nh3oh - 2010-02-14

Hi, Varkonian Folk!

I =  nh3oh

I = new in Varkon, new in Debian, new in CAD …

… in fact I'm born TOMORROW ;-)

and I 've no idea about programming but I do pretty good coffee!

So every one can easily understand that I need to find some help to start.

I spend a long while to find that sh varkon starts varkon and another to delude it with  ln -s libtiff.so.4 libtiff.so.3

Now following the 6 minutes manual I try to use the MBS button to create many points it mights be easier do it in text mode ( I hope so )

But MBS button doesn't open the texte edition window (or terminal?)

I run debian lenny with gnome so xterm is not  installed but the gnome-terminal.
Gvim is installed.

I tried change     /Varkon_1.19D/cnf/ini/english/linux     by many way in :

varkon.mbsedit.emulator:        xterm -title MBS-Edit -e

varkon.mbsedit.editor:          vi

When I click MBS with the above lines,  the terminal where Varkon is open send :

sh: xterm: not found

varkon.mbsedit.emulator:        gnome-terminal -title MBS-Edit -e

varkon.mbsedit.editor:          vi

send  >> Impossible d'analyser les paramètres : Option inconnue -title
   “ impossible to analyse parameters : unknown option – title “

I change  vi by vim or gvim >> the same!

Back to :
varkon.mbsedit.emulator:        xterm -title MBS-Edit -e

varkon.mbsedit.editor:          vi

In my    /usr/bin  I made a symbolic link :    ln -s gnome-terminal xterm
I try this link in gnome-terminal >> it works
but one more time the terminal shows : 

Impossible d'analyser les paramètres : Option inconnue -title

I tried  xterm without  -title MBS-Edit -e
   >>doesn't work more!

So now I really need some help!

If there is some place to discus with varkon users like me, Please send me the link.

Thanks for your help!