Activity for vcproj2cmake

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [0d97c6]

    Bug fix: IMPORTANT: vcproj2cmake_recursive.rb: missed another source_root-affected location.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [516737]

    Bug fix: IMPORTANT: consistency: vcproj2cmake_func.cmake: fix wrong function naming.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [d5bf23]

    Correction: consistency: prefer Array.collect().

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [b4642c]

    Bug fix: IMPORTANT: consistency: fix IDL breakage (incomplete rename of v2c_target_midl_compile function).

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [b548ab]

    Correction: consistency: stale logging.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [37fa1b]

    Correction: hardcoding: vcproj2cmake_recursive.rb: prefer using official toolkit helpers.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [e9ffca]

    Issue fix: layer violation: vcproj2cmake_recursive.rb: helper should care about elements joining parts only.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [398670]

    Correction: consistency|symmetry: Array: have last element be termined by ',', too.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [c7e7a4]

    Cleanup: multi-line (CMake context generators).

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [1894ce]

    Bug fix: consistency|determinism|order: IMPORTANT: definitely avoid hash node address/sorting difference (prevents noise: re-generated thus *touch-changed* files!)

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [6c8dd5]

    Cleanup: duplication: V2C_VS10Defines: add TEXT_PROJECT.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [43a808]

    Correction: consistency: log_fatal(): improper log level check.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [66c409]

    Correction: minor: use desirable (instance-bound) logger.debug() rather than undesirable (free-running) log_debug().

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [b5ae1d]

    Correction: consistency|minor: util_file.rb: this .rb file does not need to be executable since it is a *module*.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [99a411]

    Cleanup: multi-line.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [703131]

    Correction: duplication: V2C_VS10BaseElemParser had duplicate "include V2C_VS10Defines".

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [6f2e85]

    Feature Infrastructure IMPORTANT: tests: add tests/README.txt, add unit test execution reminder.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [078e39]

    Bug fix: consistency: fix several wrong (single-parametric) calls to error_unknown_case_value().

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [bb1954]

    Cleanup: duplication: relocate "obj.nil? or obj.empty?" checks into central documented helpers.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [7eeeed]

    Cleanup: consistency: correct indenting issues (tabs etc.).

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [2454c3]

    Bug fix IMPORTANT: consistency: always remember to call "super" in initialize()!!

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [1c63d8]

    Cleanup: consistency|order: textOut should always be the first parameter.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [ebc009]

    Cleanup: multi-line.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [fc91a0]

    Cleanup: consistency: project files: add some entries missing in certain files.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [23cce9]

    Cleanup: multi-line.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [bd9f79]

    Bug fix: cmake_path_join() failed to take empty arguments into account.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [115ea2]

    Correction: visibility: improve correctness of class "private" areas.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [021f3d]

    Cleanup: consistency *inter*-func: misc.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [c2b472]

    Correction: consistency: V2C_VS10ProjectParser: include V2C_VS10Syntax (all VS10 classes should be including this).

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [3b75b3]

    Correction: layer: relocate comments/docs to where they should actually be.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [85d856]

    Cleanup: duplication: do condition match within central helper rather than open-coded on user side.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [f13cbe]

    Cleanup: consistency|scope: always prefer Array.each to for ... in ... loop.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [186d99]

    Cleanup: multi-line, plus conditionals.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [49e705]

    Correction: consistency: fix message deviating from all others.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [c9f641]

    Correction: compat: use File.exist? or more specific (Ruby flags File.exists? naming as deprecated).

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [25d683]

    Bug fix: consistency: add missing log level check to log_info().

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [e0a6bf]

    Cleanup: consistency: have same implementation style for all logging functions.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [bb9f42]

    Cleanup: multi-line (super(), initialize()).

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [d286ac]

    Cleanup: consistency: misc.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [b3ae33]

    Correction: consistency: V2C_VSToolCompilerDefines: include V2C_VSToolDefines (especially since V2C_VSToolLinkerDefines does so, too).

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [1d2e74]

    Cleanup: consistency: V2C_VS10ProjectParser: correct alphabetic order.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [795f49]

    Cleanup: duplication: _v2c_scc_do_setup(): use prefix_of_source_dir_ helper variable.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [e2c78b]

    Comments transform to flexible list.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [6858d7]

    Issue fix: duplication|open-coding: do not open-code important producer <-> consumer [communication] protocol aspects!!

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [3b59d8]

    Correction: layer: relocate generic XML parts out of VS-specific XML class.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [3dbea1]

    Bug fix: use SpEcIaLlY (tm) escaped backslash to avoid CMake parse error.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [cd6457]

    Cleanup: multi-line (comments).

