

  • Brendan

    Brendan - 2014-12-04

    Hi, I'm new to vmware but a long time linux user, I don't have any windows computers and didn't want to start now. So veman to the rescue. I used the latest versions of all vmware software. vEMan starts fine but when I click login I get the following:

    DEBUG: Error (0) checking authentication or creating session cookie file (F_CRTCOOKIE)
    DEBUG: Return message was: /usr/bin/perl: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/perl/5.18/auto/XML/LibXML/Common/ undefined symbol: Perl_Gthr_key_ptr
    DEBUG: Argument given is valid (F_ERR Target said:\n\n/usr/bin/perl: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/perl/5.18/auto/XML/LibXML/Common/ undefined symbol: Perl_Gthr_key_ptr\n)

    Any idea what I can do here please?


  • secure diversITy


    well.. could you tell me the distribution please?
    Also please follow the steps at "Get Support" here:
    --> step 5 only

    If Debian/Ubuntu ensure that the both packages are installed:

    • libxml-libxml-perl
    • libclass-methodmaker-perl

    otherwise try this:

    cpanm Common


  • Brendan

    Brendan - 2014-12-05

    Thanks, you were right I was missing those two packages. I am running Mint (Ubuntu based). I have now run into a new issue, this one looks like it might be a problem on the server side perhaps.

    DEBUG: Return message was: Error: Server version unavailable at 'https://x.x.x.x/sdk/vimService.wsdl'
    DEBUG: Argument given is valid (F_ERR Target said:\n\nError: Server version unavailable at 'https://x.x.x.x/sdk/vimService.wsdl'\n)

    When I manually check the URL I see this;

    <definitions targetNamespace="urn:vim25Service">
    <import location="vim.wsdl" namespace="urn:vim25"/>
    <service name="VimService">
    <port binding="interface:VimBinding" name="VimPort">
    <soap:address location="https://localhost/sdk/vimService"/>

    Sorry if this is something obvious, I'm a vmware newbie. Is this something I need to get my provider to fix?

  • secure diversITy

    no problem glad that it worked so far.

    but as mentioned those step here is important:

    5. Post your question(s) and the following important information:
             - Version of VMware SDK Toolkit
               ( vmware-cmd --version )
             - Version of YAD
               ( yad --version )
             - Version of ESX (exact build)

    You need to do things at ESX site but only when it comes to the console. Thats because the console in vEMan is VNC based and starting from v5 on you need to ensure the Firewall is not blocking that.
    Check out this guide for this:

    For the latest vEMan compendium check out this:


  • Brendan

    Brendan - 2014-12-05

    I've got what I could, for some reason when I do vmware-cmd --version it asks for a username.password, not sure for what though. I got the other two though,

    $ yad --version

    vmware -v

    VMware ESXi 5.5.0 build-1746974

    I also tried disabling the firewall but it didn't help.

  • secure diversITy

    ok which "VMWare SDK for Perl" do you have installed? exact version please

    You need to disable the Firewall at the ESX only when it comes to console only.

    user/pw when vmware-cmd --version? strange . try vmware-cmd --help instead and check for the version string

  • Brendan

    Brendan - 2014-12-05

    Neither shows me, see here,

    However I checked the installer package readme, if stated vSphere CLI 4.0.0

    I also installed these;

    Does that help?

  • secure diversITy

    Please download version 5.1 of the VMware SDK here:


    Maybe this link could work for you:

    You can also try the newest 5.x version instead of this one but you need to install the SDK 5.

    The most important part when you install the SDK is that you need to take care about the end of the installation.

    There may be hints in the output what the SDK is missing! If those are critical the SDK will NOT GET installed! So look carefully at the output at the end and afterwards try again

  • Brendan

    Brendan - 2014-12-08

    I installed the version you linked to but still get the same error:
    DEBUG: Return message was: Server version unavailable at 'https://x.x.x.x:443/sdk/vimService.wsdl' at /usr/share/perl/5.18/VMware/ line 545.
    DEBUG: Argument given is valid (F_ERR Target said:\n\nServer version unavailable at 'https://x.x.x.x:443/sdk/vimService.wsdl' at /usr/share/perl/5.18/VMware/ line 545.\n)


  • secure diversITy

    ok pls install the package "libcrypt-ssleay-perl" and try again

  • Brendan

    Brendan - 2014-12-08

    Same I'm afraid.

  • secure diversITy


    1) does vmware-cmd --version works for you now? If not the SDK is not fully/correctly installed. I still think that here our main problem is. Check carefully the installation output if so. You may need to install specific libraries to get it really beeing installed!

    2) Check out the INSTALL file especially the hint in how to execute the vmware SDK installer (to avoid proxy issues) and the part at the end for required Ubuntu packages:

    3) try to connect with the user "root" if not tried already

    4) go the command line and execute

    PERL_LWP_SSL_VERIFY_HOSTNAME=0 https_proxy="" ~/vEMan/vmapps/general/  --server YOURSERVER-IP 


    Give me a feedback for the above steps. Step 1 is mandantory if that works try 2 then 3 etc.



    Last edit: secure diversITy 2014-12-08
  • secure diversITy


    If you got the following message:

    http_proxy not set. please set environment variable 'http_proxy' e.g. export 
    http_proxy= . 
    ftp_proxy not set. please set environment variable 'ftp_proxy' e.g. export 
    ftp_proxy= . 

    the installer has in fact aborted! you need to do then:

    sudo http_proxy="" ftp_proxy="" ./

    watch also for messages likes this:

    CPAN is downloading and installing pre-requisite Perl module 
    Error in downloading/installing ...

    That means you need to install that class(es) and re-run the installer.

    apt-cache search Class::MethodMaker
    sudo apt-get install libclass-methodmaker-perl

    Last edit: secure diversITy 2014-12-08
  • secure diversITy

    any news ;) ?

    • Brad

      Brad - 2015-02-20

      I'll semi-hijack this. lol I'm having the exact same issue. Fairly certain that I had missed the hints for Ubuntu/proxy, so I just reinstalled the sdk using the above and it installed successfully. But still getting:

      DEBUG: Return message was: Server version unavailable at '' at /usr/share/perl/5.18/VMware/ line 545.
      DEBUG: Argument given is valid (F_ERR Target said:\n\nServer version unavailable at '' at /usr/share/perl/5.18/VMware/ line 545.\n)

      My setup:
      Xubuntu 14.04
      vSphere Perl SDK 5.1.0-780721
      esxi 5.5

      Any help greatly appreciated!

      • Brad

        Brad - 2015-02-20

        Ok, progress. By downgrading liblwp-protocol-https-perl from 6.04 to 5.8 I've got it working. See solution from degdoo in thread:

        • secure diversITy

          glad to see that you got it working. +1 again for going away from the perl sdk.. (i believe we have reached 100 hundred reasons for this now ;) )


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