

Christoph Schwarz

Mission Statement

This project aims at making the Valgrind tool suite available on Microsoft Windows. The project founder believes that is it technically possible to run Valgrind natively on Windows, and that a coordinated, collaborative effort by open source developers will eventually deliver a stable and production-ready release.

The project targets current x86-based 32 bit and 64 bit Windows versions that are NT kernel-based (Windows XP and newer). Valgrind needs to support 3 environments on those platforms:

  • WIN32 : 32 bit applications running on a 32 bit Windows
  • WOW64 : 32 bit applications running in a 32 bit compatibility subsystem on a 64 bit Windows
  • WIN64 : 64 bit applications running on a 64 bit Windows

Help wanted

We are looking for developers. See the Tracker for the list of current tasks. Check out the following documentation to learn more about the project. Feel free to download and try out the source code. If interested, get in touch using the valgrind4win-developers mailing list.



Wiki: AspaceManager
Wiki: CallbacksFromSystemCalls
Wiki: CommitPolicy
Wiki: CreatedAndModifiedFiles
Wiki: DebuggingAndTesting
Wiki: DevelopmentEnvironment
Wiki: DevelopmentOverview
Wiki: InitialConcepts
Wiki: InstallationPackages
Wiki: ProjectStatus
Wiki: StructuredExceptionHandling
Wiki: SystemCalls
Wiki: ThreadManagement
Wiki: UpstreamSynchronization
Wiki: UsefulLinks
Wiki: VexChanges