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [3e2d97]

    Cleanup: duplication: use helper variables.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [397ce2]

    Cleanup: multi-line.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [70aa2a]

    Correction: minor|order: util_file.rb: relocate module UtilFileCommon to achieve correct comment location.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [3407f0]

    Cleanup: duplication: remove superfluous extra conditional (target_is_valid) check lines.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [7d9c2f]

    Cleanup: duplication: add nice array_collect_compact() helper to save some LOC.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [124a31]

    Correction: consistency: add missing $v2c_enable_processes config setting.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [0afb60]

    Cleanup: duplication: avoid repeated open-coded access to class members.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [5df383]

    Correction: consistency: rename some variables to p_FOO since they are clearly Pathname-typed already.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [f1b5ec]

    Cleanup: consistency: remove superfluous newlines.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [32eea0]

    Cleanup: move closing brackets back to last-param line.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [7fc5fa]

    Bug fix: don't skip update of root skeleton file.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [73c48d]

    Cleanup: duplication: vcproj2cmake_recursive.rb: relocate File.stat handling into new helper module helper.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [f07122]

    Cleanup: consistency: add per-linker_info line just like compiler part.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [bb6254]

    Cleanup: symmetry: correct mis-matching comment.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [98c343]

    Cleanup: multi-line.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [fb8642]

    README: multi-line (to achieve 80line breaks etc.)

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [ce8683]

    Bug fix: order of include_directories() flags needs to be AFTER/BEFORE SYSTEM.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [52f8ba]

    Correction: consistency: add marker comments missing in some files.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [7244dc]

    Cleanup: consistency: rename to V2C_CMakeFileListGenerator_VS7 (was: V2C_CMakeFileListsGenerator_VS7).

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [6b2e69]

    Cleanup: consistency|duplication: use existing TEXT_LABEL helper.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [40f52a]

    Cleanup: relocate FOUND_* constants into separate ResultsFound module.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [02d3fd]

    Comment corrections.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [382bee]

    Relocate V2C_ParserBase.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [69e4de]

    wip [further get_dereferenced_variable_name() cases?] Add helper variable for get_dereferenced_variable_name() use.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [f21328]

    Cleanup: unused: misc.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [6fb91d]

    CMAKE_MODULE_PATH appending: split off handling into standard helper.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [60ad05]

    Feature: File list generator: add function call for user callback.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [26348f]

    Cleanup: order: CMakeLists.txt file generators: reorder parameters according to scope.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [3489f6]

    Correction: order: relocate misc. parts.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [de18da]

    Cleanup: File list generator: relocate object dependency calculation into new helper at the proper location.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [87aad9]

    Infrastructure: add logging to V2C_Info_Elem_Base.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [6edea3]

    Issue fix: consistency: MSVS does NOT create .vcxproj files with proper EOL-at-EOF.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [3ece27]

    Cleanup: multi-line (Logger).

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [f9123d]

    Feature: warn about missing .filters project file.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [016e76]

    File list generator: generate specific markup for specific file list types.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [d17e1e]

    File list generator: reduce excessive handling in class.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [47b678]

    File list generator: misc. cleanup.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [447f0a]

    Correction: fix improperly scoped (worded) messages.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [5d5dd7]

    Feature: Actively disallow source tree builds and modifications.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [100bbe]

    New comments / docs.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [eaff23]

    Cleanup: duplication: avoid manual open-coded quoting - have central helpers instead.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [37e7d9]

    multi-line put_property_source()

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [9b6dd0]

    Split disparate logging parts.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [b96367]

    source_group() generator: skip MSVS7 handling if NULL.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [4e5d71]

    File list generator: introduce clean helper to have file items marked as generated.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [becbdc]

    Feature: File list generator: set EXTERNAL_OBJECT property for object file type.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [b84682]

    Cleanup: duplication|reliability: unhandled_exception() should directly control exception re-raise.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [67a2e8]

    Cleanup: duplication|unused: remove V2C_VS10ProjectFiltersFileParser and all child classes.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [2360d0]

    Cleanup (no-op).

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [0aae3f]

    Bug fix: consistency: fix logger output which used wrong level.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [d97b9a]

    Cleanup: multi-line (hook_up_midl_files()).

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [a7f72d]

    Cleanup: add and use V2C_VS10Defines_Tool_Types module which lists VS10 tool strings.

  • Andreas Mohr Andreas Mohr committed [519e62]

    Correction: precision: provide properly specifically-typed exception - never do highly unreliable checks on open-coded string literals!

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