
Unable to install version 0.3 plug lacking UI API

  • Paul A Bristow

    Paul A Bristow - 2013-06-23

    I've tried to install the latest version 0.3.0 but "Some plugsin required plugin Debugger core" to install these.

    I'm on Net 7.2 and am uptodate, Windows 7.

    I've checked for updated plugins

    Some plugsin require plugin code API require >=1.40.1 but only 1.37.1 was found

    debugger core >=2.37.1 but only 2.32.1

    I've looked for these plugins but?

    I have MS VS 2010 and it is up to date too.

    Must I update to a new recent VS?



    Paul A. Bristow

  • Maxime Viargues

    Maxime Viargues - 2013-06-24

    Hi Paul,

    Thank you for reporting the issue.
    Indeed, I does not work with NetBeans 7.2. I removed the dependencies with the debugger, now it should work with the latest version 0.3.1
    Otherwise you would have to upgrade to NetBeans 7.3


  • Paul A Bristow

    Paul A Bristow - 2013-06-24

    I've tried to install your 0.3.1 but got into a ravel including no access rights (now expanded so all
    files and folders have permissions) ending with "Retrieving tool versions" stuck at 50%.
    I am clear that I am unclear how I should be doing an upgrade - or should I remove the previous
    0.2 version (and 0.3.0) before trying to do any of this process?
    I've got the downloaded files at Program Files/Netbeans - does it need to be somewhere in my user
    folder instead? (It worked before).
    PS I am uncertain what the Microsoft Visual C++ Folder should be
    It is
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC
    the C++ compiler is
    C:\Program Files\NetBeans 7.2\VCC4N_0.3.1_beta\tools\msvc_caller.exe

    If I click on the Build Tools/ Versions button then it hangs at 50%.

  • Maxime Viargues

    Maxime Viargues - 2013-06-25

    It's probably better to uninstall the previous one 0.2, install the new one, and recreate the VCC4N toolchain in NetBeans.
    If it still does not work, install the latest NetBeans 7.3
    Regarding the folder you download and extract (tools), it does not matter where it is, as long as you have the rights to execute it.
    The Microsoft Visual C++ Folder is your Visual Studio installation folder, but you cannot select a wrong one, the plug-in verifies it on selection.

    Hope you can fix it.


  • Paul A Bristow

    Paul A Bristow - 2013-06-27

    OK, I've had another go at this, but this without success.

    1st I needed to give user write access to /tools and msvc_caller.conf to avoid an

    C:\program files\netbeans 7.2\vcc4N_0.3.1_beta/tools/mcvs_caller.conf (access is denied)

    (even though I am an administrator on this machine).

    The I've selected the downloaded plugin and install. The first time, It asks for VS directory and I provided it so that the file now cotains.

    Visual Studio bin directory. This line is generated by the module, you don't need to edit it

    vcbin=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin

    Additional arguments added to each compiler call.

    Usual default arguments are: /GS /EHsc /fp:precise /D"WIN32" /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /D"_UNICODE" /D"UNICODE"

    addCompileArgs = /nologo

    Additional arguments added to each linker call.

    addLinkerArgs = /NOLOGO

    Display command lines (true|false)

    verbose = false

    which all looks right, and VCC4N is in the list of installed plugins with a green tick.

    1st time I tried this the Tools.Options versions showed no C or C++ compiler.

    When I've removed the plugin and repeated I didn't get the "Provide VS info" question, but now I have no VCC4N.

    Am I wrong to be using the 'Install plugin' process?



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