
Ian Channing

Project Admins:

Vanda PHP (vanda to her friends)

“A journey of a 1000 miles is started with a really small MVC framework”

Vanda PHP is a bare-bones MVC PHP framework, based on the CakePHP framework.

It is designed for use on small projects where you want a well structured base and for learning about MVC. I have also found it very useful for refactoring spaghetti code into more structured code. The core is three files of 2KB each - index.php, controller.php & model.php.

It however allows a good portion of the cake framework usage.

Included from the CakePHP

  • automatic hookup from view -> controller -> model
  • views, with variables generated in the controller
  • controllers, that can call the associated model through $this->modelName and can pass variables to the view through $this->set()
  • basic models
  • layouts (added by popular request!)
  • Disco fever

Missing from CakePHP

  • Behaviors
  • Helpers
  • Components
  • Data Sources
  • View parameters
  • All that jazz

So you get your model, your view and your controller... and not a lot else.


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