
vCard Contact Info Parser / News: Recent posts

Huge new version!

Version 4.0 has been released. The new version reads files much faster. Even files with images can now be read in less than a second.
The UI has also been completely redesigned, and now features a toolbar and status bar in place of the buttons and menus.
Also added is an automatic update checker. It checks for updates on startup, and can be turned on and off. You can also update manually from the options screen.

Posted by 2010-05-10

Website back up

The project website at is now back up, after some fixing and improvements. All the links work and stuff, and it also now displays the project activity feed, so you can see when new files are released, news is added, etc. Web Start is still down, but I hope to fix it soon.

Posted by 2009-08-19

2.1 released with icons, better vCard support (+easter egg!)

Version 2.1 has just been uploaded (Java, Mac, and Source).

This is a relatively minor release, which adds the following features:
-support for websites in vCards (URL)
-support for things with custom labels and other things preceded by item#.[content], although some will just be displayed as "OTHER" for now
-icons for copy and save buttons
-easter egg :) It's not in a very creative place, but maybe I can think of something better later.... read more

Posted by 2009-08-18

New release adds multiple file support, saving output

New release!
Version 2.0 allows you to select as many files as you want in the file chooser, and the contacts will be seamlessly parsed from all of them. Muliple file selections are noted in the text of the top button as the number of files and the directory they are in. It also limits you to choosing vCard files (.vcf); however, if you have a file in that format that has a different or no extension, you can click the drop-down box at the bottom of the chooser window and select 'All Files', which will allow you to select any file.
Also added is the ability to save the plain text output of the program as well as copy it, in the form of a quite obvious button at the bottom of the screen; clicking this button will give you a save dialog where you can choose where to save your file and what to call it.
Some other improvements are added as well, such as the status being displayed in the main window during parsing, and the number of contacts parsed being displayed in the text of the top button.
The Mac native app and Java Web Start version have not been uploaded for this version yet, but I will put them up whenever I get a chance. I hope to create a Windows native app eventually as well, but for now you can run the .jar file on any system with Java installed.
I am aware that some things from contacts may not appear as of now, especially things marked as 'other' or with no classification; I will fix this as soon as I get a chance.

Posted by 2009-08-15

Important note on images

vCard files can contain images for contacts. This is a nice feature, but greatly increases the filesize, and therefore the time it takes for the vCard Parser program to read it. For example, I have a certain vCard file with 86 contacts in it, that is 28k. This same card, with images included for only 14 of the 86 contacts, is 432k, more than 15 times larger. This means that instead of taking less than 20 seconds to parse, it will take around 5 minutes. And think how long it would take if more of the contacts have images. Since the vCard Parser outputs plain text and ignores any included images anyways, if you have pictures attached to your contacts it is a good idea to export the vCard without them.... read more

Posted by 2009-08-15

vCardParse can now be launched online via Java Web Start

In addition to the normal download version, you can now run the vCard Contact Info Parser from the project website, with all features of the normal version. This way you can run it if you want to use it quickly on another computer without downloading and running it; just go to the site and click the link! You may be asked to trust a certificate.

You must have Java Web Start ( installed in order for it to work. To run it directly or link to it from another site, use this link:

Posted by 2009-06-28