Activity for UTX Converter

  • kaki kaki modified a wiki page


  • UTX Converter UTX Converter released /

  • kaki kaki committed [f4b0cf]

    update doxygen to

  • kaki kaki committed [55c364]

    modify linux build script

  • kaki kaki committed [01b779]

    modify test script

  • kaki kaki committed [624341]

    modify linux build script

  • kaki kaki committed [ab71b0]

    remove generated file

  • kaki kaki committed [5c3f31]

    add satellite dll projects (English and Japanese)

  • kaki kaki committed [34e049]

    modify .gitattribute file to handle UTF1R *.rc ...

  • kaki kaki committed [d85df0]

    Automatically embed version number and copyrigh...

  • kaki kaki committed [9070a4]

    Display tooltip to the header of file list when...

  • kaki kaki committed [1857fe]

    change column widths of the file list

  • kaki kaki committed [582f78]

    modify English resource string.

  • kaki kaki committed [d1e8f2]

    add manuals

  • kaki kaki committed [2ed02e]

    change column widths of the file list

  • kaki kaki committed [5a0d12]

    use to define version number only ...

  • kaki kaki committed [c119b3]

    modify comment

  • kaki kaki committed [edf8f5]

    modify build script to include satellite dll

  • kaki kaki committed [4a68d4]

    modify Japanese resource

  • kaki kaki committed [b55261]

    modify resource string

  • kaki kaki committed [56f64d]

    add native check result

  • kaki kaki committed [0bccc9]

    erase previous number of read/write/error befor...

  • kaki kaki committed [c2558c]

    Add file types of ATLAS/Transer/TheHonyaku to "...

  • kaki kaki committed [3c775d]

    add a tool to do native check of resource strings

  • kaki kaki committed [f822b4]

    Add file types of ATLAS/Transer/TheHonyaku to "...

  • kaki kaki committed [514088]

    Modify file name of satellite dll and let it be...

  • kaki kaki committed [75f787]

    - Fix typo "writtern" to "written"

  • kaki kaki committed [6402f1]

    convert encoding of the resource files from ANS...

  • kaki kaki committed [886fde]

    Automatically embed version number and copyrigh...

  • kaki kaki modified a wiki page


  • kaki kaki created a wiki page


  • UTX Converter UTX Converter released /

  • kaki kaki committed [eda10f]

    add "Replace forbidden term with approved one" ...

  • kaki kaki committed [02de75]

    refactoring (C++11)

  • kaki kaki committed [588ded]

    add "Replace non-standard term with approved on...

  • kaki kaki committed [2a24bf]

    auto-format source files

  • kaki kaki committed [59fad7]

    change "UtxConverter" to "UTX Converter"

  • kaki kaki committed [290659]

    modify "The Honnyaku" to "The Honyaku"

  • kaki kaki committed [742e10]

    add replace function

  • kaki kaki committed [aaa3f9]

    add checking date format of utx file

  • kaki kaki committed [060250]

    modify output doesn't include forbidden entry

  • kaki kaki committed [6297fc]


  • kaki kaki committed [04768a]

    modify tests

  • kaki kaki committed [f3556e]

    add file writer for ATLAS

  • kaki kaki committed [1dcd25]

    add "ぷ" to "五段活用"

  • kaki kaki committed [27e4a7]

    add "noun/adjective" and "adjective/noun" patterns

  • kaki kaki committed [70b449]

    remove unwanted file

  • kaki kaki committed [21b20e]

    add support for 「~ずる」 as 「サ変」

  • kaki kaki committed [ab4b14]


  • kaki kaki committed [6af72b]

    modify utxconv help

  • kaki kaki committed [e26a17]

    add test data

  • kaki kaki committed [5a204a]

    add file writer for Transer

  • kaki kaki committed [1617c6]

    remove "noun/properNoun" and "properNoun/noun" ...

  • kaki kaki committed [aeb705]

    modify language definition of transer_je

  • kaki kaki committed [c5c125]

    add UTX_ERR_LANG_INCOMPATIBLE to error table

  • kaki kaki committed [0fc856]

    - Add "convert UTX to ATLAS EJ/JE" command (Not...

  • kaki kaki committed [458f65]

    fix trim function bug

  • kaki kaki committed [323ecc]

    add str_half_to_full_width function

  • kaki kaki committed [544f08]

    modify Shift_JIS conversion on linux

  • kaki kaki committed [c7ea86]

    change utxconv log message

  • kaki kaki committed [53a7c0]

    change the conversion rule of The Honyaku

  • kaki kaki committed [656904]


  • kaki kaki committed [dbb2cd]

    modify 下一段/上一段 rule

  • kaki kaki committed [dcd9ed]

    trim field data

  • kaki kaki committed [510029]

    escape headword/translation and modify conversi...

  • kaki kaki committed [1fa800]

    add UTF-8 BOM

  • kaki kaki committed [2251e5]

    read tgt:pos field

  • kaki kaki committed [2af140]


  • kaki kaki committed [34cdee]

    add "Replace non-standard term with approved on...

  • kaki kaki committed [dda766]

    remove unwanted files

  • kaki kaki committed [6ea30b]

    refactoring (C++11)

  • kaki kaki committed [91d286]

    Remove the drop target frame and accept drop fi...

  • kaki kaki committed [38b8da]

    add file writer for The Honyaku

  • kaki kaki committed [9eb9f4]

    add checking language compatibility for conversion

  • kaki kaki committed [fd4ec1]

    change field separator to tab for atlas ej/je

  • kaki kaki committed [4d487f]

    modify TranserJE file extension

  • kaki kaki committed [819573]

    modify reverse entry creation

  • kaki kaki committed [6d73d9]

    change version to

  • kaki kaki committed [da86e1]

    support properties

  • kaki kaki committed [e6d734]

    add null pointer check

  • kaki kaki committed [6d60ec]

    support properNoun of ATLAS

  • kaki kaki committed [68542a]

    add explanation about conversion of ATLAS/TheHo...

  • kaki kaki committed [b43a13]

    unify string and number property

  • kaki kaki committed [26abc6]

    modify variable declaration

  • kaki kaki committed [78aadc]

    modify comment

  • kaki kaki committed [9ef24a]


  • kaki kaki committed [9f52f7]

    modify The Honyaku EJ's inflection detection (g...

  • kaki kaki committed [15bbfe]

    - Add number of read/writtern entries column to...

  • kaki kaki committed [50dd77]

    modify writeEntry parameter

  • kaki kaki committed [ca132f]

    modify for atlas -> utx/multiterm_text conversion

  • kaki kaki committed [ac4c04]

    modify a comment

  • kaki kaki committed [0df087]

    check if input file and output file are the sam...

  • kaki kaki committed [7ce9d5]


  • kaki kaki committed [af4527]

    add file writer of The Honyaku and test files

  • kaki kaki committed [e7f5aa]

    support translation's part of speech of The Hon...

  • kaki kaki committed [c1958e]

    change "int64_t" to "long long"

  • kaki kaki committed [bb3439]

    modify validation function to accept file type

  • kaki kaki committed [0dd657]

    add file writer of UTX

  • kaki kaki committed [34983a]

    replace isdigit with iswdigit

  • kaki kaki committed [7b5cbb]

    remove unused variable

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