
Underworld 2 Revival / News: Recent posts

The end of 7 dry years

It really has been almost 7 years since last worked on underworld 2. Boy, time really flies.

Well I am back and I have been quite busy on this project lately. I am taking a different approach to the project this time: While I was focused on the visuals 7 years ago I have been working on everything else lately.
Conversations, Automapping, etc

By now, you'll probably be thinking "Booooring! Where's the release?"... read more

Posted by Fabian Pache 2009-03-04

Work in Progress

This month there will be no update to the packages.

There are two reasons for it. On the one hand I'm stuck (as in not motivated) in the import of 3D models. I haven't yet decided on the format of the 3D models which is what holds me back most. It's not for a lack of models (there is ample supply on the net) , but the bigger 3D modelling programs use formats which are none too readable. I'll get over this somehow. Suggestions welcome.... read more

Posted by Fabian Pache 2002-12-12

Looking for User Interface design

For some time I've been wondering about the kind of user interface I want to achieve.
The original interface is unsatifactory so I definitely need a new one.
The best could come up with would be context sensitive dropdown menues depending on what is selected. Challenging but I think very efficient. Could be just a touch to High-Tech for the game feeling.

I'd very much apreciate your input on how you'd want the game controlled. Just open a new thread in open discussion with your proposal so we can discuss it.

Posted by Fabian Pache 2002-11-12

Objections - B 021111 released

This time the changes are for the eye as well as for the heart.
Your eyes may marvel at the beautifully, near to perfectly textured levels.
And your heart may rejoice since I fixed a floating memory leak (every frame a buffer was not correctly deleted)

Next release will have the complete physics in place, but will look only slightly better... Well partly the look is up to you. Since I want to replace all bitmaped items and critters with 3D models I could use some help here. Send me an email if you want to model for Underworld 2 Revival. Since I have only so much time the models will only grow gradually otherwise.... read more

Posted by Fabian Pache 2002-11-11

I ain't dead - release

Though I haven't made much progress, rest assured that this project is not dead.
As soon as my hardware problems (one of my monitors passed away with a flash of light) and software conflict (can't code and play Mario Sunshine at the same time) are resolved thing should speed up again.

New for this time are some nice Gamma correction, and the possiblity to take screenshots.

Not what you have been waiting for, but something at least.

Posted by Fabian Pache 2002-10-20

Underworld 2 Revival - First release

As promised here comes the first release of Underworld 2 Revival.
You can load and view any level of your choice.
Clipping keeps you inside the level, if you choose to have it. Release notes and description.txt contain more information.

A note on the version code: A 020928
The letter describes the progress of project. And it will take some time to advance in them.
That cryptic number is simply the date when it was released in the format YYMMDD. So sorting the files always gives you the latest release at one end of the list.

Posted by Fabian Pache 2002-09-28

Light of Day

Finally this Project has come to life. And my first official action must be to thank the other projects which made this possible.

First and most important The System Shock Hack Project (, without which my work would simply be impossible.
And second the Underworld Adventures(, which made life easier in many places

For those just yearning for the first release: I beg your patience. The package has to be wrapped before it's shipped. And before wrapping and shipping comes the legal mumbo-jumbo that publicising a project brings along. But if lightning doesn't strike me down, it should happen this weekend.
So long...

Posted by Fabian Pache 2002-09-28