
Version 0.8.1 - Configuration Fixes

I recently switched from Gentoo to Debian. (Gentoo's great, it's just more hands-on than I want to be sometimes.) Well, I ran into some trouble trying to build Vamos. This release should make the configure script more portable. Even so, there are a few things that may not be automatic on some systems. So I'll show the steps I went through to get everything building and running.

I installed wheezy and then switched to the testing distribution. I installed
- libsdl-dev
- libopenal-dev
- libalut-dev
- freeglut3-dev
- libboost-all-dev
- python3-dev

The Boost.Python 3 libraries are installed as "libboost_mpi_python-py33". The configure script won't find them without some help, so use

./configure --with-boost-python=py33

If you install in the default /usr/local tree you need to set some environment variables so the Python modules and the shared libraries will be found at runtime. Add the following to your .bashrc or equivalent

export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python3.3/site-packages
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib

When I got it going I was happy to see that the free Nouveau driver for nVidia cards had decent performance, although framerate suffered when the rearview mirrors views were rendered. I could live with that, but not with the occasional display freezes (like the one that happened the first time I tried to post this). So I broke down and installed the proprietary drivers. But I'll keep my eye on the Nouveau project in hopes that I can make my system 100% free again.

If you're having trouble building on your system let me know so we make Vamos more portable. If you've found the secrets to building on your platform please share.

Posted by Sam Varner 2014-02-23

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