
Ultimate Webshots Converter / News: Recent posts

New developer for a mac version

I am pleased to welcome today Yuriy Gorvitovskiy, which joins the UWC project to develop a mac version. It was the only major OS on which UWC was not available.

Posted by Herve BRY 2010-05-26

Time goes by...

I started UWC back in 2002, when I was in High School. For years, it has been my main project and has entertained me a lot. I spent hours, even days, in front of an Hex Editor to understand how the Webshots files were made, and improve my program. As more and more people downloaded it, they suggested new features, which I took a lot of pleasure to implement and receive feedback on. For two years now, the program has been quite mature, and there has been only a few bugs to fix. Now I am working full time, and do not have time and motivation anymore to work on UWC. This does not mean it is the end for UWC (this website will stay online till the Internet dies ;)) but I wont make any update nor bugfix.... read more

Posted by Herve BRY 2010-05-25

Swedish translation

Setup for UWC 1.6.6 has been updated to include Swedish language, thanks to Mikael Hiort af Ornäs.

Posted by Herve BRY 2008-09-05