The veplanner is not very big project because "GRASS" and "JADE" software has done many tedious job for us.
But if only one person develop it, it is still a long-time job. In addition, I just start to learn GIS(MAPINFO) for 1 month, and "GRASS" is totally new to me.
I hope more helper from you. We could establish final requirement specification, design sepcification together, writing the programming together and test together.
I will share with you the related papers about VRP, which is collected by me in the last 3 months.... read more
vehicle routing planning is a classical problem in AI. It is derived from the more famous problem "TSP" (travel saling problem).
It is a complex problem and can only be solved by appromiate algorithm. These algorithms includes "tabu search", "GA", "ant", "MAS".
I set up the project for 2 purposes:
1. to practise the knowledge learned from AI.
2. to make a cheap planning system for the end-user.... read more