
Issues Getting vEMAN to connect to esxi 5.5 server on Ubuntu 14.10

  • logik06

    logik06 - 2015-02-25

    I apologize for posting in the incorrect spot the first time. I am re-posting my issue with the additional information. Like I stated before, I am eager to get this tool to work on my current distro so I can work on my lab units.


    I was able to finally install vEMAN with some issues on Ubuntu 14.10, but now I cannot get vEMAN to connect to my ESXI 5.5 server. The following is the debug from attempting to connect.

    logik@Vaken:~/Vsphere$ sudo ./vEMan
    [sudo] password for logik:
    DEBUG: User variable file /home/logik/Vsphere/etc/uservars_vEMan.cfg found.
    DEBUG: User variable file /home/logik/Vsphere/etc/uservars_vEMan.cfg included successfully.
    DEBUG: System variable file /home/logik/Vsphere/etc/sysvars_vEMan.cfg included successfully.
    DEBUG: included >F_MKCFG< successfully
    DEBUG: included >F_PARENTF< successfully
    DEBUG: included >F_HELP< successfully
    DEBUG: included >F_VERSION< successfully
    DEBUG: included >F_LICENSE< successfully
    DEBUG: included >F_INSTALLER< successfully
    DEBUG: included >F_ERR< successfully
    DEBUG: included >F_REVIEWER< successfully
    DEBUG: Requirement /home/logik/Vsphere/vEMan met.
    DEBUG: Requirement /usr/bin/yad met.
    DEBUG: Requirement /home/logik/Vsphere/vmapps/general/ met.
    DEBUG: Requirement /home/logik/Vsphere/libs/getx509certificate.vEMan met.
    DEBUG: Requirement /usr/bin/ovftool met.
    DEBUG: Requirement /usr/bin/vncviewer met.
    DEBUG: Requirement /usr/bin/ovftool met.
    DEBUG: Requirement /usr/bin/vmware-cmd met.
    DEBUG: Requirement /bin/nc met.
    DEBUG: Requirement /usr/bin/esxcli met.
    DEBUG: Requirement /home/logik/Vsphere/libs/runFUNCTION.vEMan met.
    DEBUG: Requirement /usr/bin/openssl met.
    DEBUG: Requirement /home/logik/Vsphere/vmapps/vm/ met.
    DEBUG: Requirement /home/logik/Vsphere/vmapps/vm/ met.
    DEBUG: Requirement /home/logik/Vsphere/vmapps/vm/ met.
    DEBUG: vEMan wasn't rated before so displaying popup
    DEBUG: return code was 1
    DEBUG: Either nothing selected, canceled or set to remind me later
    DEBUG: vEMan has been executed before. Skipping installer.
    DEBUG: starting auth popup
    DEBUG: Argument given is valid (F_GETCFG)
    DEBUG: User variable file /home/logik/Vsphere/etc/uservars_vEMan.cfg included successfully.
    DEBUG: System variable file /home/logik/Vsphere/etc/sysvars_vEMan.cfg included successfully.
    DEBUG: setting file included successfully
    DEBUG: selected, root, XXXXXXX (PW hidden), button id: 0
    DEBUG: making config
    DEBUG: Hashed pass is: U2FsdGVkX190jt0ZgBkVK/3r9wf6K1O4wDYSiW5Dwii6FVimWDTp7q1nz+2kZzo4
    Connecting to port 443
    Generating Certificate .... done.
    DEBUG: Cert fetched successfully.
    No session file detected. Creating one..
    HASH is U2FsdGVkX190jt0ZgBkVK/3r9wf6K1O4wDYSiW5Dwii6FVimWDTp7q1nz+2kZzo4
    DEBUG: Error (1) checking authentication or creating session cookie file (F_CRTCOOKIE)
    DEBUG: Return message was: Name "Util::script_version" used only once: possible typo at /home/logik/Vsphere/vmapps/general/ line 13.
    Undefined subroutine &Opts::parse called at /home/logik/Vsphere/vmapps/general/ line 15.
    DEBUG: Argument given is valid (F_ERR Target said:\n\nName "Util::script_version" used only once: possible typo at /home/logik/Vsphere/vmapps/general/ line 13.
    Undefined subroutine &Opts::parse called at /home/logik/Vsphere/vmapps/general/ line 15.\n)
    DEBUG: User variable file /home/logik/Vsphere/etc/uservars_vEMan.cfg included successfully.
    DEBUG: System variable file /home/logik/Vsphere/etc/sysvars_vEMan.cfg included successfully.
    DEBUG: Starting keep-alive handler...
    DEBUG: Answer was 0
    DEBUG: Manage_VM was choosen...
    DEBUG: firstrun. will skip keep-alive...
    DEBUG: opening action Manage_VM
    DEBUG: Argument given is valid (F_MAINLOOP)
    DEBUG: User variable file /home/logik/Vsphere/etc/uservars_vEMan.cfg included successfully.
    DEBUG: System variable file /home/logik/Vsphere/etc/sysvars_vEMan.cfg included successfully.
    DEBUG: Last exit before Texas..
    DEBUG: informed keepalive handler about the exit
    DEBUG: reached exit function
    DEBUG: Cleanup end
    logik@Vaken:~/Vsphere$ DEBUG: set FORCECON to 1
    DEBUG: Keep-alive handler stopped by abort detection.
    removed ‘/tmp/vEMan.exited_29123’
    DEBUG: Last function was: SAYHELLO
    DEBUG: Skipping keepalive file creation because we were executed by it
    DEBUG: reached exit function
    DEBUG: Cleanup end
    DEBUG: set FORCECON to 1
    DEBUG: Keep-alive handler stopped by abort detection.
    removed ‘/tmp/vEMan.exited_29261’
    DEBUG: Last function was: SAYHELLO
    DEBUG: Skipping keepalive file creation because we were executed by it
    DEBUG: reached exit function
    DEBUG: Cleanup end

    Any help you can give me would be VERY much appreciated since I have been trying to get vEMAN to work correctly for some time.

    yad version 0.27.0

    ESXi 5.5.0

    When I ran "$vmware-cmd --version" in the terminal I got back a similar error from when I was attempting to connect to my esxi server. It is as follows:

    logik@Vaken:~$ vmware-cmd --version
    Name "Opts::app_name" used only once: possible typo at /usr/bin/vmware-cmd line 32.
    Undefined subroutine &Opts::set_option called at /usr/bin/vmware-cmd line 316.

    The version I had installed was version VMware-vSphere-CLI-5.1.0-780721.x86_64.tar.gz. Could there have been an issue when I installed this version? Thanks for any help.

  • secure diversITy


    the most problems regarding installing vEMan are about the damn VMware SDK. The main problem here is that the installer has no meaningful error messages when there are missing libs etc. It looks like everything goes well but it doesn't.

    I highly recommend to reinstall the SDK and that you ensure to fully read the installers output at the end! This is really important. When the installer said that a library is missing you need to install them first and re-run (!!!) the SDK installer.

            $> sudo http_proxy="" ftp_proxy="" ./
               or (when you are user root)
            $> http_proxy="" ftp_proxy="" ./

    If you use Fedora or Ubuntu there are some convenient hints at the end of the INSTALL readme. It may not be fully complete in every Fedora/Ubuntu version but gives you a start:

    "vmware-cmd --version" HAVE to end without an error and should give you the version number instead.

    Let me know your results..



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