in the diagonal direction.

Bug fix: File -> Open (merge into current) could show the newly loaded board with PCB style shapes while in Color mode.

Bug fix: Autocrop and Margin controls were not immediately updating the board size info in the status bar.

Bug fix: The Generic Parts list in the Parts Library should not mention the number of default pins (e.g. should say DIP not DIP8).

Bug fix: Vias within the ground fill were not rendered correctly, especially if forcing X-thermals.

Bug fix: Code for placing board holes (i.e. unusable locations) was only checking that the bottom layer was not painted instead of all layers.

Bug fix: Could get duplicate target points in the routing list.