
What is UTQA plugin for?


The UTQA plugin was created out of an analysis which I carried out in the few companies that I have worked for, and the analysis was about how coverage was insufficient to verify that Unit Tests were properly written.

Writing Unit tests is by all means one of the most important activities that developers should have mastered, but numerous reviews actually showed the contrary.

Proper Unit Tests actually
give confidence that there is a slighter chance that regression will occur for any code changes
provide a documentation for future developers to understand the functionality

Quality vs Budget Graph

So if these are incorrect, the company has a problem. They are paying for quality but actually not getting it and the Coverage stats will actually tell them the contrary. At some point they will realize that they would be spending a lot more than expected on budget due to regression and blame it on unit tests. 'Why not stop Unit testing since its useless', would budget owners be tempted to say.

Anyway, long story short, there needs to be an additional validation being carried out on Unit Testing than just relying on Coverage.

And this tool will provide this validation. Developers not yet comfortable with Unit Testing can use it as a guide and Leads/Managers can also use it to verify that their budget is being spent well.


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