
vdevice / News: Recent posts

vRam is here (kinda)

Screen is 500x500.
new assembler instruction added: ld <loc>=value
That loads the literal hexidecimal value into vRam loc.


ld <503>=FF000000

Will set pixel 503 (2nd row, third pixel) to black (ARGB, meaning Alpha (FF) Red (00) Green (00) Blue (00))

Posted by SealedAbstract 2004-07-02

Kissing the console goodbye

Well, some enlightened soul informed me politely that "you could just use a Windows Form, instead of using weird APIs on a console," which is probably the biggest oversight I have ever made, ever.

This is *definately* what we will do, seeing that *real* console support is at least a year off and more like two, and that weird APIs will never be supported by MONO and related frameworks (Windows Forms will work with mono, eventually, in theory... i hope... :-\)... read more

Posted by SealedAbstract 2004-06-26

vRAM is coming

Video ram support is coming. Hehehe.

Problem? .NET 1.1 doesn't support advanced console objects.

Problem2? MONO doesn't support weird Windows APIs to add said support

Problem3? .NET Whidbey (2.0) will have said support, but that's a long ways off, not to mention definately-not-for-a-while compatable with MONO.

For the time being, we're going to resort to bizarre APIs, hoping that some linux user somewhere will figure out how to make the crossover ;)... read more

Posted by SealedAbstract 2004-06-25

We're up

Well, our project has been accepted by SourceForge. Note that everything in CVS is extrememly, extremely unstable, not to mention totally useless. The clause about version control in the license (constant statements) doesn't apply until the constants are actually *marked* in the *code*, if you're wondering. Don't worry, we'll put up a news when that happens, as well as mark it in code in all caps.
Also note that, we're still trying to figure out exactly how we're going to version this (e.g. 0.1.x, 0.1.1.x, etc.) so bear with us, the version numbers may get a little freaky over the next week or so.... read more

Posted by SealedAbstract 2004-06-25