
Can't seem to get Varkon to work

  • Paul Dudley

    Paul Dudley - 2009-04-22

      I have installed Varkon_1.19D on my Linux (Slackware 11.0). First I run my script file to define the necessary variables. Then I start xvarkon and I get a small gray menu listing the following:
    Explicit, Generic, Help and Exit.

    If I select Explicit I get "Segmentation fault" and menu disapears.
    If I select Generic I get the same. Selecting Help gives a popup

         Startup log  !

    VARKON_ROOT is /home/dudley/Varkon_1.19D
    Varkon memory allocation system initialized
    Varkon system data initialized
    Varkon debug system initialized
    Processing command line
    0 bin/xvarkon
    Command line sucessfully processed
    Varkon error system initialized
    Varkon levels initialized
    inifil_1 =
    inifil_2 =
    WinPac (WP) initialized
    IG0202 (null)index.htm
    WPselect_sysmode help error

      There is a small popup

              Here is my start script:

    # Root directory for VARKON installation.
    # Alternative 1, relative path.
    #VARKON_ROOT=`(cd $(/home/dudley/Varkon_1.19D $0); cd ..; cd ..; pwd)`

    # Alternative 2, explicit path.
    export VARKON_ROOT

    # Root directory for VARKON installation.
    # Alternative 1, relative path.
    #VARKON_ROOT=`(cd $(/home/dudley/Varkon_1.19D $0); cd ..; cd ..; pwd)`

    # Alternative 2, explicit path.
    export VARKON_TMP

    export VARKON_LIB

    # The following line is an example that includes
    # an additional directory.
    # VARKON_LIB=/home/username/my_library:$VARKON_ROOT/lib

    What have I done wrong ?



    • Paul Dudley

      Paul Dudley - 2009-04-23

        Well, I got it started. I was firing up the wrong file. I was trying to start with /bin/xvarkon instead of /com/english/varkon.

      I've already had 2 crashes though. One while trying to change a lines
      thickness from 0 to 2 ( as in the tutorial  ) and again when I tried to
      copy a line. When a popup asked" maintain same level" I answered
      yes and everything disapeared. poof!  Not sure now if I have any
      faith in this tool. 2 crashes in 5 minutes.

      = Paul =

    • Johan Kjellander


      2 crashes in 5 mins is no fun. With a tool that
      has been used for so long time by so many ppl it's
      strange however that nobody else has similar problems.

      I have no clue to what may be the problem. Start Varkon
      again with a completely new job name. If it craches, send
      me the startup logfile.



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