
Value / News: Recent posts

Value Delphi Release

Just in time for the taxes a software available as open-source, Value LightWeight is available with full source, help project.

Value Light Weight is not compatible with Value ERP as the natures are different.
All data generated in Value Light Weight can be easily migrated to Value ERP.

Multi-company, Multi-Ledger, Multi-SubLedger, Codeless Accounting System
User Definable Report Headers and Format and Formatting can be done Run-Time.
All Reports - Day Books, Sales and Purchase Register, Stock Ledgers, Re-order, Aging, General Ledger, Trial Balance, Balance Sheet.
Balance Sheet Schedules, Final Accounts
Document Tag Analysis
Automatic Data File generation, re indexing and housekeeping
Drag and Drop Files
Fully compatible with Delphi 3 to Delphi 7 and 8 Professional
Help Project to generate help files
VCL Components used by Value... read more

Posted by Dev B 2004-01-09

Value 1.5 New Release

Value 1.5 has just been released. The J2EE Components are 1/10th the size of it's predecessor 1.1.3. The new release uses DAO components and MySql making it truly portable. The new Java Client will be release shortly. A Wysiwyg Web Client has been launched at the project home page Now an user can see the actual nitty-gritties of Value.

Posted by Dev B 2003-11-14

Value Release 1.1.3

Value Release 1.1.3 is available for download.

Value is a complete J2EE middleware / server side accounting system/ERP/CRM geared for users ranging from soho to large corporations. Powerful features
include backoffice complete accounting (multilingual, multicurrency), purchase-receiving-tagging(sku)

* Value is a complete modular Open Source ERP/CRM system.
* Much of the attention surrounding Value has focused on its modular capabilities, and with good reason.
* Value comes out-of-the-box with following modules:
o General Ledger System for multiple companies.
o Inventory Management for Manufacturing and Retailing linked to the GL System
o Purchase-Receiving-Sales systems for point-of-sales operations
o Sales order processing and Customer Relationship
* Value is completely interoperable and platform independent.
* Value has been written ground up with Java and J2EE.... read more

Posted by Suraj Amin 2003-01-29

Home Page

Lots of documentation - user guides, entity beans class diagrams, ER diagrams etc have been added to the home page links.

Posted by Dev B 2003-01-19

Value Entity Beans Code Generator

Value's J2EE (EJB Entity Beans CMP 2.0) Code Generator in Java Released. Beta Version. Final Version will be release shortly.

Posted by Dev B 2003-01-16

Value's CVS moved to

Value's CVS repository has been moved from our office server to the server.

Instructions regarding the same are available at

Value's latest bleeding edge version can always be found in the CVS! So go ahead and exploit Value to its fullest.

Posted by Suraj Amin 2003-01-15

Value Release 1.1.2

Value release 1.1.2 is available for download. JSP clients have been enabled for customization.

Posted by Dev B 2002-12-24


Value Open Source ERP/CRM integrated with JBoss and Postgreqsl is available for Download.

Posted by Dev B 2002-12-17

Value Beta 1.1

Details of new Beta Release which includes bug fixes and enhancements. In a nutshell,

1. General Ledger / Account back end system for multiple companies completed.
2. Sales Order, Purchase-Receiving-Point of Sales Complete
3. Major overhaul for audit trail.
4. New triggers assigned.

Please see the uploaded documentation.

Posted by Dev B 2002-03-11

Value beta 1.0

Value Beta Released

Posted by Dev B 2002-02-07

Value Beta

Beta 1.1 is available on the CVS. Release Files will be included shortly.

Posted by Dev B 2002-02-07