

  • bdn8888

    bdn8888 - 2008-03-27

    is there a way to get more precise selection results? i tend to use parts to build my models; by later selection i don't get what i point to, the biggest part seems to be prefered (i work in oGL window).
    is there a way to delete children while deleting parent (i point to child but get the parent and the blanking option!)?
    the tiff output by oGL window produce rubbish by me: either multiply small windows in one go or a curious patterns. any suggestions?

    hope you'd nice Ascension days recently...

    • Johan Kjellander

      There seems to be a problem with selections in OpenGL windows sometimes
      that we have not noticed during earlier tests. For the time being this
      should be reported as a bug. Making the OpenGL window fully functional
      is top priority so I suppose we will look into it soon. If you find
      any systematic (mis-)behaviour with the OpenGL selections, please
      let us know. The workaround is to use the older type of X11 graphics
      window instead.

      Delete in generic mode can only delete something that is created by
      a statement in the curently active module. Anything else would break
      the concept of generic modeling. If you select an entity that belongs
      to a part there is no way to delete the entity without deleting the whole
      part. In explicit mode however, you can load a RES-file created in generic
      mode and delete whatever you like. Ther result is WYSIWYG not generic.
      Not sure this answered your question. If not please describe your problem
      a little more in detail. An example would help.

      Tiff output is beta quality and only tested on a few different platforms.
      It seems to be more complicated than we thought to make it portable.
      Did you bulid varkon from the sources ? If so, check what version of
      the tiff library yoi have installed in your computer. Updating the
      tiff library could help. Armin Faltl is responsible for the low level
      tiff code. You can reach him through I think.

      Thanks for feedbak, Johan

    • Johan Kjellander

      The OpenGL selection bug is fixed in svn#99.


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