
Query on VCL commands

  • Ulf Pettersson

    Ulf Pettersson - 2013-11-01

    To adapt at samelevel, I tried the following:

    adapt "C:\VCLsrc\VclSettings.vcl"

    works fine.

    adapt -samelevel "C:\VCLsrc\VclSettings.vcl"

    the result is that the processor crashed.

    How do I issue the samelevel instruction to the adapt command?

  • Ulf Pettersson

    Ulf Pettersson - 2013-11-01

    just realized that there should be no space in the adapt-samelevel command, but
    I think that the processor is having issues with the scope rule for variables, i.e. if I do the following:

    adapt "file.vcl"

    message Variable = ?@variable1?

    \ I would expect to always get the output

    Variable =

    But current processor will upon the message command "print" whatever value that was assigned to variable1 inside the file.vcl

    i.e. adapt and adapt-samelevel seems to give the same result.

    • Daniel Dan

      Daniel Dan - 2013-11-01

      That's right, thanks.
      I will upload soon the version 1.1 where this is corrected.



      #adapt "file.vcl"
      #message Variable = ?@variable1?


      #set variable1 = 111

      result: message : 'Variable = '
      Errorstream: 'Variable variable1 is not defined.'

      With #adapt-samelevel in file SPC.vcl the message will be : 'Variable = 111'


      Last edit: Daniel Dan 2013-11-01

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