

  • Peter Drahos

    Peter Drahos - 2002-08-29

    This is the the first time I am trying to install vadmin and somewhere in the process I got lost. When I run it reports that user is part of admin, but when I check admins file under appropriate domain the file size is 0.
    When I login into SQ mail I don't get the admin link....
    What can I do to fix this, rerun, etc..

    • Paul Lesniewski

      Paul Lesniewski - 2003-05-03

      The file you want to look for for elvises is not under the domain, instead, look in the /cross-admins directory for a file with the user's name, inside of which should be just the word elvis.

      If you confirm it is there, then you might want to double check that the username matches what you are logging in as, and turn on php errors to see if there are any php problems.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

    • Paul Lesniewski

      Paul Lesniewski - 2005-07-16

      Not sure.  You should post to the SquirrelMail plugins mailing list, which is more closely monitored or contact Konstantin directly.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      i installed vadmin plugin in squirrelmail & i followed the installation procedure but whenever i log in  SQ mail   I don't get the admin link  under options menu

    • Paul Lesniewski

      Paul Lesniewski - 2006-06-26

      You need to provide more info about your system and all your configuration settings and what version of the code you are using.  Post to SquirrelMail plugins mailing list for more timely help.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I've installed squirrel mail on a slack 10.2 Apache 2.2.3 with PhP 5.1.6 and everything is running fine I have qmailadmin for defining virtual domains but I can't connect it with squirrelmail using the vadmin plugin and like it's written above I cannot find the two patches ( I wrote to the sqplugins mailing list , and I got no answer! ), but I've contibnued without them and the plugin is not vorking. I've checked the logs and at first I got
      14:23:22> dbastor_check_db: no such file, '/var/lib/vadmin/"mydomain".db'

      then I touched the file "mydomain".db

      and the following error was in the logs :

      dbastor_get_dbfile: dbfile for '"mydomain"' is '/var/lib/vadmin/"mydomain".db'
      18:25:29> dbastor_get: flavor is dbm
      18:25:29> dbastor_get: key 'prefs' (KTclOzEnOTszKj82MXRgaGp8) not
      found, or dbopen failed!
      18:25:29> dbastor_get_prefs: putting prefs into session
      18:25:29> vadmin_putvar: Received putvar request of type 'SESSION'
      18:25:29> vadmin_putvar: varname: 'prefs', varvalue: ''
      18:25:29> dbastor_get_prefs: size of prefs is: 1
      18:25:29> vadmin_get_pref: prefval is ''

      and in the vadmin-debug.txt.admin file I got:

      18:09:24> vadmin_get_user_unamedomain: analyzing 'admin'
      18:09:24> vadmin_get_user_unamedomain: Couldn't grok what the hell 'admin' is!
      18:09:24> vadmin_get_user_unamedomain: analyzing 'admin'
      18:09:24> vadmin_get_user_unamedomain: Couldn't grok what the hell 'admin' is!
      18:09:24> vadmin_getdomain: returning

      and the file stays unchanged
      can you somehow help me with this problem ??


    • Paul Lesniewski

      Paul Lesniewski - 2008-01-16

      Sorry, but it should be obvious by seeing how long it's taken to respond that the SquirrelMail plugins mailing list will be much more helpful, even if you have to ask twice.  Please update to the latest CVS code, as it has changed since you posted your last request for help, and if it still does not work, post on the SM plugins mailing list.


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