

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-08-25

    Hi. Some strange problem I got by trying to use VCC4N. Plugin installed and then I have to choose Microsoft Visual Studio directory, but Netbeans (or the plugin) does not accept any directory: neither VS installation directory, nor its settings directory. What exactly directory should I give him? I have VS2013. Sorry if this is a stupid question.

    • Maxime Viargues

      Maxime Viargues - 2015-08-26

      Hi. The plugin won't let you choose a folder if it doesn't find the compiler cl.exe, but you can select either the VS install directory or the {VS install}\VC or {VS install}\VC\bin
      If you still can't, you can edit the msvc_caller.conf file and add the correct bin folder in vcbin= e.g.
      vcbin=D:\Dev\Visual Studio Express RTM 2013\VC\bin

      What version of NetBeans are you using?

  • Bagrat Petrosyan

    Thanks for response. I was giving installation directory. I fixed it and that problem is gone. But now I do not know haw to give him additional include directories. I guess there must be a syntactic trick, because normal windows directory syntax failed as well as cygwin directory syntax. I'm using vs2013.

  • Bagrat Petrosyan

    There are difficulties at giving additional include directories. One has to use the netbeans project property dialog window to set up compiler additional include directories. This is good for IDE itself to find the input file but not for compiler. For compiler one has to use compiler additional options. Unfortunately these options are passed to linker as well, and if linker ignores them - program is compiled, if not, this or that error message appears. Would be really wanted to able to give option separately to cl.exe and link.exe.

    • Maxime Viargues

      Maxime Viargues - 2015-08-28

      The includes have to be added in the compiler options "include header" or "include directories" not in additional options.
      The additional options are indeed shared between the compiler and linker, that's a bug in the Makefile generation of Netbeans, but it shouldn't cause any problem and will just be ignored by the linker. Use the include options and it will just work.

      • Bagrat Petrosyan

        In my case, adding includes in the compiler options "include header" or "include directories" only helps to be able to open and edit those includes in netbeans editor, but compiler complains about not found header, for example:

        Include Directories S:/services/ControlSystem/xAppsZN/controls/bin/lib/include
        Include Headers S:/services/ControlSystem/xAppsZN/controls/bin/lib/include/tine.h

        from compiler:
        v:\develop\bagrat\doocs.git\programs\arcusdmx\TineServer.h(21) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'tine.h': No such file or directory

        When I add in additional options this:


        BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 8s)

        no problem any more.

  • Maxime Viargues

    Maxime Viargues - 2015-09-05

    Can you set "verbose = true" in the msvc_caller.conf file and give me the output of the msvc_caller command line used in both cases?



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