

Anton Shekhovtsov


  1. Audio is saved as PCM in direct copy mode
    A1: Switch to full mode and select audio compression.
    A2: Use appropriate input driver for audio (there is option in File->Open dialog and Audio->From other source).

  2. Save video fails with message "Direct stream copy cannot be used with this video stream."
    A1: Use appropriate input driver if one exists.
    A2: Switch to full mode and use compression.

Direct stream copy and smart rendering state

Support for these features is preserved from original VirtualDub, however it does not fully extend to caching input driver which is default driver in the package. You can change priority back to internal AVI driver or select it manually when opening a file.
How to change input driver: see this link, select different option in "Open using".

Still, these modes should work while using caching input driver with limitations on input format:

  • video must be I-frame only (no delta frames) and full index must be present
    There is a notice in File Information: "index present, optimal random access".
    If it is something else, direct copy will not work.
  • if there are multiple video segments they all must be of same format
  • does not work with image sequences
  • does not work with audio (always decodes as PCM)

Export -> Stream copy

Also there is simple tool for fragment extraction available under File->Export->Stream copy.
This can copy both video and audio from single (simple) selection, and save to different container (e.g. mp4) when possible.
What does it mean "simple selection":

  • if you append multiple segments, it will not work
  • if you cut or rearrange portions of timeline, it will not work


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