
Using varkon as programmers way?

  • Markku Tavasti

    Markku Tavasti - 2008-02-04

    I'm programmer, and I'd like to use same work flow for CAD also.
    Varkon is in theory perfect CAD for programmer, but unfortunately only in theory.
    Normally I write code, and run compiler, and test does it work.

    For Varkon, I have to use mouse enormous amounts:

    - Open part, several mouse clicks
    - Press MBS, editor opens. Edit & close.
    - Get dialog saying 'compilation error', press 'y'-button for editing again
    - Repeat until compilation goes ok. Click 'close' for all dialogs showing compilation errors (whole stack of them)
    - All comments are lost from files, so no sense of commenting lines out, varkon deletes them?

    My wrist can't take that amount of mouse usage!

    I would prefer:

    - All MBS files are all the time on disk in source format available so I can edit them
    - Run 'make' or what ever command which runs in terminal, producing errors like c-compiler so that my
      xemacs can parse them, and knows 'error is on file brokenpart.mbs line 57' and shows me that file.
    - When compilation goes ok, pressing some 'refresh' button on varkon UI would show what kind of thing my code resulted.

    Would this be possible? Any instructions for this?


    • Sören Larsson

      Sören Larsson - 2008-02-05


      It is possible to use varkon in a way similar to what you describe with help of makefiles that uses the mbsc compiler. I am doing so myself for some projects. I will put together an example of this, it may hovever not be possible for med to do this week.


    • Markku Tavasti

      Markku Tavasti - 2008-02-19

      Ok, I can compile MBS files, create makefile, no problem with that.

      Do I have to set project up with varkon UI?


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