
user guide

Thibault Mondary
buttons.png (53358 bytes)
buttons_with_data.png (134678 bytes)
good_bof_bad.png (43385 bytes)

The validation interface uses local storage (xxxxxxxxLINK) to allow partial validations. Thus, it requires a modern browser. However, file storage is always available.

For each term the experts have to choose if it is correct, wrong or unclear. At the beginning of the validation, all terms are "Undef", that means not yet validated. Experts can include a comment after each term. Clicking on a term displays its first 30 occurrences (the lemmatized form is searched if no occurrence is found). Occurrences are displayed in bold within the sentence. The maximum number of displayed occurrences is tunable, see [webmaster guide]. The maximum length of a sentence to be displayed is 1.000 characters (this parameter is also tunable). Another click on the term hides its occurrences.

Save and restore

At any time the user can save its work into the cache of the browser by clicking on "Save all".

A message box suggests to copy the content of the textarea (above the button bar) into a file. This area represents the current state of the validation in an form the computer can understand.

Two strategies are available to restore the state of the validation:

1/ Using local storage: select "Restore all (from LOCAL storage)". Last saved data are loaded from the browser cache.
2/ Using a file (created by copying the content of the textarea above the button bar): paste its content into the textarea and press "Restore all (from the above text area)".

Both strategies have their strength and weaknesses:

Local storage

+ no need to manage files
+ always up-to-date version of the validation
+ more user friendly
- more sensitive to data loss, in case of incorrect operation or clear of the browser cache.

File storage

+ multiple files can store multiple revisions of a validation
+ can be shared between computers and between browsers
+ robust to unexpected cache cleaning
- need to store and organize files
- less user-friendly

Warning !

Before the first true validation, user may ensure that local storage works:

  1. Do few validations and add commentaries, save them with "Save all" button
  2. Close all browsers (not only the current tab)
  3. Open the validation page again and press "Restore all (from LOCAL storage)"
  4. Check if all is correct.

The most probable cause of malfunction comes from cookies and cache settings.

  • With Chrome, ensure that "Settings -> Show advanced settings -> Content settings... -> Cookies -> Allow local data to be set (recommanded)" is checked.
  • With Firefox, ensure that "Edit -> Preferences -> Privacy -> Accept cookies" is checked and "Keep until they expire" is selected.

Some third party programs (like "CCleaner") might regularly clear the cache of all installed browsers, in this case all validations are lost.

If you use Firefox, you must disable Firefox Sync before submitting a validation, otherwise the GUI can become unresponsive.


When the validation is completed, clicking on "Submit" executes "valiterms_process.php" on the server. The current version of this script displays the validation into four tables (correct, incorrect, unclear and not yet validated terms). The resulting HTML page can be saved with the browser or copied/pasted into a spreadsheet. The webmaster can modify "valiterms_process.php" if more processing are required. Thanks for sharing !

Error messages

Previously saved data (if any) will be overwritten ! Are you sure ?

This messages appears when clicking on "Save all".

Browser's local storage is empty. You can use the text area to restore data from a file.

This messages appears when the user tries to restore data from an empty local storage. Please check cookies and cache settings.

Fatal error: malformed JSON. Please paste the output of a previously saved form.
Invalid JSON, I need listComments, listBad and listBof
Unknown comment field xxxxxxxx_comment - aborting.
Unknown bad field xxxxxxxxx - aborting.
Unknown undef field xxxxxxxx - aborting.
Unknown '?' field xxxxxxxxx - aborting.

Incorrect data have been entered into the textarea and the user has clicked "Restore all (from the above textarea)". If they seems to be correct, please contact the webmaster.

Local storage contains only empty data (all are Good with no comments). Are you sure do you want to restore them ?

Continuing the restoration will clear the validation form.

Error while storing local data

Problem with the browser. Please contact the webmaster.

Your browser does not support local storage, or you have desactived it
Your browser does not support local storage, or you have desactived it. You could try with the textarea.

Please check cookies parameters. Otherwise, update your browser or work with files.

Please paste previously saved data into textarea

The user has to fill the textarea with the content of a previously saved file before clicking "Restore all (from the above text area)".

Missing term xxxx
Missing comment for xxxx

If one of these messages appears when submitting the form, please contact the webmaster. It is probably a server misconfiguration related to php 5.3.9 (max_input_vars)


Wiki: webmaster guide