Anonymous - 2011-01-12


I am currently using Variationhunter-SC (version 0.03) and had one question
regarding the output of the program. In the main .SV output file, there is a
field called "SVtype." This field contains numbers that run from 1 to 5, and
the documentation on the meanings of these numbers is not very clear.

I think that I may have deciphered some of the numbers, but I am unsure. I
believe that the SVtypes are as follows:

SVtype 1: Insertion

SVtype 2: Deletion

SVtype 3: Inversion (FF orientation of reads)

SVtype 4: Inversion (RR orientation of reads)

SVtype 5: ??

Am I correct with my guesses on SVtypes 3 and 4? Also, what is the
significance of SVtype 5? Thank you in advance for your replies.