
Tree [r6] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 Database 2007-04-18 gaddas [r1] Initial import.
 Required 2007-04-18 gaddas [r1] Initial import.
 Server 2007-04-21 gaddas [r6] Added sample config files and the scripts.
 Tools 2007-04-19 vbWoW [r5] Set realmserver port to 3724 and worldserver po...
 COPYRIGHT 2007-04-18 vbWoW [r3] More updates to files.
 INSTALLATION 2007-04-18 vbWoW [r3] More updates to files.
 README 2007-04-18 vbWoW [r3] More updates to files.

Read Me

Visual Basic World Of Warcraft® Server Emulator
Copyright (c) 2005-2007, vbWoW Team

	vbWoW Server Pack
	version 0.3.2660

Basic Information:
	vbWoW is an emulator for World Of Warcraft. The application is 
	written in Visual Basic .Net, using CodeDom for dynamic code compiling of its scripts. 
	Using Clustered Computing, once completed this server will be able to handle many players online. 
	<vbWoW Server Pack> is consists of the following components: 
		-RealmServer	- serving as login, account control, and realmlist manager
		-WorldServer	- main server that controls all game functionality
		-Control Center   - monitors server for problems
		-Database	- database library engine used by all servers
		-Filebase	- library containing wrapers for accessing game file types
		-Logbase	- library for logging features (logging to irc/telnet/file/console)
		-Ad		- for extracting maps

	Only noticeable changes are listed.

	version 0.3.XXXX [XX.XX.2007]
	- taxi working
	- pets/summons support (no advenced AI or spells using them for now)
	- vbWoW.Filebase access to MPQ and ADT files
	- StandingAI, GuardAI, WaypointAI, CooperativeAI, EvilAI

	version 0.3.2660 [14.04.2007]
	+ moved to vbWoW.Logbase usage (added IRC/CONSOLE/COLORCONSOLE/TELNET/FILE log modes)
	+ few more updates to the Mail system
	+ bank working
	+ version 2.0.8/2.0.10/2.0.12 support

	version 0.3.2621 [08.03.2007]
	+ spell effects related to comabat system (for adding to dodge, block, parry, crit chance)
	+ new logging support (vbWoW.Logbase)
	* combat system finally done
	* starting items/spells fixed and moved outside the core

	version 0.3.2584 [29.01.2007]
	+ version 2.0.3/2.0.4/2.0.5/2.0.6 support, dbc scripts updated
	+ keyring slot working
	+ added some new item fields (sockets, bagfamily...)
	+ added more aura effects

	version 0.3.2565 [09.01.2007]
	+ spell aura system (added fisrt aura handlers for: far sight, mount, periodic damage, transform)
	+ improved invisibility system (addded auras for stealth, stealth detection)
	+ version 2.0.1 support
	+ talent learning and unlearning working (only visual effect for now)

	version 0.3.2508 [13.10.2006]
	+ new DefaultAI to be used with most creatures
	+ items can be looted/opened (after closing looted item is deleted)
	+ vbWoW.Database support for Oracle
	+ vbWoW.Filebase component for access to DBC and WDB files

	version 0.3.2471 [07.10.2006]
	+ guilds working (will need little rewrite when RedirectServer is ready)
	+ duel working
	* changed database engine to vbWoW.Database (supporting MySQL, MSSQL)
	* rewrite of vbWoW.WorldServer commands parsing and using delegates, now help command is available
	! only MySQL database support is guaranteed to work for now

	version 0.3.2447 [13.09.2006]
	+ petition /guild charter/ working
	+ basic core support for enchantments, random properties and working binding (soulbound items)
	+ talent unlearn working (not used for now)
	* updated combat system (dodge, parry, block works)

	version 0.3.2435 [01.09.2006]
	+ version 1.12 support
	+ mail fully working (normal mail and auction mail)
	+ auction working

	version 0.3.2401 [29.07.2006]
	+ quests support (kill mobs, gather items, deliver items, talk to)
	+ next quest support
	+ trainers working
	+ version 1.11 support

	version 0.3.2360 [19.06.2006]
	+ party loot working
	+ more spell effects added (frost nova, create item, learn spell)

	version 0.3.2351 [10.06.2006]
	+ trade working
	+ party working
	+ xp sharing

	version 0.3.2341 [01.06.2006]
	+ vendors working
	+ loot system
	+ general npc menu (no need for scripting every npc)
	+ basic spell database and handling (fireball works)
	+ simple creature AI for moving/defence
	+ basic gameObject interactions
	+ durability/repair working
	+ combat system working - crit/hit/miss (dodge/parry and other needs formula)
	+ addons banning system
	version 0.3.2322 [11.05.2006]
	+ gmtickets
	+ basic defensive creature AI
	+ basic mail and trade
	* enabled starting movies

	version 0.3.2321 [10.05.2006]
	+ basic combat system
	+ graveyards working
	+ spawning/importing spawns fixes

	version 0.3.2315 [04.05.2006]
	+ version 1.10 support (setweather command)
	+ reputation woking
	+ item spliting/stacking

	version 0.3.2300 [19.04.2006]
	+ cell manager ready - players can see each other
	+ exploration working
	+ death system working 
	+ corpses/bones working
	+ invisible system (like invisible spirit healers, invisible GM's (not yet enabled, but ready))
	+ npc Gossip Scripting, ingame/console commands scripting
	+ adding creatures in the world (no spawns commands yet)
	+ gameObjects - first touch
	! now to run WorldServer you need to use MaNGOS' map extractor with "-r 64" for extracting the maps
	! maps are loaded from F:/World of Wacraft/Maps and not all
	! only MapID=0 is working for now becouse RedirectServer is not done yet

	version 0.3.4 [X.02.2006]
	+ ActionBars working
	+ basic spell scripting
	+ items working (without spells)

	version 0.3.3 [14.02.2006]
	+ basic skills operations
	+ basic spells operations
	+ movement opcodes fixed
	+ character stats working
	+ private, global, say, yell chats working
	+ friend list working at 100%
	+ who working at 100%
	+ ignore list working at 100%
	+ handling tutorial flags
	+ warden command bot working with sample commands like BAN, KICK, INFO...
	+ character managment working at 100%

	version 0.3.2 [17.11.2005]
	+ working basic realm, basic mysql db, basic ban function
	+ realm server development start, based on partial aWoWe 0.2 code

	version 0.3.1 [16.11.2005]
	+ changing code to reflect last selected DB source - MySQL, using aWoWe 0.2 source
	+ splitting Realm and World servers
	+ rewriting all auth module to use SRP6 dll by Kolie and Team NOX, because aWoWe 0.2 slow BigInt module

	+ Spirit	: Core Coder, Tools Coder, Project Leader
	+ Many other developers as well whom decided not to have their names shown here.

Thanks To:
	+ World of Warcraft®, (c) 2004 Blizzard Entertainment.
	+ WowwoW, (c) 2005 DrNexus
	+ SRP6DLL, Kolie and Team NOX
	+ MySQL® Connector/Net 1.0
	+ WoWD, OpenWoW, Ludmilla, MaNGOS Development Teams
	+ Database teams and Repack makers
	+ ...and all others missed here.

	Enjoy :D. Visit for more information on vbWoW :).