
VCDwizard / News: Recent posts

Fixed some minor bugs in

While testing release more drasticly, I detected a few minor bugs : it seemed the internal communication of VCDwizard with the local registry didn't work like it should be. I've solved this and the sources are already available via CVS. Give me some time (a day or so) to create a new distributable.

Posted by Laurens KOEHOORN 2002-07-22

VCDwizard released

Although I've got no distributable ready yet, the sources are already available via CVS.
See the HELP file (in CVS) for new adds and changes.

Posted by Laurens KOEHOORN 2002-07-19

Sources available in CVS

Since an hour ago, I finally have found out how I can upload the sources into the CVS. Although I think it ain't been done at the correct way (I've done an import of all sources), the sources is nog available via CVS.

Be sure, when you're gonna modify the sources - it's been developped using VC++60 Pro (with servicepack 4), so if you're using some other compiler - most likely you must modify these sources.... read more

Posted by Laurens KOEHOORN 2002-07-18

VCDwizard2005 in test-phase

Currently I'm testing the latest release of VCDwizard (, which has some fixed bugs and major improvements.
It also supports 'forking' by external applications using an input-file.
The release will be released as soon I think there aren't any bugs left... Possible about a few weeks.

Posted by Laurens KOEHOORN 2002-06-24

Sources released of rel-2003

When I'm starting a new release of VCDwizard (this one will have an interface, so external apps - like DVDx can call VCDwizard to (pre-)create the cue/bin), I released all the sourcecodes of the current version of VCDwizard-

These sourcecodes are copylefted by me, you may change the code - even put your name in it, but you must leave VCDwizard FREE (and put somehow a reference to me) as defined in the GNU Public License.

Posted by Laurens KOEHOORN 2002-06-09

VCDwizard also hosted at

Last year, when I announced at to develop a GUI for VCDimager at my own, Jim of (a site dedicated to DV and Video) had offered to host VCDwizard. He's doing so since February this year. You may find VCDwizard at his site at Thanks to Jim for this offer.
The name "VCDwizard" came from Jim btw because the application works in wizard-style, I formely called the project VCDgui.

Posted by Laurens KOEHOORN 2002-05-17

win32 version Released

After 8months developping, I proudly may announce that the win32 version has been released and is available for download. This version is

Posted by Laurens KOEHOORN 2002-05-17