
#10 multi-window mode graphic contamination moving overlapping windows.


This is a minor annoyance more than anything but hopefully one that's easy enough to fix - When using lots of x windows and having them overlap each other dragging a window with the mouse causes an imprint of the graphic in that window to be shown on any underlying vcxsrv windows until the mouse is released. Conversely if I drag a window from below a top level window then a blank imprint is left on the window being moved where it was overlapping until the mouse is released.

I'm using windows 7 x64 if that's relevant at all.

Not a game breaker of a bug by any stretch but would be good to see a fix for this already great software.



  • Ryan Smith

    Ryan Smith - 2016-08-22

    I was wondering about this. Seen also on Windows 10 x64 build 14905. Love using VcXsrv for WSL, but if I can find a Windows X server that doesn't do this, I might switch.

  • Lijat

    Lijat - 2017-05-08

    I have a similar problem, I'm running windows 10 and using multiple monitors with the virtual desktop feature. When switching virtual desktops windows displayed by X does not repaint but shows the content of the window of the desktop switched from.

  • Wizek

    Wizek - 2017-11-22

    Fix idea: Would it be possible to space out all the windows in the X desktop environment in a way that they never overlap, and not propagate their position when the user changes the Windows windows positions over to X? That way the painted overlap would never happen.

    Might break a few apps which rely on the actual windows being moved in X. Is there even such an app? I don't remember using any. But even if there is, I suspect this could be a fix for 95-99% of users. We could make it configurable so that the remaining 1-5% can still have their cake too.

    This is also annoying when trying to alt+tab on windows 10, and almost all window previews show the same: the topmost window's clipped content.


    Last edit: Wizek 2017-11-22
  • Ryan Smith

    Ryan Smith - 2017-11-23

    To that extent, that could be a configurable option. The only trick is that you need to create/resize the X desktop to be able to fit all the windows, and if you resize a window, the windows would potentially have to be internally rearranged.

  • Wizek

    Wizek - 2017-11-23

    Ryan: WRT rearrange: Not necessarily. If you space all windows exactly one screen-size apart, then all of them could grow and shring without ever being able to overlap with any other.

    And if we make the virtual desktop 10x width and height of physical screen, that would mean 100 windows could fit without overlap. The only question in my mind is: Could this be efficiently done with X?

    Related idea: Just put all windows on its own virtual desktop.


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