Requirements (needed ONCE)

If you want to get (community based) support please use this Support forum (NOT the guestbook or feedback forum).

If you want to get professional support visit instead and ask for a quote.

To get SUPPORT follow this steps once:

  1. Login to sourceforge (or create a FREE account if you haven't one yet here: )
  2. Go to vEMan Community Support site ( )
  3. Click on the "Create Topic" button in the left menu
  4. Select "vEMan Support Forum" in the drop down(!) list
  5. Post your question(s)


Open a support request (needed EVERYTIME)

Whenever you want to get support the following is really NEEDED:

  1. Read and follow the hints here: INSTALL guide (right click - open in a new window/tab)
  2. Ensure to fully read the installers output at the end! This is really REEEEEAAAALLY important! When the installer said that a library is missing you need to install them first and re-run (!!!) the SDK installer. The best results could be get by using this:

    • $> sudo http_proxy="" ftp_proxy="" ./
      or (when you are user root)
      $> http_proxy="" ftp_proxy="" ./
      but that depends! If you NEED a proxy to reach the internet you may need another setup.

    • Regardless it is absoluteley necessary that there are no libraries missing message at the end of the SDK installer. If a module is missing ensure that you install it first and re-run the SDK installer! It will never give you a meaningful message that the SDK wasn't installed correctly but when a required lib was missing and cannot be automatically installed the installer has NOT FINISHED CORRECTLY.

    • If you use Fedora or Ubuntu there are some convenient hints at the end of the INSTALL readme. It may not be fully complete in every Fedora/Ubuntu version but gives you a start:
      INSTALL guide (right click - open in a new window/tab)

  3. paste the following output:

vmware-cmd --version 
  • paste the following output:
yad --version 
  • start vEMan from the commandline and attach the CLI output
  • Attach the logfile ~/.vEMan/vEMan.log
  • Tell me your Linux distribution and version
  • Tell me your ESX server version including the build number!
  • describe your problem, things you may tried or anything else which could be important
  • keep in mind that this a free project so getting help may take some time. If you need immediate and professional help visit instead and ask for a quote.

Last edit: secure diversITy 2015-08-12